From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Knowledge Regimes and Intellectual Property Protection in Services: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Testing

- Knut Blind, Rinaldo Evangelista and Jeremy Howells
- Knowledge relations and innovation from a regional perspective , pp 107-134

- Franz Tödtling, Christoph Höglinger and Markus Grillitsch
- Knowledge Search and Strategic Alliance: Evidence from the Electronics Industry

- Stefano Breschi, Lorenzo Cassi and Franco Malerba
- Knowledge services , pp 11-26

- Ian Miles
- Knowledge sharing and network emergence in small firm clusters: an agent-based model of industrial districts , pp 66-84

- Luca Iandoli, Elio Marchione, Cristina Ponsiglione and Giuseppe Zollo
- Knowledge spillover aspects of cooperation and competition , pp 94-109

- Sven-Åke Hӧrte
- Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Large and Small Firms

- David Audretsch and Max Keilbach
- Knowledge spillover entrepreneurship in an endogenous growth model , pp 174-194

- Zoltan Acs and Mark W. J. L. Sanders
- Knowledge spillovers , pp 310-316

- Adam Jaffe
- Knowledge spillovers and commercialization in universities and their regions , pp 46-60

- Roger R. Stough, Jonathan Aberman, Tüzin Baycan and Paul Vulto
- Knowledge spillovers and industrial policy: evidence from the Advanced Technology Program and the Department of Defense , pp 221-254

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- Knowledge Spillovers and Industrial Transformation: The West Midlands and Saxony Automotive Clusters , pp 211-234

- Odile E. M. Janne and Mahtab Akhavan Farshchi
- Knowledge Spillovers and Organizational Heterogeneity: An Historical Overview of German Technology Sectors

- Mark Lehrer
- Knowledge Spillovers from the Patenting Process

- Jesper Christensen
- Knowledge Spillovers through Informal Contacts in Urban Production Systems: The Case of ICT Firms in Campinas, Brazil

- Renato Garcia and Veneziano Araujo
- Knowledge spillovers, innovation and cluster formation: the case of Norwegian aquaculture , pp 204-234

- Finn Orstavik
- Knowledge Spillovers: Mobility of Highly Educated Workers within the High Technology Sector in Finland , pp 131-150

- Kirsi Mukkala
- Knowledge Transfer and Complexity in Innovation Systems

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- Knowledge transfer and organizational learning processes in international strategic alliances: the determinants, consequences, and moderators , pp 195-228

- Mia Hsiao-Wen Ho and Pervez N. Ghauri
- Knowledge Transfer and Technology Diffusion: An Introduction

- Paul Robertson and David Jacobson
- Knowledge transfer in the Thai automotive industry and impacts from changing patent regimes , pp 113-171

- Patarapong Intarakumnerd and Peera Charoenporn
- Knowledge transfers and technology transfers , pp 17-41

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- Knowledge transfers from publicly funded firms , pp 114-125

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- Knowledge transfers from SBIR mills , pp 131-135

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- Knowledge, capital formation and innovation behaviour in a spatial context , pp 314-346

- Günter Haag and Philipp Liedl
- Knowledge, Complexity and Networks

- Pier Paolo Saviotti
- Knowledge, Creativity and Regional Development

- Charlie Karlsson and Börje Johansson
- Knowledge, experience and measurement for stakeholder decision-making: a historical case study , pp 164-184

- Roy Edwards
- Knowledge, Human Capital and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: Recent Trends from an Endogenous Growth Theory Perspective

- Diana V. Barrowclough
- Knowledge, innovation and space: introduction , pp 1-26

- Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson, Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Roger R. Stough
- Knowledge, knowledge sharing and convention in Keynes ' thinking , pp 129-144

- Elke Muchlinski
- Knowledge, meaning and work: threats to academic freedom in the world of research , pp 91-105

- Eva Aladro Vico
- Knowledge, not incentives , pp 36-46

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- Knowledge, Policy and Innovation

- Luc Soete
- Knowledge, Political Innovation and Referendum

- Tsuyoshi Hatori and Kiyoshi Kobayashi
- Knowledge, Science and Interactions in South Africa’s Wine Industry

- Jo Lorentzen
- Knowledge, the Knowledge Economy and Welfare Theory

- Wilfred Dolfsma
- Knowledge, values and territory: a case study

- Goio Etxebarria and Mikel Gomez Uranga
- Knowledge-driven Capitalization of Knowledge

- Riccardo Viale
- Knowledge-Driven Stage – and Logic – of Catch-up Growth

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- Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS)

- Simone Strambach
- Knowledge-Intensive Services and Innovation

- Ian Miles
- Knowledge: A Challenge for the Austrian Theory of the Firm

- Pierre Garrouste
- Knowledge: Uncertainty, Probabilities and the Moral Sciences

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- Knowledgeable Regions, Jacobian Clusters and Green Innovation

- Philip Cooke
- Knowledges, Specialization and Economic Evolution: Modelling the Evolving Division of Human Time

- Esben Sloth Andersen
- Knut Wicksell (1851–1926)

- Hans-Michael Trautwein
- Koichi Hamada (b. 1936) , pp 332-349

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- Kondratiev Business Cycles and Innovation Dynamism

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- Korea and Asia Pacific Regionalism in the Post-Cold War Context , pp 23-36

- Myungsoon Shin and Hahnkyu Park
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