From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Globalisation, Labour Standards and Economic Development

- Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
- Globalisation, Policy Utility Suppliers, and the Environmental Agenda

- Jan Hol
- Globalisation, Regionalisation and Trade Rules , pp 111-139

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- Globalisation, Surveillance and the ‘War’ on Terror

- Michael McCahill
- Globalisation, Sustainable Development, and Environmental Policies in Developing Countries

- Hans Opschoor
- Globalisation, Terror and the Future of ‘Development’: Citizenship Beyond Bare Life?

- Su-ming Khoo
- Globalisation, the CEECs and European policy , pp 220-246

- Daniela Constantin, Zizi Goschin and Philip McCann
- Globalisation, the crisis and the state: introduction , pp 1-17

- John H. Farrar and David Mayes
- Globalisation: An Anatomy

- Miroslav N. Jovanovic
- Globalisation: Contradictory Implications for US Women

- Cal Clark and Janet Clark
- Globalisation? , pp 10-24

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- Globalised Agriculture, Development and the Environment

- J.N. Callow and Julian Clifton
- Globalization

- George DeMartino
- Globalization

- Keith Acheson
- Globalization , pp i-ii

- Jonathan Perraton
- Globalization

- Keith Acheson
- Globalization , pp 62-79

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- Globalization , pp i-ii

- Alessandro Bonanno
- Globalization and beauty: a historical and firm perspective , pp 57-76

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- Globalization and border studies , pp 62-82

- James W. Scott
- Globalization and civil socieity

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- Globalization and Competition in the South African Wine Industry

- Joachim Ewert and Jeffrey Henderson
- Globalization and Convergence of Banking Systems

- Andrew W. Mullineux and Victor Murinde
- Globalization and Development in the Mekong Economies: Vietnam, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar

- Suiwah Leung, Ben Bingham and Matt Davies
- Globalization and development strategies

- Deepak Nayyar
- Globalization and Economic Crisis: How Will the Future of European Regions Look?

- Roberto Camagni and Roberta Capello
- Globalization and economic decline , pp 2-28

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- Globalization and Economic Development , pp 214-238

- Abu Siddique
- Globalization and economic integration: implications for microeconomic policy in the USA and Europe

- Paul Brenton
- Globalization and Entrepreneurship

- Hamid Etemad and Richard Wright
- Globalization and ethnic grounded cultural creativity in Yunnan , pp 153-166

- Yan Li and Ying Huang
- Globalization and FDI in Asian developing countries

- John H. Dunning
- Globalization and freedom of association and collective bargaining rights , pp 13-35

- David Kucera and Dora Sari
- Globalization and Geographical Growth Patterns

- João César das Neves
- Globalization and greenhouse gas emissions: is the United States a pollution haven? , pp 22-42

- Claire Brunel and Arik Levinson
- Globalization and growth: the case of China , pp 48-57

- Linda Yueh
- Globalization and Higher Education in Canada

- Glen A. Jones and Julian Weinrib
- Globalization and Higher Education in South Korea: Towards Ethnocentric Internationalization or Global Commercialization of Higher Education?

- Terri Kim
- Globalization and imperialism , pp 162-167

- Ray Kiely
- Globalization and income inequalities , pp 79-105

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- Globalization and income inequality , pp 21-38

- Eunyoung Ha
- Globalization and Innovation Policy

- Leif Hommen and Charles Edquist
- Globalization and Integration in the Asia-Pacific: Prospects and Risks

- Noel Gaston and Ahmed Khalid
- Globalization and Japanese-style management: image and changing reality , pp 264-282

- Ryoji Ihara
- Globalization and Labor Markets: Developments in the Asia-Pacific

- Ian Harper
- Globalization and Low-technology Industries: The Case of Italian Eyewear

- Diego Campagnolo and Arnaldo Camuffo
- Globalization and mega-events: thinking through flows , pp 296-305

- Martin Müller and Christopher Gaffney
- Globalization and multinationals in a historical process , pp 244-283

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- Globalization and quality of life , pp 247-278

- M. Joseph Sirgy and Chad Miller
- Globalization and regional economies , pp 1-24

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