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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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What is Money? Downloads
A. Mitchell Innes
What is money? From commodities to virtual currencies/Bitcoin , pp 1-11 Downloads
Benton E. Gup
What is Muslim philanthropy? , pp 7-26 Downloads
Shariq A. Siddiqui
What is Muslim philanthropy? , pp 11-24 Downloads
What is next for the study of non-democracy? , pp 20-26 Downloads
Scott Gehlbach
What is public about public research? The case of COVID-19 RD , pp 21-37 Downloads
Barry Bozeman
What is Regulatory Innovation? Downloads
Julia Black
What is strategic leadership? , pp 2-28 Downloads
Craig Crossland, Joanna T. Campbell and Aaron D. Hill
What is the agenda for cultural economics? , pp 166-174 Downloads
Samuel Cameron
What is the Cambridge Approach to Economics? Downloads
Geoffrey Harcourt
What is the creative economy - really? , pp 269-285 Downloads
Nick Wilson
What is the economics of Uber (and of this book)? , pp 10-35 Downloads
What is the future of economic inequality? , pp 201-219 Downloads
What is the Genuine Progress Indicator and how is it typically calculated? , pp 47-68 Downloads
Philip Lawn and Matthew Clarke
What is the Value of Entrepreneurial Start-ups to an Economy? , pp 447-472 Downloads
Zoltan Acs
What is to be Done? Toward a ‘Happier’ World Downloads
Amitava Dutt and Benjamin Radcliff
What is traffic law? , pp 115-129 Downloads
What is Uber’s business model? , pp 36-62 Downloads
What is wrong with transport prices in London Downloads
John Peirson, Duncan Sharp and Roger Vickerman
What I’ve learned about teaching entrepreneurship: perspectives of five master educators , pp 2-28 Downloads
Ulla Hytti, Charles H. Matthews, Dt Ogilvie, Lois M. Shelton and Doan Winkel
What Kept the Russian Federation Intact? Testing the Internal Exit Model of Buchanan and Faith Downloads
Vjacheslav Dombrovsky
What Kind of Governance for the Eurozone? Downloads
Paul De Grauwe
What Lessons Can be Learned from the Doha Round? Downloads
Xiaodong Wang
What Lies Ahead? Downloads
A. G. Gilbert
What limits indirect appropriability? , pp 26-48 Downloads
Michael Waldman
What Mainstream Economists Have to Say About the Value of Biodiversity , pp 165-171 Downloads
Alan Randall
What makes a good law of security? , pp 451-486 Downloads
Richard Calnan
What makes deterrence credible? , pp 302-316 Downloads
Andromachi Georgosouli
What makes for a 'good' internship? , pp 35-54 Downloads
Niall O’Higgins and Luis Pinedo Caro
What Makes My Mind Tick Downloads
Mark Perlman
What Marshall Didn't Know: On the Twentieth Century's Contributions to Economics , pp 243-286 Downloads
What motivates members to participate? , pp 164-181 Downloads
What Neuroeconomics Informs Us About Making Real-World Ethical Decisions in Organizations Downloads
Donald T. Wargo, Norman A. Baglini and Katherine A. Nelson
What next? Policies to keep Asia's debt sustainable , pp 366-366 Downloads
What next? Reflections for research and practice , pp 300-306 Downloads
Karst Geurs, Moshe Givoni, Beatriz Mella Lira and Robin Hickman
What Objectives for Monetary Policy? Downloads
Benjamin M. Friedman
What place for stories of property? Property in regional human rights case law , pp 107-149 Downloads
What Policies Should Developing Country Governments Adopt Toward Outward FDI? Lessons from the Experience of Developed Countries Downloads
Theodore Moran
What policies support SMEs through the crisis? Financial and innovation support in Qubec (Canada) , pp 112-136 Downloads
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay and Nathalie Lachapelle
What Practicing Agricultural Economists Really Need to Know About Methodology , pp 213-224 Downloads
Alan Randall
What precisely do you mean? Interpreting qualitative data , pp 111-118 Downloads
Rebecca Loudoun and Keith Townsend
What predicts corruption? , pp 345-373 Downloads
Emanuele Colonnelli, Jorge Gallego and Mounu Prem
What prevents spillovers from the pool of knowledge? , pp 528-537 Downloads
Hans Lööf
What protection against intellectual property rights piracy under international investment law? , pp 153-174 Downloads
What Public Policies Can and Cannot do for Regional Development Downloads
Mikel Landabaso
What Really Happened to Thai Wage Rates During the East Asian Financial Crisis? Downloads
Jere Behrman, Anil Deolalikar and Pranee Tinakorn
What remains of Hayek’s critique of ‘social justice’? Twenty propositions , pp 364-380 Downloads
Robert Nef
What Remedies for Social Derivatives and Expansionism of the Court of Justice of the European Union? Downloads
Nikitas Aliprantis
What role for the EU? Domestic contestation of the EU's global role(s) in its neighbourhood , pp 179-195 Downloads
Magdalena Góra
What should a board of directors know about workplace harassment? , pp 245-263 Downloads
Sylvie St-Onge
Page updated 2025-03-28
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