From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The transformative role of universities in regional innovation systems: Lessons from university engagement in cross-border regions , pp 54-72

- Jos van den Broek, Franziska Eckardt and Paul Benneworth
- The transition from autarky to trade , pp 40-63

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- The transition from feudalism to capitalism , pp 348-353

- David Laibman
- The Transition from Horse-drawn Carriages to Automobiles in American Urban Passenger Transportation (1860–1930)

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- The transition from local to global dynamics: a proposed framework for agent-based thinking in social-ecological systems , pp 13-34

- J. Marty Anderies
- The transition from managerial to money manager capitalism: the role of risk and its distribution , pp 36-58

- David A. Zalewski
- The Transition from Piston Engine Aircraft to Jetliners in American Aviation (1930–1975)

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- The transition from production to orchestration , pp 84-116

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- The Transition from Sailing Ships to Steamships in British Oceanic Transport (1780–1890)

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- The Transition of Centrally Planned Economies in East Asia into Market Economies

- Charles Harvie
- The Transition of the Centrally Planned Economies in Eastern Europe to Market Economies: the Cases of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland

- Charles Harvie
- The transmission channels between the financial and the real sectors in Italy and the crisis , pp 234-254

- Giampaolo Gabbi, Elisa Ticci and Pietro Vozzella
- The transmission mechanism of financial crisis to developing countries: why the 'global financial crisis' wasn't global , pp 24-37

- Jan Toporowski
- The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy: A Critical Review

- Greg Hannsgen
- The transnational social question: cross-border social protection and social inequalities , pp 227-254

- Thomas Faist
- The Transnationalization of Supply Chain Management: The Experience of Brazilian Industrial Companies

- Paulo T.V. Resende and Alvaro Bruno Cyrino
- The Transportation Implications of a Terrorist Attack on Seattle’s Highway Network

- Chang-Hee Christine Bae, Larry Blain and Alon Bassok
- The transposition and implementation of the EU's 1998 regulatory framework , pp 66-92

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- The Travelling Salesman Returns from the War: Tjalling Koopmans and Wartime Studies for Peacetime Applications , pp 127-137

- Albert Jolink
- The Treasury and when-issued markets , pp 277-300

- J. Benson Durham and Roberto Perli
- The Treatment of Efficiencies in South African Merger Consideration

- Geoff Parr
- The treatment of foreign currency operations

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- The Treatment of Geographical Indications in Recent Regional and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

- David Vivas Eugui and Christoph Spennemann
- The treatment of large exposures

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- The Treatment of Monopoly in the Case , pp 89-127

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- The Triangular Trade: The Shock Transmission Mechanism in the Asia-Pacific Region

- Ikuo Kuroiwa, Hiroshi Kuwamori and Hajime Sato
- The TRIPS Agreement and Health Innovation in Bangladesh

- Padmashree Gehl Sampath
- The TRIPS Agreement and Intellectual Property Rights Exhaustion

- Luis Mariano Genovesi
- The TRIPS Agreement and the Changing Landscape of International Intellectual Property

- Daniel J. Gervais
- The TRIPS Agreement: The Damage to the WTO

- Brian Hindley
- The Triumph of Monetarism , pp 168-186

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- The trouble with marketing ethics , pp 111-124

- John F. Gaski
- The Trouble with Testing: Bubbles, Inertia and Experience in Experimental Asset Markets , pp 170-185

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- The true rules of a good management of public finance. An explanation of the fatal Eurozone crisis , pp 151-164

- Alain Parguez
- The trust process

- Bart Nooteboom
- The trustworthiness of other people and personal inclination: two distinct drivers of giving , pp 115-136

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- The truth table analysis , pp 145-166

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- The Turkish experience with work-sharing policy during the global economic crisis, 2008–2010 , pp 119-150

- Erinc Yeldan
- The twenties: not so calm before the storm , pp 253-288

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- The Twilight of Globalization?

- Marcus Noland
- The twin financial disasters of the early twenty-first century , pp 159-188

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- The two logics of labour’s association , pp 9-34

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- The two waves of financial liberalization in Latin America

- Roberto Frenkel and Lucio Simpson
- The Two-sided Cost Disease and its Frightening Consequences

- William Baumol
- The tyranny of (neo)liberal democracy: a global capitalist fantasy of authoritarian freedom , pp 99-128

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- The tyranny of (neo)liberal democracy: a global capitalist fantasy of authoritarian freedom , pp 91-118

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- The U.S. Banking System: Structure and Regulation , pp 23-38

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- The U.S. Experience with Managed Care and Managed Competition , pp 265-285

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- The ubiquity of habits and routines and their contribution to management theory , pp 282-298

- Markus C. Becker
- The UK 'secondary banking crisis' (1973- 75)

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