From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Investigating happiness: a socio-spatial inequalities perspective , pp 26-44

- Thanasis Ziogas and Dimitris Ballas
- Investigating Net Benefits from Alternative Uses of Resources

- Bill Malcolm
- Investigating Productivity Slowdown in the 1990s by using the KLEM Database in Japan

- Masahiro Kuroda, Kazuyuki Motohashi and Kazushige Shimpo
- Investigating subjective quality of life: using survey research methods , pp 79-93

- Robert J. Stimson and Robert W. Marans
- Investigating the Early Signals of Banking Sector Vulnerabilities in Central and East European Emerging Markets

- Kadri Männasoo and David Mayes
- Investigating the Efficiency of a Gradient Approximation Approach for the Solution of Dynamic Demand Estimation Problems

- Ernesto Cipriani, Michael Florian, Michael Mahut and Marialisa Nigro
- Investigating the Reality of Reform in Modern Budgeting

- John Wanna
- Investigating the “hot hand†hypothesis: an application to European football , pp 139-161

- Robert Simmons and Rhys Wheeler
- Investigation of corporate scandals , pp 119-132

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- Investigation of white-collar offenses , pp 90-118

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- Investing for impact on the African continent: an overview , pp 73-89

- Xolisa Dhlamini and Stephanie Giamporcaro
- Investing for Sustainability

- Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga and Julián Barquín
- Investing in communities in the United States: social capital, asset building and local enterprise , pp 123-140

- James Midgley
- Investing in Knowledge: Knowledge, Human Capital and Institutions for the Long Run Growth

- Daniele Schiliro'
- Investing other people's money , pp 132-144

- Sascha Füllbrunn, Ola Kvaløy and Wolfgang Luhan
- Investing through Fed regime changes in the post-crisis period , pp 206-223

- Haroldo Daltin and Michael Melvin
- Investing with Values: Ethical Investment versus Islamic Investment

- Celia de Anca
- Investment

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- Investment agreements and financial crises , pp 646-684

- Christina Binder and Philipp Janig
- Investment and Capital Market Imperfections: Empirics , pp 31-50

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- Investment and Capital Market Imperfections: Theory , pp 7-30

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- Investment and Competition in Decentralized Electricity Markets: How to Overcome Market Failure by Market Imperfections?

- Dominique Finon
- Investment and economic growth , pp 74-83

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- Investment and Generation Capacity

- Richard Green
- Investment and Restructuring , pp 106-124

- Karel Ujházy and Karel Zeman
- Investment and the Strategic Role of Capital Structure in Regulated Industries: Theory and Evidence

- Carlo Cambini, Laura Rondi and Yossi Spiegel
- Investment appraisal: links between finance and economics , pp 295-310

- Georgina Santos, Iven Stead and Tom Worsley
- Investment Banking in China: Past, Present and Future

- Alan V.S. Douglas and Alan Guoming Huang
- Investment Decision Making by Business Angels

- Allan L. Riding, Judith J. Madill and George H. Haines
- Investment decision-making by business angels , pp 115-146

- Andrew Maxwell
- Investment decisions and emissions reductions: results from experiments in emissions trading , pp 233-264

- Lata Gangadharan, Rachel Croson and Alex Farrell
- Investment decisions and social justice , pp 133-145

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- Investment dispute settlement , pp 193-240

- Anna De Luca and Giorgio Sacerdoti
- Investment expenditure, unrealized expectations and offsetting monetary policies

- Geoffrey Harcourt
- Investment Finance and Financial Sector Development

- Bokhyun Cho
- Investment Firms Regulation/Investment Firms Directive (IFR/IFD) , pp 248-258

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- Investment fund regulation , pp 119-134

- Ugo Malvagna
- Investment guarantees and political risk insurance , pp 299-334

- Panayotis M Protopsaltis
- Investment in Broadband Technologies and the Role of Regulation

- Anastassios Gentzoglanis and Elias Aravantinos
- Investment in human capital and personal income distribution , pp 3-31

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- Investment in Venture Capital Funds in Europe

- Simon Barnes and Vanessa Menzies
- Investment income-reliant SPOs , pp 149-165

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- Investment patterns of foreign bank branches in Korea and their role in the foreign exchange market , pp 201-228

- Dongsoo Kang and Daehee Jeong
- Investment platforms regulation , pp 135-153

- Eugenia Macchiavello
- Investment Policy and Long-Run Survival for a Portfolio Investor , pp 93-116

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- Investment protection agreements, regulatory chill, and national measures on childhood obesity prevention , pp 161-184

- Mavluda Sattorova
- Investment services and investment funds , pp 477-509

- Filippo Annunziata
- Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets: An Introduction to the Research Project , pp 1-26

- Klaus Meyer and Saul Estrin
- Investment Survey in Manufacturing

- Annette Weichselberger
- Investment treaties: ASEAN , pp 184-210

- Diane A. Desierto
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