From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Review of Bowles and Gintis Revisited: Correspondence and Contradiction in Education Theory, ed. Mike Cole , pp 388-390

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- Review of economic studies of the pharmaceutical industry published over the last 20 years by Spanish economists

- Félix Lobo, M. Caba-as Sáenz and R. González Pérez
- Review of Economics of Education: Research and Studies, ed. George Psacharopoulos , pp 383-387

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- Review of Existing Studies, Their Policy Use and Future Research Needs

- David Pearce, Susana Mourato and Stale Navrud
- Review of Inequality, by Christopher Jencks et al , pp 373-378

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- Review of International Experience: Ex Post Studies of Other PTAs and Implications for PTA Design

- Russell Hillberry
- Review of Main Currents of Marxism: Its Rise, Growth and Dissolution, by L. Kolakowski , pp 350-353

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- Review of Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life, by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis , pp 379-382

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- Review of The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot, ed. Norman St John-Stevas, vols Ix, x and xI: The Economic Essays , pp 341-343

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- Review of The Economics of David Ricardo, by Samuel Hollander , pp 344-349

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- Review of The Foundations of Paul Samuelson's Revealed Preference Theory: A Study by the Method of Rational Reconstruction, by Stanley Wong , pp 365-366

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- Review of The Kinked Demand Curve Analysis of Oligopoly, by Gavin C. Reid , pp 354-356

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- Review of The Rhetoric of Economics, by Donald N. McCloskey , pp 367-370

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- Review of Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present, by W.W. Rostow , pp 357-360

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- Review of UK Competition Policy in General , pp 15-27

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- Review your performance , pp 181-184

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- Reviewing Public–Private Partnership Performance in Developing Economies

- Argentino Pessoa
- Reviewing Public–Private Partnerships: Some Thoughts on Evaluation

- Graeme A. Hodge
- Reviewing responsible research and innovation: lessons for a sustainable innovation research agenda? , pp 142-164

- Eefje Cuppen, Elisabeth van de Grift and Udo Pesch
- Reviewing the Evidence

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- Reviews of Robertson on Economic Policy, ed. S.R. Dennison and J.R. Presley, and Essays on Robertsonian Economics, ed. J.R. Presley , pp 361-362

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- Revising digital entrepreneurial ecosystems: an integrative framework and future research agenda , pp 371-393

- Valeska Maul, Robert Rose and Katharina Hölzle
- Revising the Horizontal Merger Guidelines: Lessons from the US and the EU

- Richard Gilbert and Daniel Rubinfeld
- Revising the traditional Microeconomics course: engaging students via problem-based, positive, paradigmatic pluralism , pp 74-86

- Geoffrey E. Schneider
- Revision of the Revisionists: the 1997-8 Asian Crisis , pp 226-235

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- Revisiting "classic" service research themes in the light of new emerging themes , pp 327-352

- J. Joseph Cronin
- Revisiting broadband and new firm dynamics , pp 165-201

- Jitendra Parajuli and Kingsley E. Haynes
- Revisiting Chandler on the Theory of the Firm

- Steven Toms and John Wilson
- Revisiting Coase on anticipations and the cobweb model , pp 51-67

- George Evans and Roger Guesnerie
- Revisiting complex causality , pp 399-415

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- Revisiting human capital theory: progress and prospects , pp 218-234

- Jonathan Winterton and Kenneth Cafferkey
- Revisiting Liability of Foreignness: Socio-Political Costs Facing Chinese Multinationals in the United States

- Lorraine Eden and Stewart R. Miller
- Revisiting market-oriented higher education and academic capitalism , pp 340-358

- Carla Sá and Alberto Amaral
- Revisiting Railway History: The Case of Institutional Change and Path Dependence

- Lena Andersson-Skog
- Revisiting Shared Growth and Examining Horizontal Inequality

- Anis Chowdhury and Iyanatul Islam
- Revisiting social capital and social network research: inequality in social relations and structure , pp 22-36

- Steve McDonald, Andrew P. Davis and Jing Shen
- Revisiting SOEs innovation in the large infrastructure sector , pp 123-140

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- Revisiting the concept of "technology for the people": from Gandhi and Schumacher to 21st century new developments , pp 2-6

- Philippe Régnier and Pascal Wild
- Revisiting the debate on national autonomous development in Africa , pp 240-255

- Issa G. Shivji
- Revisiting the European Financial Supervisory Architecture – Lessons from the Crisis in Emerging Europe

- Erik Berglof and Franziska Ohnsorge
- Revisiting the myth of energy efficiency in China , pp 258-276

- Ruohan Zhong and Chu Wei
- Revisiting the quest for community , pp 114-138

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- Revisiting the relationship between equity and efficiency in payments for ecosystem services , pp 90-108

- Unai Pascual, Roldan Muradian, Luis C. Rodriguez and Anantha K. Duraiappah
- Revisiting the role of policy in regional innovation systems , pp 309-321

- Elvira Uyarra and Kieron Flanagan
- Revisiting the Schumpeter hypotheses: firm size, market structure and technological regime , pp 104-126

- Uwe Cantner and Horst Hanusch
- Revisiting transition reform , pp 7-20

- Sergei Guriev
- Revisiting U.S. Productivity Growth over the Past Century with a View of the Future , pp 317-370

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- Revitalising labour market regulation for the economic South: New forms and tools , pp 288-320

- Shelley Marshall
- Revitalizing Industrial Relations

- Michael J. Piore
- Revitalizing the World Bank: engagement with the private sector and scope expansion , pp 143-153

- Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt and Thomas Dörfler
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