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- Cooperation and Competition Between Cities: Urban Development Strategies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen

- Jianfa Shen
- Cooperation and Competition in Public Welfare Policies , pp 309-323

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- Cooperation and Knowledge-pooling in Clusters: Designing Territorial Competitiveness Policies , pp 303-324

- Fabrizio Barca
- Cooperation and leadership in academia: the roles of non-academics , pp 147-160

- John Rogers and Eileen Schofield
- Cooperation and the Organization of Industry , pp 246-259

- Joël Thomas Ravix
- Cooperation and Time Discounting , pp 1-25

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- Cooperation and Trust in Spatially Clustered Firms , pp 141-161

- Jean-Claude Dupuy and Andre Torre
- Cooperation Between Competing Jurisdictions

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- Cooperation in multilateral PDs: self-selected vs pre-defined groups , pp 279-296

- Viktor J. Vanberg
- Cooperation in public-goods experiments: kindness or confusion?

- R. Isaac, James Walker and Arlington W. Williams
- Cooperation in the social domain: prisoners’ dilemma and social interactions , pp 194-223

- Evgeniya Lukinova, Wesley Wilson and Mikhail Myagkov
- Cooperation, conflict, and the social organization of human activity , pp 37-58

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- Cooperation, creativity and closure in scientific research networks: modelling the dynamics of epistemic communities

- Paul David
- Cooperation, Reciprocity and Self-esteem: A Theoretical Approach

- Marcello Basili and Maurizio Franzini
- Cooperative arrangements to develop economies of scope , pp 130-150

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- Cooperative banking , pp i-ii

- Panu Kalmi
- Cooperative business structures: access to capital via equity and credit , pp 100-114

- Christopher J. Kopka
- Cooperative enforcement , pp 48-70

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- Cooperative enterprise , pp 85-93

- Derek Jones and Panu Kalmi
- Cooperative entrepreneurship , pp 94-107

- Stefano Zamagni
- Cooperative Networks and Clustering of High-Technology SMEs: The Case of Brisbane Technology Park

- Kavoos Mohannak and Robyn Keast
- Cooperative Persistent Surveillance Search Algorithms using Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles , pp 279-290

- Daniel J. Pack and George W. P. York
- Cooperative procurement: market transformation for energy-efficient products

- Katrin Ostertag and Carsten Dreher
- Cooperative R&D , pp 99-112

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- Cooperative Stabilization and Tracking for Linear Dynamic Systems , pp 343-354

- Yi Guo
- Cooperatives and happiness: cross-country evidence on the role of relational capital , pp 243-278

- Luigino Bruni, Dalila De Rosa and Giovanni Ferri
- Coopetition: the role of IPRs , pp 15-22

- Gustavo Ghidini and Andrea Stazi
- Coordinate to Collaborate: The Governance Challenges for European International S&T Policy

- Jakob Edler
- Coordinated versus non-coordinated European energy/carbon tax solutions analysed with GEM-E3 linking the EU-12 countries , pp 105-130

- Pantelis Capros, Panayiotis Georgakopoulos, Stavros Zografakis, Denise Van Regemorter and Stef Proost
- Coordinating Diversities for Prospering DiverCities

- Dafne C. Reymen
- Coordinating Expectations in Monetary Policy

- Stephen Morris and Hyun Song Shin
- Coordinating Transnational Competition: Changing Patterns in the European Pulp and Paper Industry

- Kari Lilja and Eli Moen
- Coordination , pp 62-77

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- Coordination between Inertia and Dynamic Development: An Overview of Issues and Contributions

- Werner Pascha, Cornelia Storz and Markus Taube
- Coordination Failures and the Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Least Developed Countries

- Brian Portelli
- Coordination games: Escaping the straitjacket , pp 152-160

- Christos Ioannou
- Coordination of Individual Economic Activities as an Evolving Process of Self-Organization , pp 62-88

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- Coordination routines: economic policy regimes , pp 61-69

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- Coordination routines: governance , pp 70-81

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- Coordination, technical progress and economic growth , pp 149-168

- Simon K. Kuipers and Gerard Kuper
- Copenhagen and Beyond: Reflections on China’s Stance and

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- Copernicus: Essay on the Coinage of Money (1526) , pp 96-102

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- Coping Collectively with the Exploration–Exploitation Trade-off in Research Consortia: The Case of Advanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles

- Philippe Larrue
- Coping with Co-management: a Framework for Analysing the Co-operation between State and Farmers' Organisations in Protected Area Management , pp 46-66

- Regina Birner, Britta Jell and Heidi Wittmer
- Coping with Covid: fiscal, monetary, labour market, welfare and environmental policy responses , pp 156-165

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- Coping with Covid: public health responses - the trade-off that didn't exist , pp 139-155

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- Coping with the "pains of imprisonment": the interaction of institutional conditions and individual experiences on inmate mental health , pp 348-365

- Timothy G. Edgemon
- Coping with the unintended consequences of institutional work , pp 377-408

- Mikołaj Pawlak and Adriana Mica
- Copper, cobalt, silver and arsenic , pp 51-68

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- Coproducing resilience through understanding vulnerability , pp 78-95

- Vivek Shandas, Anandi van Diepen, Jackson Voelkel and Meenakshi Rao
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