From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Globalization, the WTO and GATS: Implications for the Banking Sector in Developing Countries

- Victor Murinde and Cillian Ryan
- Globalization, Universities and Sustainable Human Development: A Framework for Understanding the Issues

- Jean L. Pyle and Robert Forrant
- Globalization: Countries, Cities and Multinationals , pp 371-386

- Philip McCann and Zoltan Acs
- Globalized Freight Transport: Conclusions and Future Research

- Cristina Capineri and Thomas R. Leinbach
- Globalized Investing and the Political Risk Aspects of International Sovereign Debt and Foreign Direct Investments

- Boon-Chye Lee and John G. Powell
- Globalized Localities: Introduction

- Hubert Schmitz
- Globalized Trade and Logistics: North American Perspectives

- Jean Paul Rodrigue and Markus Hesse
- Globalized Trade, Logistics and Intermodality: European Perspectives

- Dirk Henstra, Cees Ruijgrok and Lori Tavasszy
- Globalizing Europe: the overall picture , pp 43-61

- John H. Dunning
- Globalizing Industrial Relations: What Role for International Framework Agreements?

- Konstantinos Papadakis
- Globalizing Islamic investment funds , pp iii-iii

- Nurul Aini Muhamed and Mervyn K. Lewis
- Globalizing startups: business development organizations in the Bay Area , pp 157-185

- David Bartlett and Tomasz Mroczkowski
- GM foods and global trade

- David Robertson
- GMOs: Trade and Welfare Impacts of Current Policies and Prospects for Reform

- Kym Anderson and Lee Ann Jackson
- Goals, Agenda, and Policy Recommendations for Ecological Economics , pp 50-64

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- Gobalization and development policy

- S. Mansoob Murshed
- God is in the detail: intellectual property in light of cultural economics , pp 191-205

- Christian Handke
- God, the State and the Market

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- Going beneath the surface of heroes: a guide to planning qualitative research on admired elites in emerging markets , pp 56-69

- Cristina Velez-Valencia, Carolina Herrera-Cano and Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez
- Going beyond GDP: empirical findings , pp 52-103

- Carlotta Balestra, Romina Boarini and Nicolas Ruiz
- Going beyond GDP: theoretical approaches , pp 1-51

- Enrico Giovannini and Tommaso Rondinella
- Going concern audit opinion: reducing information asymmetry , pp 174-193

- Dusica Stevcevska-Srbinoska
- Going down? Human nature, growth and (un)sustainability , pp 498-521

- William E. Rees
- Going Dutch - Managed-Competition Health Insurance in the Netherlands , pp 217-219

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- Going Global: China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment

- Lilai Xu
- Going Public without the Public: Between Political Governance and Corporate Governance , pp 1-20

- Sonja Opper
- Going Without an Income Tax: How do States do it?

- David L Sjoquist
- Gold Standard

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- Gold's backward supply curve , pp 48-50

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- Gold: An International Monetary System in the Service of Humanity

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- Goldmine or minefield? The methodological challenges associated with the analysis of the FixMyStreet neighbourhood problems dataset , pp 206-219

- Alasdair Rae and Elvis Nyanzu
- Golf

- Chantelle Bramley
- Good friends and faceless partners: educational cooperation for community building in the Barents Region , pp 191-210

- Marit Sundet
- Good governance , pp 256-265

- B. Guy Peters
- Good governance as a precondition and goal in sustainability transitions , pp 267-292

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- Good governance, property rights and sustainable resource use: Indian Ocean rim examples , pp 209-224

- Clement Tisdell and Kartik Roy
- Good intentions or good strategy? MNEs contributions to sustainable development in developing countries , pp 37-56

- Marlene Leonhartsberger, Sophie Thalmayr and Christof Miska
- Good Law and Economics Needs Better Microeconomic Models: The Case Against ‘Contingent Fees’ as Application of Agency Models to the Professions

- Lorenzo Sacconi
- Good practice in low-carbon policy , pp 123-140

- Alex Bowen and Sam Fankhauser
- Good research is episodic , pp 54-56

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- Good Researchers Make Good Teachers

- Catharine Hill
- Goodbye Neo-liberalism? Contested Policy Responses to Uncertain Consequences of the 2007–09 Financial Crisis

- Dieter Pesendorfer
- Goods and services , pp 66-91

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- Goods and services , pp 54-80

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- Goodwin Models

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- Goodwin, Richard M

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- Got problems? Customer segment problem hypotheses generation , pp 395-400

- Briana Sell Stenard and John Stenard
- Governance , pp 122-146

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- Governance , pp 18-39

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- Governance , pp 209-237

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