From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Cost shifting or sample selection: the case study of surgically treated workers' compensation back pain patients , pp 193-212

- Ya-Chen Tina Shih
- Cost structure and resilience , pp 59-72

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- Cost Structure, Economies of Capacity Utilization and Scope in Swiss Higher Education Institutions

- Massimo Filippini and Benedetto Lepori
- Cost-Benefit Analysis , pp 99-116

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- Cost-benefit analysis , pp iii-iii

- Joras Ferwerda
- Cost-Benefit Analysis

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- Cost-Benefit Analysis

- Larry Dwyer
- Cost-Benefit Analysis for Development

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- Cost-benefit analysis, half of a century of controversy in the United States , pp 25-48

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- Cost-centers, profit-centers, and human capital provider autonomy , pp 158-168

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- Cost-effective Strategies to Address Urban Terrorism: A Risk Management Approach

- Richard G. Little
- Cost-effectiveness , pp 47-88

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- Cost-effectiveness and educational efficiency , pp 338-356

- Henry Levin and Clive R. Belfield
- Cost-effectiveness of HIV Antiretroviral Therapies in Resource-limited Settings

- Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Caroline E. Sloan and Kenneth A. Freedberg
- Cost-sharing and income dependent loans , pp 293-310

- Claire Callender
- Costa Rica as pioneer of a green social contract , pp 48-58

- Monica Araya
- Costa Rica: In Defense of the Welfare State , pp 82-128

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- Costantino Bresciani Turroni: the eulogy of monetary stability , pp 1-36

- Piero Bini
- Costing Elements of the Universal Service

- Richard Bradley, Phil Burns and George Houpis
- Costing the Universal Service: Evaluating the Demand Response

- Isabelle Carslake, George Houpis and Christian Strobel
- Costly Information and Decision Making

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- Costly Offers and the Equilibration Properties of the Multiple Unit Double Auction Under Conditions of Unpredictable Shifts of Demand and Supply , pp 405-426

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- Costs and benefits of a common currency for the ASEAN

- Srinivasa Madhur
- Costs and benefits of currency internationalisation: theory and the experience of emerging countries , pp 1-18

- Bianca Orsi, Antonio José Alves Junior and André de Melo Modenesi
- Costs and Benefits of Private and Public Antitrust Enforcement: An American Perspective

- Douglas H. Ginsburg
- Costs and benefits of protected areas: Marsabit Forest Reserve, Northern Kenya , pp 115-158

- Adano Wario Roba and Adano Wario Roba
- Costs and benefits of the energy transition , pp 11-40

- Barbara Breitschopf, Julia Panny and Anne Held
- Costs and Decisions , pp 140-155

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- Costs and Efficiency in Banking: A Survey of the Evidence from the US, the UK and Japan

- Leigh Drake
- Costs of Contracting, Psychology of Entrepreneurship and Capabilities of Firms

- Martti Vihanto
- Costs of Environmentally Motivated Taxes in the Presence of Other Taxes: General Equilibrium Analyses , pp 293-321

- A. Lans Bovenberg and Lawrence H. Goulder
- Costs of Italian economic diplomacy: a comparative perspective , pp 204-219

- Filippo Vergara Caffarelli and Giovanni Veronese
- Costs of production

- Mervi Taalas
- Costs of Production

- Mervi Taalas
- Costs of service , pp 143-154

- Stefano Dominelli
- Costs of the decentralised IT system , pp 255-259

- Elena Alina On_anu
- Costs, Supply and Policy

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- Cost–benefit Analysis of Environmental Policy and Management

- N. Hanley
- Cost–benefit analysis and equity , pp 374-406

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- Cost–Benefit Analysis and EU Cohesion Policy

- Andrea Mairate and Francesco Angelini
- Cost–Benefit Analysis and the Evaluation of the Effects of Corruption on Public Projects

- Robert Brent
- Cost–benefit analysis and the human capital approach , pp 313-339

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- Cost–Benefit Analysis and the Wider Economic Benefits from Mega- Projects

- Roger Vickerman
- Cost–benefit analysis and willingness to pay , pp 340-373

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- Cost–Benefit Analysis Applied to Labour Market Programmes

- Michele Campolieti and Morley Gunderson
- Cost–Benefit Analysis for Health

- Peter Zweifel and Harry Telser
- Cost–Benefit Analysis in Transport: Recent Developments in Rail Project Appraisal in Britain

- Chris Nash and James Laird
- Cost–Benefit Analysis of Drug Abuse Treatment

- William S. Cartwright
- Cost–Benefit Analysis of Economic Globalization

- Clement Tisdell
- Cost–Benefit Analysis of Environmental Projects and the Role of Distributional Weights

- Robert Brent and Booi Themeli
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