From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Is democracy incompatible with international economic stability?

- David Leblang
- Is democracy possible? , pp 155-180

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- Is Development Evaluation Relevant to the European Project?

- Robert Picciotto
- Is distance dead! High-tech clusters, analysis and policy perspectives

- Marco Di Tommaso, Daniele Paci, Lauretta Rubini and Stuart O. Schweitzer
- Is East Asia a “Natural Trade Bloc”? The Trade Complementarity Index, the Intensity Index, and the Bias Index

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- Is Economics an Evolutionary Science? , pp 114-124

- Frank Hahn
- Is European Football’s Future to Become a Boring Game?

- Wladimir Andreff and Gaël Raballand
- Is everything already a market? , pp 155-178

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- Is Expropriation Ripe for Codification? The Example of the Non-Discrimination Requirement for Lawful Expropriations

- August Reinisch
- Is Financial Innovation Still a Relevant Issue?

- Luisa Anderloni and Paola Bongini
- Is flexibility and autonomy a myth or reality on taxi platforms? Comparison between traditional and app-based taxi drivers in developing countries , pp 167-192

- Uma Rani, Nora Gobel and Rishabh Kumar Dhir
- Is foreign exchange intervention effective? The Japanese experiences in the 1990s

- Takatoshi Ito
- Is France converging or not? The role of industrial relations , pp 101-138

- Pierre Courtioux and Christine Erhel
- Is government intervention in the banking sector justified? - irrelevant arguments , pp 49-71

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- Is Growth Alone Sufficient to Reduce Poverty? In Search of the Trickle Down Effect in Rural India

- Santonu Basu and Sushanta Mallick
- Is growth pro-poor or pro-rich? The role of national pro-poor targeted programmes in Vietnam , pp 392-407

- Phuc Van Phan and Martin O’Brien
- Is Growth Theory a Real Subject?

- Franklin M. Fisher
- Is housing still the business cycle? Perhaps not , pp 269-283

- Richard K. Green
- Is Hungary still in search of its middle class? , pp 279-322

- István Tóth
- Is inequality a problem we can solve? , pp 166-200

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- Is international criminal law an appropriate mechanism to deal with organised crime in a global society? , pp 50-68

- Héctor Olásolo
- Is it ethical to teach economics without ecological economics in the context of a climate emergency? , pp 48-67

- Jamie Morgan
- Is it ethical to teach pluralist economics curricula, particularly in the Global South? , pp 90-112

- Michelle Meixieira Groenewald
- Is it Just about Love? Factors that Influence Marriage

- Joseph Price
- Is it necessary to have Islamic economics? , pp 19-40

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- Is it rational to be in love? , pp 205-232

- Paul Frijters and Gigi Foster
- Is it the right time in your career to undertake the work? , pp 215-216

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- Is it the ‘Same’? Observing the Regeneration of Organizational Character at Camp Poplar Grove

- Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Michael D. Cohen and Susannah V. Hoch
- Is Japanese Foreign Direct Investment Fostering Production Networks in Mexico?

- Melba Falck Reyes
- Is Korea’s monetary policy following in the footsteps of Japan? , pp 202-231

- Dongchul Cho
- Is Latin America’s recent inequality decline permanent or temporary? , pp 98-120

- Giovanni Cornia
- Is leapfrogging-style reform possible in North Korea? , pp 146-164

- Byung-Yeon Kim and I.S. Yee
- Is Lending in Central and Eastern Europe Developing Too Fast?

- Frédéric Boissay, Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez and Tomasz Kozluk
- Is life a see-saw? Zero-sum thinking and moderation , pp 58-106

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- Is maritime transport an urban network? The interplay between global container flows and urban hierarchies , pp 449-471

- César Ducruet
- Is Monetary Stability Possible in Latin America?

- Michael Connolly
- Is Nanjing's Concentration of IT Companies an Innovative Cluster? , pp 173-193

- Meine Pieter van Dijk
- Is New Keynesian Investment Theory Really “Keynesian†?: Reflections on Fazzari and Variato , pp 175-195

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- Is Overt Monetary Financing a viable option in the post-pandemic era? , pp 386-398

- Martin Watts
- Is population really a problem? , pp 124-130

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- Is productive entrepreneurship getting scarcer? A reflection on the contemporary relevance of Baumol’s typology of entrepreneurship , pp 18-44

- Maria Minniti, Wim Naudé and Erik Stam
- Is protection of data through data exclusivity, technological protection measures or rights management information actually intellectual property? , pp 169-192

- Margaret Ann Wilkinson
- Is Puerto Limon a Real Lemon? Port Inefficiency and its Impact

- Paul Kent and Alan Fox
- Is Regulatory Capitalism a Good Thing?

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- Is rehabilitation following an acute hospital stay productive? Evidence from elderly patients in the United States , pp 85-110

- Frank A. Sloan, Donald H. Taylor, Gabriel A. Picone and R. Mark Wilson
- Is Social Evolution Lamarckian or Darwinian?

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Is social infrastructure punching below its weight in the debate on social mobility? , pp 144-158

- Mathieu P.A. Steijn
- Is socially responsible investing (SRI) in stocks a competitive capital investment? A review of the literature and a comparative analysis based on the performance of sustainable stocks , pp 216-233

- Ann-Kathrin Blankenberg and Jonas F.A. Gottschalk
- Is Sport Special?

- Erika Szyszczak
- Is Sydney a 30-minute city? Big data analytics assisting to bring political rhetoric into practice , pp 169-188

- Simone Leao, Mohammad Hassan, Taha Rashidi and Chris Pettit
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