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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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From environmental ethics to environmental public philosophy: ethicists and economists, 1973-future , pp 373-408 Downloads
Bryan Norton and Ben A. Minteer
From Exit to Excellence: Turning Old Industry Regions into Knowledge Regions through Triple Helix Processes Downloads
Martina Fromhold-Eisebith
From fascination to revelation: my research journey with older MastersVeteran athletes , pp 244-259 Downloads
Rylee A. Dionigi
From FDI to the MNE: Hymer and the roots of ownership advantage , pp 13-25 Downloads
From Feminist Empiricism to Feminist Poststructuralism: Philosophical Questions in Feminist Economics Downloads
Drucilla K. Barker
From financial development to financialisation , pp 72-98 Downloads
From financial education to economic education for citizenship , pp 48-59 Downloads
Anna Emilia Berti
From Foundational Critique to Fictitious Players: The Curious Odyssey of Oskar Morgenstern Downloads
Robert Leonard
From G8 to G20: A Shift of the Dynamics of Global Economic Governance? Downloads
Hong Yousheng and Fang Qing
From GDP to the GPI: quantifying thirty-five years of development in China , pp 228-259 Downloads
Zonggou Wen, Yan Yang and Philip Lawn
From geographical restrictions to the importation of natural gas to the EU: between prohibitions of territorial clauses and security of supply exceptions , pp 55-71 Downloads
Nuno Cunha Rodrigues
From German Rules to European Discretion: Policy’s Slippery Slope Downloads
Malte Tobias Kähler
From global production networks to global disassembly networks and back again , pp 166-189 Downloads
From governance to performance in Asia-Pacific , pp 131-143 Downloads
Clay G. Wescott
From growth to sustainability , pp 1-14 Downloads
Brett Dolter and Peter A. Victor
From growth to sustainability: cultural transition beyond consumerist lifestyles , pp 420-438 Downloads
Halina Szejnwald Brown and Philip J. Vergragt
From guinea pigs to agents: the potential of participatory action research in union revitalisation and worker participation studies , pp 47-69 Downloads
Pedro Chaves and Sara Lafuente
From GVCs to GPNS, i4.0, and beyond , pp 48-73 Downloads
From hard to soft power , pp 153-170 Downloads
From Hole in the Wall to school in the cloud , pp 368-376 Downloads
Sugata Mitra
From Human Insulin to Oncomice: Patterns of Innovation in Industrialised Countries Downloads
From Imperialism to Inspiration: A Survey of Economics and Psychology Downloads
Bruno Frey and Matthias Benz
From industrialization to innovation: building the Peruvian National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, 1968–2015 , pp 15-48 Downloads
Miklos Lukacs de Pereny
From Industry 4.0 to Democracy 5.0 , pp 383-401 Downloads
David F. J. Campbell and Elias G. Carayannis
From innovation projects to knowledge networks: knowledge as contingency in the sectoral organization of innovation Downloads
Fernando Perini
From innovation spaces to digital innovation labs: a conceptual framework for spaces to foster innovation , pp 294-306 Downloads
Dominik Hoerauf, Ferran Giones, Tiantian Li, Kari Kleine and Alexander Brem
From innovation to internationalisation: the product cycle model , pp 26-35 Downloads
From institutional fixation to entrepreneurial mobility? The German third sector and its contemporary challenges Downloads
Ingo Bode and Adalbert Evers
From institutionalism to court politics and all points between: the theoretical context of executive government , pp 89-108 Downloads
R. A. W. Rhodes
From intellectual property to intellectual capitalism , pp 1-16 Downloads
From inter-organizational collaborations to innovation ecosystems: a knowledge-based view , pp 175-193 Downloads
Kevin De Moortel and Thomas Crispeels
From international standard to national practice: the role of national disability institutions in making the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities a reality in South and Central America , pp 234-250 Downloads
Renata Anahí Bregaglio Lazarte, Paula Lucía Camino Morgado and Renato Antonio Constantino Caycho
From intra-organizational to inter-organizational leadership , pp 171-187 Downloads
From IP to IPO - IP rights from the investors perspective , pp 235-262 Downloads
Daniel Brüggemann
From Islamic theology to Islamic economics , pp 72-84 Downloads
From isolation to transformation with C2 , pp 95-113 Downloads
Hazel Stuteley and Dr Jonathan Stead
From just cause to just notice in reforming employment termination law , pp 296-329 Downloads
Rachel Arnow-Richman
From key professionals to employees - are academics all together now? , pp 375-387 Downloads
Teresa Carvalho
From Keynes to Domar and Harrod: considering the capacity effect of investment and an attempt at dynamic theory , pp 23-49 Downloads
From land to table: a sustainable chain towards collaborative consumption , pp 168-184 Downloads
Angelo Ranieri, Marco Tregua and Irene Di Bernardo
From market and systemic failures to an integrative approach for ServPPINs , pp 411-433 Downloads
Bernhard Dachs, Oscar Montes Pineda, Iris Wanzenböck and Jorge Gallego
From Marshallian to Italian 'industrial districts': a brief critical reconstruction , pp 67-87 Downloads
From Marx to the Frankfurt School: discourse, ideology, and critical theory , pp 50-65 Downloads
Chad Kautzer
From MDGs to SDGs: critical reflections on global targets and their measurement , pp 32-50 Downloads
Jan Vandemoortele
From measurement to application: wellbeing indicators in socio-ecological systems , pp 167-178 Downloads
Kati Gallagher, Michael Moser, Mairi-Jane V. Fox and Jane Kolodinsky
From media politics to networked politics: the Internet and the political process Downloads
Araba Sey and Manuel Castells
From micro to macro: the concept of emergence and the role of institutions , pp 103-126 Downloads
Geoffrey Hodgson
From micro-level gender relations to the macro economy and back again , pp 325-344 Downloads
Stephanie Seguino
From Military Aircraft to Business Jets in France: The Case of the Dassault Mystère-Falcon 20 , pp 67-96 Downloads
From Military to Regional Aircraft in Sweden: The Case of the Saab 340 , pp 97-130 Downloads
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