From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Foreign Exchange Trading Activities of International Banks

- Jürgen Eichberger and Joachim Keller
- Foreign Exchange, Interest and Prices: The Conventional Exchange Rate , pp 256-270

- Matias Vernengo
- Foreign exchange, investment and growth , pp 131-138

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- Foreign exits and re-location on a rugged performance landscape: a theoretical perspective , pp 211-234

- Michael Wolfesberger, Jonas Puck and Thomas Lindner
- Foreign Firms in China: Success by Strategic Choices , pp 42-70

- Xueyuan Zhang and Patrick Reinmoeller
- Foreign investment and aid in Africa: history, trends, theories, and prospects , pp 132-151

- Pádraig Carmody and James T. Murphy
- Foreign investment in China after the Asia crisis , pp 29-34

- Zhao Yanyun and Ye Liqi
- Foreign Investment in China: Firm Strategies

- Minquan Liu, Luodan Xu and Liu Liu
- Foreign Investment in China: Macto Determinants

- Kevin Honglin Zhang
- Foreign investment law and developing countries , pp 72-125

- Antonius R Hippolyte
- Foreign Investments as an Engine of Economic Growth: the Case of Guangdong , pp 162-182

- Xiaohe Zhang and Wan-sing Hung
- Foreign Investments in Asia after the Asian Economic Crisis , pp 203-230

- Jong-Kil Kim
- Foreign IPOs: The Experience of Israeli Firms

- Iftekhar Hasan and Maya Waisman
- Foreign knowledge activities and home country innovation: does global innovation hollow out or strengthen the home base of US MNCs? , pp 62-79

- Heather Berry
- Foreign knowledge transfer in the development of aircraft industry clusters – the case of Chengdu, China , pp 165-181

- Sören Eriksson
- Foreign Market Entry: A Formal Extension of Internalization Theory

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- Foreign Ownership and Total Factor Productivity

- Someshwar Rao and Jianmin Tang
- Foreign penetration in central European manufacturing , pp 111-129

- Gábor Hunya
- Foreign Strategic Investment and Banking Efficiency in China

- Ying Xu
- Foreign Subsidiaries and Multinational Strategic Management: An Extension and Correction of Porter's Single Diamond Framework , pp 192-205

- Alan Rugman and Alain Verbeke
- Foreign Trade

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- Foreign Trade and Foreign Investments: The Brazilian Experience in the Last Two Decades

- Simão Davi Silber
- Foreign Trade and Investment

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- Foreign Trade and Spatial Preferences , pp 75-109

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- Foreign Trade and Transport Cost Internalization , pp 110-129

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- Foreign Travel and Marriage , pp 106-134

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- Foreign-born sportspeople in the Olympics and the Football World Cup: migration, citizenship and nationhood , pp 227-243

- Gijs van Campenhout and Joost Jansen
- Foreignness, legitimacy, and corporate citizenship perceptions in emerging markets , pp 337-353

- William Newburry and Abrahim Soleimani
- Forerunners of Marshall on the Industrial Districts

- Peter Groenewegen
- Foreseeability

- Peter van Wijck
- Foresight and anticipation in multilateral organisations , pp 405-416

- Aarathi Krishnan
- Foresight and science, technology and innovation indicators , pp 381-402

- Dirk Meissner and Alexander Sokolov
- Foresights, Futures and Scenarios for the Global SME

- Stuart Smith
- Forest and Ecosystem Damages

- Ursula Triebswetter and Marialuisa Tamborra
- Forest and trees, institutional dynamics and artifacts: on visual organizational indicators of global and historical cultural patterns , pp 224-252

- Gili S. Drori, Achim Oberg and Giuseppe Delmestri
- Forest Management in a semi-arid region in Brazil: a case study of the state of Rio Grande do Norte

- Sebastião Kengen, Frans Pareyn and Newton D.E. Barcellos
- Forest policy in Costa Rica

- Olman Segura-Bonilla
- Forest resources and local elite capture: revisiting a community-based forest management ‘success case’ in Tanzania , pp 131-141

- Joseph Perfect-Mrema
- Forest resources law , pp 255-275

- Zhang Shijun
- Forestry , pp 390-403

- Charlotte Hall, Emilie Vansant, Bowy den Braber, Rasmus Skov Olesen and Laura Vang Rasmussen
- Forestry, deforestation and biodiversity in Ghana , pp 185-231

- James K. Benhin, Edward B. Barbier, James K. Benhin and Edward B. Barbier
- Forestry, trees and conservation

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- Forgetting and remembering the Chicago School of Columbus, Ohio: Roderick D. Mckenzie, neighborhoods and inequality , pp 43-55

- Jeffrey Nathaniel Parker
- Forging cross-border mergers , pp 418-451

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- Forging European Responses to the Challenge of Climate Change and Energy Resource Supply

- Catherine Mitchell
- Forging solidarity , pp 259-276

- Amy Chin-Arroyo and Jaya Ramji-Nogales
- Form and philosophy , pp 88-110

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- Formal and informal, legal and behavioural approaches , pp 7-24

- Alexandra R. Harrington
- Formal Institutions

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- Formal Models and Practical Measurement for Greening the Accounts , pp 99-122

- Kirk Hamilton
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