From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- A framework for modeling Bank behavior , pp 22-52

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- A framework for studying the relation between corporate culture and performance measurement , pp 211-225

- Margaret A. Abernethy
- A framework for the analysis of the price level and inflation , pp 87-93

- Warren Mosler
- A framework for the Chinese strategic mind , pp 53-103

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- A Framework for the Precautionary Governance of Food Safety: Integrating Science and Participation in the Social Appraisal of Risk

- Andy Stirling, Ortwin Renn and Patrick van Zwanenburg
- A framework for understanding the role of producers in governance of supply chains , pp 166-171

- Michael Boland, Noreen Byrne, Bridget Carroll, Olive McCarthy, Stephen Pitts and William Secor
- A fully coherent post Keynesian model of the euro zone , pp 98-126

- Marc Lavoie
- A functional approach to fifty years of banking supervision

- Kees van Dijkhuizen
- A Functional Theory of Technology and Technological Change

- Andrea Bonaccorsi
- A Fundamental Controversy about Money: Post-Keynesian and New Monetary Economics , pp 65-84

- Hans-Michael Trautwein
- A Future for Keynesian Macroeconomics

- Wendy Cornwall and John Cornwall
- A Future for Small Farms? Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture

- James K. Boyce
- A Future for the Labour Movement?

- Lowell Turner
- A Future for the Learning Region

- Roel Rutten and Frans Boekema
- A gender lens for frugal innovation , pp 114-125

- Saskia Vossenberg and Solange Hai
- A gendered perspective on energy transformation processes , pp 62-76

- Cornelia Fraune
- A General Accounting Framework for Ecological Systems: A Functional Taxonomy for Connectivist Ecology , pp 195-222

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- A General Equilibrium Assessment of Twin-Targeting in Turkey

- Cagatay Telli, Ebru Voyvoda and Erinc Yeldan
- A General Framework for Regulation and Liberalization in Network Industries

- Christian Jaag and Urs Trinkner
- A general measure of the ‘effective’ number of parties in a political system , pp 146-159

- Vani Borooah
- A General Survey of Science - concerning the application of calculus to the political and moral sciences (1793) , pp 93-110

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- A General Theory of Economic Development , pp 115-150

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- A general theory of infrastructure and economic development , pp 158-173

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- A geographic perspective on demographic evolution in Europe: the CEG participation in the ESPON 1.1.4 project , pp 17-33

- Diogo de Abreu
- A glass half full or half empty? , pp 1-20

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- A glimpse through the veil of Maya: Islamic finance and its truths on property rights , pp 32-51

- Valentino Cattelan
- A Global Assessment of Land Quality , pp 111-132

- Han Eswaran, Friedrich H. Beinroth and Paul F. Reich
- A global political economy , pp 1-4

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- A Global Service Economy?

- Peter W. Daniels
- A Globalizing China: An Introduction

- Shang-Jin Wei, Guanzhong James Wen and Huizhong Zhou
- A GPT in a research and assimilation model: Exploring wage dynamics (I) , pp 81-124

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- A grand coalition of the whole society , pp 147-177

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- A Graph-based Formulation for the Multiple Destinations Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem

- Georgios Kalafatas and Srinivas Peeta
- A gravity model of international postal exchanges , pp 36-47

- José Ansón and Matthias Helble
- A great leap forward to the information age , pp 1-16

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- A green mandate: The Central Bank of Nigeria and sustainable development , pp 219-233

- Salewa Olawoye-Mann
- A green victory in the midst of potential defeat? Concern and optimism about the impact of the SEC’s climate-related disclosure rule , pp 293-315

- Lisa M. Fairfax
- A greener CEDAW: Adopting a women's substantive equality approach to climate change , pp 90-115

- Meghan Campbell
- A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Pennsylvania , pp 89-100

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- A growth-share matrix of service marketing research themes , pp 3-20

- Olivier Furrer, Chloé Baillod and Mikèle Landry
- A Guide for Readers

- Pasquale Gagliardi and Barbara Czarniawska
- A Guide to Islamic Finance Principles and Financial Engineering

- Munawar Iqbal
- A Guide to Managing Large-scale Migration Research Projects

- Melissa Siegel
- A guide to patterns of regional economic resilience , pp 126-142

- Karim K. Mardaneh, Ameeta Jain and Jerry Courvisanos
- A Habermas-inspired approach to social capital in regional planning , pp 492-519

- Roger E. Bolton
- A happy end , pp 185-196

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- A hard landing for the 'new economy'? Information technology and the United States national system of innovation , pp 159-185

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- A Hedonic Model of Pricing of Innovative Pharmaceuticals

- William S. Comanor, Stuart O. Schweitzer and Tanja Carter
- A heterodox growth and distribution model , pp 75-99

- Duncan Foley and Lance Taylor
- A Heterodox Microfoundation of Business Cycles

- Tae-Hee Jo
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