From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Effective Demand and Weak Sustainability: A Macroeconomic Model , pp 119-135

- Carlos Eduardo and Frickmann Young
- Effective Demand, Capacity Utilization and the Sectoral Distribution of Investment , pp 41-61

- Joseph Halevi
- Effective Environmental Strategies for Small Countries in an Interconnected Global Setting

- Pieter Winsemius
- Effective industrial policies and global value chains , pp 110-129

- Patrick Low and Julia Tijaja
- Effective Management of Competition in the FEHBP , pp 101-118

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- Effective remedies in the age of automation: Findings and recommendations , pp 180-201

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- Effective resolution regimes for financial institutions in ASEAN+3 , pp 464-509

- A. Michael Andrews
- Effective systems to end homelessness , pp 406-417

- Eoin O’Sullivan
- Effective Tax Rates and the Minimum Rate , pp 166-193

- Amedeo Rizzo and Pitambar Das
- Effectively Linking International, National and Regional Innovation Systems: Insights from India and Indonesia

- Martina Fromhold-Eisebith
- Effectiveness against counterfeiting: four decades of strategic inquiry , pp 404-431

- Deli Yang and Mahmut (Maho) Sonmez
- Effectiveness and Efficiency: An Assessment of China's Environmental Protection Policy , pp 80-120

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- Effectiveness of anti-corruption agencies in Africa , pp 221-237

- Philippe Lassou and Daniel Neiterman
- Effectiveness of Energy Policies in the Service Sector

- Kornelis Blok, Suzanne Joosen and Mirjam Harmelink
- Effectiveness of government anti-piracy enforcement policy: commitment versus non-commitment , pp 264-284

- Dyuti S. Banerjee
- Effectiveness: threat and corresponding policy response , pp iii-iii

- Ioana Deleanu and Joras Ferwerda
- Effects and explanations of active labour market policy: theoretical and empirical challenges for cross-national research , pp 343-359

- Axel Cronert
- Effects of a Carbon Tax , pp 69-90

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- Effects of a Kilometre Charge on Car Use, Car Ownership and Relocation

- Barry Ubbels, Taede Tillema, Erik Verhoef and Bert van Wee
- Effects of Age Structure on Investment, Saving and Trade

- Thomas Lindh and Bo Malmberg
- Effects of agricultural activities on biodiversity and ecosystems: organic versus conventional farming , pp 77-105

- Tiziano Gomiero
- Effects of CAP reform on the environment in the European Union , pp 73-88

- Floor Brouwer and Siemen van Berkum
- Effects of Carbon Taxes in an Economy with Prior Tax Distortions: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis , pp 249-275

- Lawrence H. Goulder
- Effects of environmental degradation on neighbourhood satisfaction and quality of life , pp 294-307

- Byoung-Suk Kweon and Christopher D. Ellis
- Effects of FDI on Industry Structure: A Host Country Perspective

- Katja Zajc Kejzar
- Effects of firm-level corporate governance and country-level economic governance institutions on R&D curtailment during crisis times , pp 58-85

- Peter-Jan Engelen and Marc van Essen
- Effects of government expenditure for environmental protection on SO2 pollution in China , pp 118-138

- Lei Jiang and Shixiong He
- Effects of government subsidies on investment by small companies , pp 284-296

- Bong Geul Chun and Hanwook Yoo
- Effects of Heterogeneous Expectations

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- Effects of information technology and ageing workforce on labor demand and technological progress in Japanese industries: 1980Â…1998*

- Futoshi Kurokawa, Kazunori Minetaki, Kiyohiko G. Nishimura and Masato Shirai
- Effects of institutions on the integration of end-users’ knowledge in ServPPINs: lessons from two case studies in agro-environmental knowledge-intensive services , pp 303-325

- Pierre Labarthe, Faïz Gallouj and Faridah Djellal
- Effects of national, OECD wide and world-wide energy taxes on the environment and on competitiveness , pp 171-182

- Carl Koopmans
- Effects of office relocations to public transport nodal points on passenger mobility

- Bert Van Wee and Toon Van Der Hoorn
- Effects of organizational innovation , pp 120-126

- Brian P. Cozzarin
- Effects of taxes on economic activity , pp 82-115
- Helen Ladd
- Effects of Technological Networks of Small and Medium-sized Firms on their R&D Activities in Shihwa Industrial Complex, Korea: Toward Industrial Cluster Formation and Regional Integration

- Yoshihiro Kameyama
- Effects of the Dutch compact city policy on travel behaviour

- Kees Maat
- Effects of the Kennedy Round Tariff Concessions on the Exports of Developing Countries , pp 13-21

- Joseph Finger
- Effects of the old-age pension system for active employees on the labor supply of elderly male workers

- Fumio Ohtake and Hisaki Yamaga
- Effects of the Recent Credit Cycle on Homeownership Rates Across Households: What We Know and What We Expect

- Doug Duncan and Cesar Costantino
- Effects of the ‘dissolution’ of cross shareholding and its assessment , pp 53-66

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- Effects of transit oriented development in Denver, Colorado, USA , pp 96-117

- Andrew R. Goetz
- Effects of VAT on financial services , pp 127-155

- Arthur Kerrigan
- Effectual Demand

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- Efficiencies in horizontal mergers: The white whale of EU merger control? , pp 190-215

- Bojana Ignjatovic and Joan de Solà-Morales
- Efficiencies in Merger Analysis: Alchemy in the Age of Empiricism?

- Thomas L. Greaney
- Efficiencies in merger control

- Jrissy Motis, Damien Neven and Paul Seabright
- Efficiencies in Merger Control

- Jrissy Motis, Damien Neven and Paul Seabright
- Efficiency

- Roy E. Cordato
- Efficiency

- Irene van Staveren
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