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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Studying the politics of pension reforms and their social consequences , pp 85-100 Downloads
Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Katja Möhring
Stumbling into action research , pp 5-17 Downloads
Stumbling into Crime: Stochastic Process Models of Accounting Fraud Downloads
Michael D. Guttentag
Stylised Facts on EU-wide Geographical Disparities , pp 15-42 Downloads
Stylized Facts about Innovation Processes in Modern Biotechnology Downloads
Maureen McKelvey, Annika Rickne and Jens Laage-Hellman
Stylized Facts About Islamic Sukuk Markets Downloads
Nassar H. Saidi
Stylized facts and bank liquidity preference , pp 11-33 Downloads
Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Benno J. Ndulu and Stephen A. O’Connell
Subalternity and entrepreneurship: tales of marginalized but enterprising characters, oppressive settings and haunting plots , pp 337-354 Downloads
Virgil Henry Storr and Bridget Colon
Subcontracting relationships Downloads
Ruth Rama and Adelheid Holl
Subfields on the Economic Effects of Scientific Research , pp 86-109 Downloads
Subgame Perfection in Evolutionary Dynamics with Recurrent Perturbations Downloads
Herbert Gintis, Ross Cressman and Thijs Ruijgrok
Subjective community well-being and resilience in a rural region experiencing rapid change , pp 244-257 Downloads
Rod McCrea, Rosemary Leonard and Andrea Walton
Subjective Evaluation of Alternatives in Individual Voting Choice Downloads
James Buchanan and Yong J. Yoon
Subjective indicators of well-being: conceptual background and applications in social sciences , pp 71-89 Downloads
Antonella Delle Fave
Subjective orientation and objective wealth: entrepreneurship and the convergence of groupware and hypertext capabilities , pp 249-304 Downloads
Don Lavoie
Subjective Versus Technical Risk Estimates: Do Risk Communication Policies Increase Consistency? , pp 113-117 Downloads
V. Kerry Smith and William H. Desvousges
Subjective Well-being and Engagement in Sport: Evidence from England Downloads
David Forrest and Ian G. McHale
Subjective wellbeing as valuation system of environmental quality: an environmental social sciences approach , pp 85-103 Downloads
Jianjun Tang, Honghao Ren and Henk Folmer
Subjectivism Downloads
Steven Horwitz
Subjectivism in Economics - A Suggested Reorientation , pp 331-353 Downloads
Subjectivism, Understanding, and Transaction Costs Downloads
Fu-Lai Tony Yu
Subjectivity in performance measurement practice: field study evidence of a role for relational contracting , pp 167-185 Downloads
Anne M. Lillis
Subjects and sources of international law and their relation to cities , pp 43-66 Downloads
Submit your papers to the right journal , pp 188-189 Downloads
Subnational constitutions: a research agenda , pp 50-60 Downloads
John Dinan
Subnational debt: developing a sustainable market , pp 167-187 Downloads
Lili Liu
Subnational Fiscal Policy , pp 173-180 Downloads
Subnational governance in India: pseudo-federalism and unity in tension , pp 180-192 Downloads
Taha Hameduddin
Subnational governance in Mexico: the unending persistence of dependency , pp 122-136 Downloads
Juan Cruz Olmeda
Subnational governance in Spain , pp 375-392 Downloads
Eloísa del Pino and César Colino
Subnational government and governance in China , pp 166-179 Downloads
Jianzi He and Yijia Jing
Subnational government debt financial management I: financing principles and policies , pp 73-82 Downloads
Subnational government debt financial management II: bringing an issue to market: networks and practices , pp 83-101 Downloads
Subnational governments and governance in Estonia: a paradoxical path of re-centralization despite strong local autonomy , pp 286-298 Downloads
Ringa Raudla
Subnational Insolvency and Governance: Cross-country Experiences and Lessons Downloads
Lili Liu and Michael Waibel
Subnational political tensions , pp 28-41 Downloads
Kent Eaton
Subnational Public Financial Management: Institutions and Macroeconomic Considerations Downloads
Ehtisham Ahmad, Maria Albino-War and Raju Singh
Subsidiarity Downloads
Jürgen G. Backhaus
Subsidiarity and new welfare , pp 354-361 Downloads
Pier Luigi Porta
Subsidiarity and Solidarity: Fiscal Decentralization in the Philippines Downloads
Christine Wallich, Rosario Manasan and Saloua Sehili
Subsidiarity for a Changing Union Downloads
Emanuela Carbonara, Barbara Luppi and Francesco Parisi
Subsidiarity, Solidarity and Asymmetry: Aspects of the Problem Downloads
Richard Bird and Robert D. Ebel
Subsidiary Autonomous Activities in Multinational Enterprises: A Transaction Cost Perspective , pp 120-141 Downloads
Alan Rugman and Wenlong Yuan
Subsidiary Power in the Embedded Multinational Downloads
Subsidiary Specific Advantages in Multinational Enterprises , pp 77-90 Downloads
Alan Rugman and Alain Verbeke
Subsidies and countervailing action - problems arising Downloads
Subsidies and countervailing measures, with a note on agriculture , pp 355-406 Downloads
Subsidies for emissions mitigation under WTO law , pp 561-635 Downloads
Luca Rubini
Subsidies to fossil energy consumption in Italy: assessment and interaction with the electricity market , pp 33-48 Downloads
Marianna Antenucci and Michele Governatori
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