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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Introduction: reasons for rethinking multilevel governance , pp 1-13 Downloads
Introduction: recovering a Gramsci for our times , pp 1-29 Downloads
William K. Carroll
Introduction: Redefining and Refining Regulation Downloads
David Coen
Introduction: Regulating finance in Europe: policy effects and political accountability , pp 1-15 Downloads
Adrienne Héritier and Johannes Karremans
Introduction: Regulatory Governance in Developing Countries Downloads
Martin Minogue and Ledivina Cari-o
Introduction: relevance of transnational diaspora entrepreneurship and the motivation and structure of the Research Handbook , pp 1-16 Downloads
Rolf Sternberg, José Ernesto Amor—s, Maria Elo and Jonathan Levie
Introduction: religious-spiritual intersections in organisations , pp 1-22 Downloads
Introduction: researching international law and international solidarity , pp 1-49 Downloads
Cecilia M Bailliet
Introduction: Rethinking development politics … psychoanalytically , pp 1-21 Downloads
Introduction: rethinking ethics, economic theory and public policy , pp 1-19 Downloads
Introduction: Rethinking Rural Studies , pp 1-23 Downloads
Introduction: scanning literature on institutions, organizations and innovation Downloads
Steven Casper and Frans van Waarden
Introduction: Scope of the Book Downloads
Hugo Priemus, Bent Flyvbjerg and Bert van Wee
Introduction: self-employed professionals in a comparative perspective , pp 1-19 Downloads
François Pichault and Renata Semenza
Introduction: setting the scene , pp 3-16 Downloads
Introduction: setting up the stage , pp 1-13 Downloads
Introduction: settlements at the edge Downloads
Andrew Taylor
Introduction: socio-economic analysis in chemical risk policies , pp 1-24 Downloads
Introduction: status, superstars and markets , pp 1-13 Downloads
Introduction: tax, law and development , pp i-ii Downloads
Yariv Brauner and Miranda Stewart
Introduction: the analysis of public management and governance , pp 1-14 Downloads
Martin Minogue, Charles Polidano and David Hulme
Introduction: the analytical framework , pp 1-20 Downloads
Introduction: The Aristotelian Monetary Tradition , pp 1-7 Downloads
Edward W. Fuller
Introduction: The Attributes of the Crisis Downloads
David Bailey, Dan Coffey and Philip R. Tomlinson
Introduction: The Case and Its Critics , pp 1-11 Downloads
Introduction: The Changing Character of Economic Methodology Downloads
John Davis and D. Wade Hands
Introduction: The comparative capitalism approach to European differentiated integration , pp 1-14 Downloads
Introduction: the competitiveness challenge for SecondaryCapital Cities , pp 1-13 Downloads
Introduction: The Debate on Corporate Embeddedness Downloads
Martin Heidenreich
Introduction: The economic and sociological approaches to studying the intergenerational transmission of inequality: Similarities, differences and convergence , pp 1-11 Downloads
Jo Blanden, Jani Erola, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen and Lindsey Macmillan
Introduction: the economic redesign imperative , pp 2-8 Downloads
Fred Olayele
Introduction: the economics of labor and employment law , pp 3-19 Downloads
Cynthia L. Estlund and Michael L. Wachter
Introduction: The Economics of Mega Sporting Events Downloads
Wolfgang Maennig and Andrew Zimbalist
Introduction: The Elgar Companion to Unidroit , pp 1-11 Downloads
Ben Köhler
Introduction: The Emerging Field of Non-market Entrepreneurship Downloads
Gordon E. Shockley, Peter M. Frank and Roger R. Stough
Introduction: the European Union in global perspective - a governance model on trial , pp 1-21 Downloads
Kaushik Basu, Jörn Axel Kämmerer and Hans-Bernd Schäfer
Introduction: The Evolution of the Economic Analysis of Corporate Law Downloads
Claire A. Hill and Brett H. McDonnell
Introduction: The GATT Uruguay Round, Trade Liberalization and the WTO Downloads
Chris Milner and Robert Read
Introduction: The History of the Apprenticeship System , pp 1-30 Downloads
Introduction: The ILA Study Group on the Role of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law Downloads
Andrea K. Bjorklund and August Reinisch
Introduction: the impending revolution in video technology and its impact on media and regulation , pp 1-6 Downloads
Introduction: the meeting society , pp 1-11 Downloads
Introduction: The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment Downloads
Per-Olof Bjuggren and Dennis C. Mueller
Introduction: the moral economy versus the market economy , pp i-ii Downloads
Introduction: the origins and development of labour administration , pp 1-17 Downloads
Jason Heyes and Ludek Rychly
Introduction: the paradox of PPP advocacy , pp 1-20 Downloads
Introduction: The Policy Context of Urbanization Downloads
M. Pacione
Introduction: the political economy of the structure and evolution of institutions , pp 1-16 Downloads
Introduction: the political entrepreneur for regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity , pp 3-6 Downloads
Daniel Silander and Charlotte Silander
Introduction: The PPP Phenomenon and its Evaluation Downloads
Graeme A. Hodge, Carsten Greve and Anthony Boardman
Page updated 2025-03-28
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