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- Points of departure , pp 3-16

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- Poland: An aspiring new Member State trapped on the EU's periphery , pp 80-104

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- Poland: Minimum Wage, Employment and Labour Migration

- Jacek Wallusch
- Poland: rolling back of the decentralized system? , pp 312-326

- Paweł Swianiewicz
- Poland: the other side of the European energy transition , pp 89-105

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- Polanyi and the digital transformation of labour: on fictitious commodities and real conflicts , pp 289-306

- Hans-Jürgen Urban
- Polanyi, Karl

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- Polanyi, Karl

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- Polanyi, nature and the international: the missing dimension of imperial ecocide , pp 198-211

- Vishwas Satgar and Michelle Williams
- Polanyian perspectives on capitalisms after socialism , pp 92-104

- Dorothee Bohle and Béla Greskovits
- Polanyian perspectives on the movements and countermovements of our time: an introduction , pp 1-20

- Roland Atzmüller, Brigitte Aulenbacher, Ulrich Brand, Fabienne Décieux, Karin Fischer and Birgit Sauer
- Polanyis double movement and the making of the knowledge economy , pp 274-288

- Antonino Palumbo and Alan Scott
- Polarization of the Swedish University Sector: Structural Characteristics and Positioning

- Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson and Maureen McKelvey
- Police as agents of change: How the police led the movement to criminalize HIV , pp 243-253

- Trevor Hoppe
- Police violence and mental health: the uncharted empirical inquiry of a long-standing societal problem , pp 268-288

- Jonathan Marsh, Dania Lerman, Jordan DeVylder and Lisa Fedina
- Police, Prisons, and Punishment: The Empirical Evidence on Crime Deterrence

- Jonathan Klick and Alexander Tabarrok
- Policies for an environmentally sustainable development in global value chains , pp 346-356

- Valentina De Marchi
- Policies for biodiversity conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa , pp 309-342

- Charles Perrings, Jon Lovett, Charles Perrings and Jon Lovett
- Policies for fighting speculation in foreign exchange markets: the Tobin tax versus Keynes's views

- Paul Davidson
- Policies for Funding a Response to Climate Change , pp 226-249

- Brian Roach
- Policies for Green Design , pp 102-119

- Don Fullerton and Wenbo Wu
- Policies for Internet Access: Cases of Mexico and Argentina

- Soon-Yong Choi
- Policies for Sustainable Development , pp 59-70

- Herman Daly
- Policies for well-being and health , pp 311-320

- Pekka Puska
- Policies Influencing the Trends in Energy Services , pp 332-346

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- Policies of bioeconomy and circular economy in Latin America: a route toward sustainability , pp 251-279

- Graciela Carrillo Gonzalez and Jose Ignacio Ponce Sanchez
- Policies to address the social determinants of health: a Nordic perspective , pp 316-327

- Elisabeth Fosse
- Policies to deal with potential problems and to realise the promise , pp 117-132

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- Policies to mobilize finance for low-carbon transition , pp 356-371

- Paola D’Orazio, Marco Amendola and Marco Valente
- Policies, instruments and the environment , pp 165-218

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- Policing the pandemic: deciding and acting in the face of uncertainty and the unexpected , pp 192-205

- Mark Fenton-O’Creevy, Nicky Miller, Helen Selby-Fell and Benjamin Bowles
- Policy advisory systems: location, agency, and influence , pp 76-88

- Sylvia Veit
- Policy analysis - Macro- and meso-level analyses of sport and international development , pp 35-47

- Iain Lindsey
- Policy Analysis Based on Computable Equilibrium (PACE)

- Christoph Böhringer, Andreas Löschel and Thomas F. Rutherford
- Policy Analysis for Institutional Change , pp 172-203

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- Policy Analysis in the Presence of Distorting Taxes , pp 67-77

- Ian W.H. Parry, Wallace E. Oates, Ian W.H. Parry and Wallace E. Oates
- Policy Analysis in the Presence of Distorting Taxes , pp 3-13

- Ian Parry and Wallace Oates
- Policy and people at the small-area level: using micro-simulation to create synthetic spatial data , pp 560-586

- Ann Harding and Robert Tanton
- Policy and performance in African agriculture since independence: critical reflections , pp 184-198

- Howard Stein
- Policy and Regulation for Next Generation Networks

- Martin Cave
- Policy and state in complexity economics , pp 13-48

- Wolfram Elsner
- Policy approaches and transnational diaspora entrepreneurship in China , pp 341-363

- Maria Elo, Erez Katz Volovelsky and Yi Wang
- Policy Assessment and Good Practices

- Richard Green, Arturo Lorenzoni and Yannick Perez
- Policy Assessment: A Synthesis of Successes and Failures

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- Policy Challenges Facing Public Utilities

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- Policy challenges posed by Asian free trade agreements: a review of the evidence , pp 182-238

- Masahiro Kawai and Ganeshan Wignaraja
- Policy challenges under EMU

- Charles Wyplosz
- Policy choices and socioeconomic divides: long-term changes in Italy's democratic quality , pp 357-384

- Stefano Sacchi
- Policy Choices for an Efficient and Inclusive Financial System

- Thorsten Beck
- Policy Choices of International Carbon Dioxide Emissions Control , pp 123-152

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