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- Banks and Monetary Transmission in Europe: Empirical Evidence , pp 65-81

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- Banks and tax: recent UK experiences , pp 90-106

- Ian Young
- Banks and the Loans-for-Shares Auctions

- Duncan Allan
- Banks and the quantity theory: Wicksell and Fisher , pp 24-41

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- Banks, debt and deflation in the Great Depression , pp 68-89

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- Banks, Relative Performance, and Sequential Contagion , pp 153-170

- Sudipto Bhattacharya and Pojanart Sunirand
- Banks’ challenges in Central and Eastern Europe , pp 222-225

- Radovan Jelašić
- Bank’s Localism and Industrial Districts

- Pietro Alessandrini and Alberto Zazzaro
- Barbara Bergmann , pp 104-117

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- Bargaining and Collusion in a Regulatory Model

- Raffaele Fiocco and Mario Gilli
- Bargaining and the determination of wages , pp 241-255

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- Bargaining for Bribes: The Role of Institutions

- Raymond Fisman and Roberta Gatti
- Bargaining for Constitutional Change - Toward an Economic Theory of Constitutional Change , pp 107-144

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- Bargaining for Training: Converging or Diverging Interests?

- Jason Heyes and Helen Rainbird
- Bargaining in international conflicts resolution: UN involvement and conflict settlement , pp 443-471

- Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti and Daniel Montolio
- Bargaining in the global commodity chain: the Asia Floor Wage Alliance , pp 334-351

- Anannya Bhattacharjee and Ashim Roy
- Bargaining over exit rights , pp 52-68

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- Bargaining over sharing control , pp 29-36

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- Bargaining over sharing total return , pp 37-51

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- Bargaining power and majority rule , pp 256-274

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- Bargaining to lose the global commons , pp 106-112

- Natasha Chichilnisky-Heal and Graciela Chichilnisky
- Bargaining to lose: a permeability approach to post-transition resource extraction , pp 68-82

- Natasha Chichilnisky-Heal
- Bargaining, distribution and growth

- Renato Balducci and Stefano Staffolani
- Barriers and limitations to effective measurement of business sustainability , pp 39-56

- Nikolas C. Kakogiannis
- Barriers and opportunities for improved governance of fisheries within the context of marine spatial planning , pp 18-33

- Rachel Shucksmith and Inne Withouck
- Barriers to eco-innovation and public R&D incentives: evidence from Mexico , pp 84-108

- Fernando Diaz Lopez, Diana P. Rivera Delgado and Daniel H. Villavicencio Carbajal
- Barriers to growth in Moldova

- Artur Radziwill and Oleg Petrushin
- Barriers to innovation , pp 12-21

- Diego de Moraes Silva and Nicholas S. Vonortas
- Barriers to opening the 'black box' of intra-household sharing of resources , pp 49-61

- Satomi Maruyama
- Barriers to Opportunities for Private Long-term Care Insurance in England: What Can We Learn from Other Countries?

- Adelina Comas-Herrera, Rebecca Butterfield, Jose Luis Fernandez and Joshua M. Wiener
- Barriers to participation in cultural crowdfunding , pp 395-405

- Roei Davidson
- Barriers to the generation of university spin-offs: a case study of Vienna , pp 411-442

- Harvey Goldstein, Verena Peer and Sabine Sedlacek
- Barriers to women's entrepreneurship in Poland and institutional support , pp 162-191

- Ewa Lisowska and Dariusz Leszczyøski
- Barter

- Patrick Heady
- Barthélemy-Charles Dunoyer de Segonzac (1786–1862)

- Alain Beraud
- Baseball Economics

- Stefan Szymanski
- Basel and Procyclicality: A Comparison of the Standardised and IRB Approaches to an Improved Credit Risk Method , pp 382-399

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- Basel II: A New Regulatory Framework for Global Banking

- Robert Guttmann
- Basel II: Operational Risk and Corporate Culture

- Benton E. Gup
- Basel III and the strengthening of capital requirement: the obstinacy in mistake or why ‘it’ will happen again , pp 112-133

- Bernard Vallageas
- Basel III from a practitioner’s perspective , pp 209-221

- Esa Tuomi and Eriks Plato
- Baseline assessment in an international context , pp 305-325

- David Hawker
- Baseline forecasting for greenhouse gas reductions in Taiwan: a dynamic CGE analysis , pp 35-59

- Ping-Cheng Li, Shih-Hsun Hsu, Chung-Huang Huang and Hsing-Hua Lin
- Basic components of agent-based modelling , pp 52-71

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- Basic concepts , pp 20-33

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- Basic concepts for transition mapping: governance and its actors , pp 17-41

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- Basic concepts for transition mapping: institutions , pp 42-69

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- Basic economic liberties and the moral powers , pp 134-143

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- Basic Economic Principles of Infrastructure Liberalization: A Transaction Cost Perspective

- Pablo T. Spiller
- Basic human requirements of physical and virtual spaces and their implications , pp 31-45

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