From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- How do economic theorists use empirical evidence? Two case studies

- Roger Backhouse
- How Do Economists Approach Microeconomic Policy?

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- How do experiments inform collective action research? , pp 260-268

- Maroš Servátka
- How do FDI Inflows Affect the Productivity of Domestic Firms? The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity and Competition

- Marcin Kolasa
- How do firms acquire knowledge in different sectoral and regional contexts? , pp 142-154

- Franz Tödtling and Michaela Trippl
- How do firms respond to innovation shocks in the incubation phase of an industry? , pp 270-288

- Lyda Bigelow and Alice Min
- How do international performance, marketing capabilities and market turbulence jointly influence a foreign exit decision? , pp 136-158

- Qun Tan and Carlos M.P. Sousa
- How do Internet Payments Challenge the Retail Payment Industry?

- David Bounie and Pierre Gazé
- How do internships undertaken during higher education affect graduates' labour market outcomes in Italy and the United Kingdom? , pp 55-75

- Charikleia Tzanakou, Luca Cattani, Daria Luchinskaya and Giulio Pedrini
- How Do Joint Supervisors Examine Financial Institutions? The Case of Banks

- Marcelo Rezende
- How do National Systems of Innovation Differ?: A Critical Analysis of Porter, Freeman, Lundvall and Nelson , pp 117-137

- Maureen McKelvey
- How do polity and economy interact within Régulation Theory? Consequences for policy regimes and reform strategies , pp 124-174

- Robert Boyer
- How do prosumers collaborate in online communities? The four-level structure of collaborative prosumption practices , pp 27-42

- Jan-Hendrik Bucher, Johanna Gollnhofer and Niklas Woermann
- How do Regional Trade Agreements Affect Intra-Regional and Inter-Regional FDI?

- Walid Hejazi and Peter H. Pauly
- How do researchers get close to the technology under investigation? Insights, benefits and challenges , pp 124-147

- Stan Karanasios, Mira Slavova and Aljona Zorina
- How Do Risk Perceptions Respond to Information? The Case of Radon , pp 105-112

- V. Kerry Smith and F. Reed Johnson
- How do South African firms respond to trade policy reform? , pp 193-221

- Raphael Kaplinsky and Mike Morris
- How Do We Assess How Happy We Are? Tenets, Implications and Tenability of Three Theories

- Ruut Veenhoven
- How do we measure unequal? The who, where, what, when, and how of inequality , pp 1-19

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- How does congruence between customer and brand personality influence the success of a company? , pp 190-215

- Tobias Olbrück, Peter A. Gloor, Ludovica Segneri and Andrea Fronzetti Colladon
- How does CSR address equality problems towards sustainable development goals? Business cases from various industries , pp 160-173

- Gizem Aras Beger, Bayram Bilge Saƒülam and Egemen Ertürk
- How does culture influence economic development? , pp 147-179

- Don Lavoie and Emily Chamlee-Wright
- How Does Finance Contribute to the Development Process and Poverty Reduction?

- Christopher Green, Colin H. Kirkpatrick and Victor Murinde
- How does innovation sustain ‘sustainable innovation’? , pp 27-37

- Benoît Godin and Gérald Gaglio
- How does institutional quality affect the finance-energy-growth nexus? The case of low- and low-middle-income countries , pp 78-102

- Rudra P. Pradhan, Mahendhiran S. Nair, John H. Hall, Sara E. Bennett and Sahar Bahmani
- How does MacIntyre extend Aristotle’s account of phronesis and what does this imply for corporate governance? , pp 293-309

- Alejo José G. Sison and Dulce M. Redín
- How does social capital contribute to health? , pp 11-18

- Sherman Folland
- How does the government spend? A functional model of the UK Exchequer , pp 1-40

- Andrew Berkeley, Richard Tye and Neil Wilson
- How Economics develops over time: Kuhn versus Laudan , pp 61-66

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- David Colander
- How ecosystem services research can advance ecological economics principles , pp 127-150

- Rachelle K. Gould, Taylor H. Ricketts, Richard B. Howarth, Svenja Telle, Tatiana Gladkikh, Stephen Posner, Jesse Gourevitch and Yuki Yoshida
- How ecosystem-based restoration can yield a double dividend of adaptation to climate change and enhancement of ecosystem services , pp 215-258

- James Blignaut
- How Effective are the R&D-Promoting Activities of the Swiss Innovation Agency CTI? An Evaluation Based on Matched-pairs Analysis

- Spyros Arvanitis and Nora Sydow
- How efficient are the commercial, investment and Islamic bank managers in Jordan? , pp 434-462

- İhsan Işık, Mohammed Omran and M. Kabir Hassan
- How environmental ethics affect the consumption–wellbeing relationship: evidence from Japan , pp 367-384

- Tetsuya Tsurumi, Kazuki Kagohashi and Shunsuke Managi
- How eroding monetary tools facilitated debt creation , pp 142-144

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- How ESG is weakening the business judgement rule , pp 67-94

- Thilo Kuntz
- How financial decisions are affected by financial literacy levels, behavioral aspects and individual propensities: an empirical analysis of Italian young adult , pp 29-47

- Umberto Filotto, Gian Paolo Stella and Enrico Maria Cervellati
- How firm managers understand innovation: implications for the design of innovation surveys , pp 88-108

- Anthony Arundel, Kieran O’Brien and Ann Torugsa
- How Firms Source Knowledge from Universities: Partnering versus Contracting

- Markus Perkmann and Kathryn Walsh
- How food reaches the plate: the structure of the food chain , pp 22-41

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- How forms of government shape models of democracy and their vulnerability to backsliding , pp 395-409

- Steffen Ganghof
- How gendered institutions constrain women’s empowerment , pp 150-166

- Irene van Staveren
- How Global are TNCs from Emerging Markets?

- Alan Rugman
- How Global is Foreign Direct Investment and What Can Policymakers Do About It? Stylized Facts, Knowledge Gaps, and Selected Policy Instruments

- Peter Nunnenkamp
- How Global is the ‘Global Media’? Analysing the Networked Urban Geographies of Transnational Media Corporations

- Allan Watson
- How Globalisation Improves Governance

- Federico Bonaglia, Jorge Braga de Macedo and Maurizio Bussolo
- How globalization affects Italian industrial districts: the case of Brenta

- Roberta Rabellotti
- How Good are Econometric Results? , pp 12-27

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- How green is strategic decision-making in a green company? , pp 224-242

- Chiharu Narikiyo, Elaine Harris and Moataz Elmassri
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