From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Securing energy supply: strategic reserves , pp 117-132

- Elspeth Thomson and Augustin Boey
- Securing raw materials , pp 285-321

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- Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) , pp 275-282

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- Securities Litigation and Innovation

- Richard A. Booth
- Securities markets regulation , pp 103-118

- Lauren Yu-Hsin Lin
- Securities transaction tax in Europe: first impact assessments , pp 107-126

- Gunther Capelle-Blancard
- Securitisation Regulation , pp 283-291

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- Securitising rare earth minerals , pp 167-188

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- Securitization , pp i-ii

- Sanjay Krishnan
- Securitization , pp 46-50

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- Securitization and Micro-credit Backed Securities (MCBS)

- Ray Rahman and Saif Shah Mohammed
- Securitization in Islam

- Mohammed Obaidullah
- Securitization Issues and Islamic Financial Products with Reference to Sukuk

- Michael T. Skully
- Securitized Products, Financial Regulation and Systemic Risk

- Mariko Fujii
- Security and air transportation , pp 104-121

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- Security and Development: Delving Deeper into the Nexus

- George Mavrotas
- Security and Development: Some Reflections

- A. Spence
- Security and terrorism , pp 103-125

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- Security as infrastructure: controlling the rhythms and spacetimes of the city , pp 134-146

- Damien Carrière and Priyam Tripathy
- Security governance in regional and global governance – Japan and the EU , pp 178-200

- Michael Reiterer
- Security implications of conflicts, crises, and disasters in the international energy industry: legal and policy considerations , pp 229-251

- Tade Oyewunmi
- Security in project finance and PPP and the implications for secured transactions law: “Security is a shield, not a sword” , pp 235-254

- Jan-Hendrik Röver
- Security Interests, Creditors’ Priorities, and Bankruptcy

- James W. Bowers
- Security of Supply in Large Hydropower Systems: The Brazilian Case

- Luciano Losekann, Adilson de Oliveira and Getúlio Borges da Silveira
- Security policy, Russia, and the High North , pp 38-54

- Ingeborg Nortvedt Bjur, Karen-Anna Eggen and Paal Sigurd Hilde
- Security, privacy and compliance , pp 98-124

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- Seeding the green recovery: an assessment of the roles of UK government venture capital funds , pp 134-154

- Robyn Owen
- Seeing and knowing others: the impact of social ties on economic interactions , pp 479-491

- Astrid Hopfensitz
- Seeing and unseeing war in Afghanistan: War, trauma and contestation of the human rights frame , pp 121-140

- Henry Redwood and Hannah Partis-Jennings
- Seeing like an urban service operator: making urban circulations of matter and energy legible in the digital age , pp 340-352

- Morgan Mouton
- Seek out support , pp 48-60

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- Seekers and providers: medicalization of circumstantial sadness and fear , pp 20-33

- Sigita Doblytė
- Seeking Competition and Supply Security in Natural Gas: The US Experience and European Challenge

- Jeff Makholm
- Seeking intersectionality in feminist governance , pp 88-99

- Erica Townsend-Bell
- Seeking more planet-friendly proteins: edible insects and the future , pp 123-135

- Jennifer Ferreira, Pattanapong Tiwasing, David Bek, Sirithon Siriamornpun, Natthida Weerapreeyakul and Alongklod Tanomtong
- Seers, Dudley (1920-1983)

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- Segmentation and nonlinear pricing in the postal sector , pp 89-107

- Claire Borsenberger, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram and Sébastien Lécou
- Segmenting the Hispanic market: practical implications for researchers and practitioners , pp 146-159

- Enrique P. Becerra
- Segregation with and without discrimination , pp 65-83

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- Segregation: empirical findings , pp 504-530

- Ricardo Mora Villarrubia and Jacques Silber
- Segregation: theoretical approaches , pp 480-503

- Oscar Volij
- Seigniorage or Sovereignty? , pp 84-102

- L. Randall Wray
- Seizure of generic pharmaceuticals in transit based on allegations of patent infringement: A threat to international trade, development and public welfare , pp 131-141

- Frederick M. Abbott
- Seld-organization and complexity

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- Selected methodological problems in innovation econometrics , pp 227-246

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- Selected Statements of the Shadow Open Market Committee , pp 361-408

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- Selecting a date: a matter of regret and compromises , pp 229-242

- Caspar Chorus and John Rose
- Selecting theoretical approaches , pp 454-466

- Sarah A. Birken
- Selection and the Learning Curve

- Paul Geroski and Mariana Mazzucato
- Selection Bias in Observational Data

- Daniel Polsky and Anirban Basu
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