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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Joint Implementation, the Clean Development Mechanism and the baseline: an economic analysis , pp 258-277 Downloads
Ekko van Ierland, Rianne de Leeuw and Joram Krozer
Joint Production Downloads
Joint venture configurations in big emerging markets , pp 188-210 Downloads
Hemant Merchant
Joplin and his fellow economists , pp 56-82 Downloads
Joplin’s achievement , pp 273-277 Downloads
Joplin’s Model: A Formal Statement , pp 201-218 Downloads
Jordan , pp 428-446 Downloads
Mhamed Biygautane
Joseph Alois Schumpeter , pp 125-147 Downloads
Nicola De Liso
Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883–1950) Downloads
Richard Sturn
Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (b. 1943) Downloads
Max Gödl
Joseph Harris: An Essay upon Money and Coins (1757–58) , pp 283-288 Downloads
Journal ranking schemes , pp 138-156 Downloads
Journal rankings: tourism management’s idée fixe , pp 202-210 Downloads
Nigel Morgan and Annette Pritchard
Journals and Beyond: Publishing Economics Education Research Downloads
Peter Davies and William Goffe
Journey without end: travelling overseas for bariatric surgery: a qualitative study of UK patients travelling for bariatric surgery , pp 431-440 Downloads
Johanna Hanefeld and Daniel Horsfall
Journeys of postdevelopment subjectivity transformation: a shared narrative of scholars from the majority world , pp 444-451 Downloads
Anmeng Liu, S.M. Waliuzzaman, Huong Thi Do, Ririn Haryani and Sonam Pem
Juan de Mariana: A Treatise on the Alteration of Money (1609) , pp 137-167 Downloads
Judge-made Law Downloads
Paul Rubin
Judgement and Analysis: Developing Indexes of Economic and Social Deprivation for Local Authority Financing , pp 40-54 Downloads
Paul J. Chapman
Judges, Arbitrators, and Mediators , pp 173-226 Downloads
Judges: why do they matter? , pp 233-248 Downloads
Robert Fleck and F. Andrew Hanssen
Judgment and compliance , pp 534-562 Downloads
Luis F. Viveros-Montoya
Judgment of the Work Situation , pp 1-3 Downloads
Judgments and the termination of proceedings , pp 473-487 Downloads
Daniel Costelloe
Judicial activism: A 20-year evolution , pp 131-147 Downloads
The Right Honourable Sir Matthew Thorpe
Judicial extraterritoriality , pp 223-235 Downloads
Yanbai Andrea Wang
Judicial Independence Downloads
Sophie Harnay
Judicial independence as a necessary component of the rule of law: preliminary insights and economic consequences Downloads
Stefan Voigt
Judicial Organization and Administration Downloads
Lewis A. Kornhauser
Judicial relations in local China , pp 417-428 Downloads
Juan Wang and Sitao Li
Judicial remedy , pp 160-176 Downloads
Rachel Chambers
Judicial review in EU competition law , pp 491-538 Downloads
Heike Schweitzer
Judicial Review of Mergers in Europe: Tetra Laval, GE/Honeywell and the Convergence Toward US Standards Downloads
Jeremy Weinberg
Judicial System and Property Rights Downloads
Christian Barrère
Judiciary and judicial behaviour , pp 347-361 Downloads
Lee Epstein, Urška Šadl and Keren Weinshall
Jules Dupuit (1804–1866) Downloads
Alain Beraud
Juliana v. United States and the global youth-led legal campaign for a safe climate , pp 151-157 Downloads
Patti Moore, Danny Noonan and Erik Woodward
Jumping onto the galloping horses – even in India , pp 1-21 Downloads
Jumping up to the Internet-based Society: Lessons from South Korea Downloads
Yasushi Ueki
Jungle or Just Bush? Anarchy and the Evolution of Cooperation Downloads
Jason Osborne
Juridical ontology and the theory of the firm , pp 127-141 Downloads
Simon Deakin
Jurisdiction and admissibility , pp 350-366 Downloads
José Magnaye
Jurisdiction and applicable law , pp 306-342 Downloads
Jurisdiction in cyberspace , pp 30-54 Downloads
Uta Kohl
Jurisdictional and policy issues in South Africa, including a focus on digital markets , pp 563-593 Downloads
Tembinkosi Bonakele
Juristic acts, public order and good morals , pp 1-32 Downloads
Dai Mengyong
Jurors and Juries , pp 227-259 Downloads
Jus ad bellum: history and framework , pp 81-98 Downloads
Just another brick in the wall? The changing legitimacy and centrality of the World Bank in global education , pp 204-215 Downloads
Clara Fontdevila, Francine Menashy and Antoni Verger
Just institutions for those most in need? Quantitative and qualitative bottom-up perspectives on the perceived legitimacy of a social assistance reform: a focus on food aid recipients in Finland , pp 121-140 Downloads
Helena Blomberg and Christian Kroll
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