From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The crisis of war and the relocation of key facilities: a comparative historical study of Japan and China , pp 155-175

- Tomoo Marukawa
- The critical role of intermediaries in stopping counterfeiting and piracy , pp 432-458

- William Dobson
- The critical role of peoples and the idea of civil society in ASEAN , pp 151-161

- Kevin Henry Villanueva
- The crude oil market and its driving forces , pp 9-25

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- The cultural and political economy of drug prohibition , pp 418-435

- Kyle W. O’Donnell
- The Cultural Districtualization Model

- Luciana Lazzeretti
- The Cultural Economy and the Global City

- Andy C. Pratt
- The Cultural Economy of Heritage , pp 3-19

- Ruth Towse
- The Cultural Economy of Landscape and prospects for peripheral development in the twenty-first century: the case of the English Lake District

- Allen J. Scott
- The cultural embeddedness of regional innovation: a Bourdieuian perspective , pp 88-99

- Ben Spigel
- The cultural governance of mass media in contemporary China , pp 189-206

- Florian Schneider
- The cultural industries in China: a historical overview , pp 105-115

- Xiaoming Zhang
- The cultural politics of contemporary Asia-Europe relations

- Stephanie Lawson
- The cultural world of high-tech startups , pp 188-204

- Giovanni Baldassarri and Piero Formica
- The culture of a paradigm shift in digital learning , pp 315-322

- Frank Rennie
- The Currency and Banking Controversy , pp 79-106

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- The currency board regime in Bulgaria and its sustainability

- Tatiana Houbenova-Delisivkova
- The Current Debate About Section 2 of the Sherman Act: Judicial Certainty versus Rule of Reason

- Barry E. Hawk
- The Current State of Decentralization Reform in Indonesia: A Postscript

- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Jameson Boex
- The Current State of Research on Networks in China’s Business System

- Johannes Meuer and Barbara Krug
- The current state of the British economics profession (with Ruth Towse) , pp 223-233

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- The customer reuse experience , pp 352-361

- Jenny Karlsson, Lars Witell, Klas Hedvall and Carolina Camén
- The Cyber Security Imperative , pp 3-15

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- The cyclical evolution of financial regulation: a theoretical explanation , pp 298-320

- Samba Diop
- The Cyclical Nature of the Challenges of Regulatory Capitalism

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- The Czech approach to inflation targeting

- Miroslav Hrncir and Katerina Smidkova
- The Czech Republic on its Way to the Euro: A Stabilization Role of Monetary Policy Revisited

- Jaromír Hurník, Zdenek Tuma and David Vavra
- The Dangers of Diaspora: Orientalism, the Nation State and the Search for a New Geopolitical Order , pp 109-125

- Ronald Skeldon
- The dangers of Keynesian economics , pp 123-149

- Steven Kates
- The Danish Communes: Capacities and Constraints in Environmental Management

- Mikael Skou Andersen
- The Danish Economist Jens Warming: An Odd Genius , pp 331-348

- Niels Kä"rg√•rd, Peder Andersen and Niels-Henrik Topp
- The Danish pesticide programme: success or failure depending on indicator choice , pp 169-189

- Alex Dubgaard
- The Danish waste tax: the role of institutions for the implementation and effectiveness of economic instruments , pp 231-260

- Mikael Skou Andersen
- The dark side of a student online startup , pp 11-23

- Michael Dominik
- The dark side of creativity , pp 307-324

- David H. Cropley
- The dark side of pilgrimage and religious tourism: conflict, contestations and fallouts , pp 101-114

- Daniel H. Olsen and Kiran A. Shinde
- The data , pp 29-45

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- The Data Explosion: The Emergence of a New Form of Bio-knowledge

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- The Data: Measuring Innovation and other Firm Inputs and Outputs , pp 85-118

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- The DDR Economy Revisited , pp 29-44

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- The de-industrialisation hypothesis, structural adjustment programmes and the sub-Saharan dimension , pp 107-136

- Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
- The death of craft production: Ford and Budds impact on the French car industry , pp 69-77

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- David Colander
- The debate between Bohm-Bawerk and Hillerding

- Peter Rosner
- The Debate on Education Financing in the Classical Perspective

- Mario Pomini
- The Debate on Sprawl and Compact Cities: Thoughts Based on the Congress of New Urbanism Charter

- P. Gordon and H. W. Richardson
- The debate over “quantitative easing†in the UK’s Great Recession and afterwards , pp 57-77

- Tim Congdon
- The Debt Crisis: Historical Roots and ‘Debt Management’ During the 1980s

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- The Decentralization of Desire

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- The decentralization of food policy and building a stronger food system , pp 235-254

- Diana R. H. Winters
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