From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Complementary and the measurement of Individual Risk Tradeoffs: Accounting for Quantity and Quality of Life Effects , pp 77-96

- Mary Evans and V. Kerry Smith
- Complementary contract interpretation, base of the contract, reconstruction of the fully specified contract and fair distribution of the total surplus from a contract , pp 378-415

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- Complementary smart specialization in a key Polish region , pp 297-319

- Patryk Czerwony, Mirosław Miller and Tomasz Mroczkowski
- Complements, substitutes and multidimensional deprivation measurement , pp 378-387

- I-aki Permanyer
- Complex analogy and modular exaptation: some definitional clarifications , pp 483-506

- Professor Pierpaolo Andriani and Professor Giuseppe Carignani
- Complex Dynamics and Post Keynesian Economics

- J. Barkley Rosser
- Complex Dynamics in Ecological-Economic Systems

- J. Barkley Rosser
- Complex evolving social systems: unending, imperfect learning , pp 18-44

- Professor Peter Allen
- Complex FDI in Japanese Multinationals

- Kazunobu Hayakawa and Toshiyuki Matsuura
- Complex governance: actors, institutions and linkages , pp 52-74

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- Complex Individuals: The Individual in Non-Euclidian Space , pp 123-142

- John Davis
- Complex networks and fundamental urban processes , pp 41-61

- LuÃs M.A. Bettencourt
- Complex political emergencies

- Jonathan Goodhand
- Complex scenarios in socio-economic data: a comprehensive analytical study , pp 388-425

- Assistant Professor Sanjay Kumar Palit, Associate Professor Santo Banerjee and Assisyant Professor Sayan Mukherjee
- Complex social psychology , pp 223-233

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- Complex systems and evolutionary economics , pp 89-120

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- Complex Systems Modeling and International Development

- Hans-Peter Brunner and Peter Allen
- Complexity , pp 64-84

- Li An
- Complexity and Aggregation

- Alan Kirman
- Complexity and Austrian Economics

- Roger Koppl
- Complexity and diversity of quality of life-related research , pp 2-12

- Robert J. Stimson, Robert W. Marans and Noah J. Webster
- Complexity and Industry Evolution: New Insights from an Old Industry

- Virginia Acha and Stefano Brusoni
- Complexity and Innovation Dynamics

- David A. Lane
- Complexity and responsiveness , pp 65-74

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- Complexity and Risk

- Ole Hanseth
- Complexity and the Coordination of Technological Knowledge: The Case of Innovation Platforms

- Davide Consoli and Pier Paolo Patrucco
- Complexity and the Economy

- W.B. Arthur
- Complexity and the Economy

- W. Brian Arthur
- Complexity and the Economy: An Interview with W. Brian Arthur

- Robert Delorme and Geoffrey Hodgson
- Complexity and the History of Economic Thought

- David Colander
- Complexity and uncertainty: implications for urban planning , pp 319-330

- Stefano Moroni and Daniele Chiffi
- Complexity and wellbeing: measurement and analysis , pp 113-128

- Filomena Maggino and Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo
- Complexity Economics and Workaday Economic Policy , pp 117-130

- David Colander
- Complexity in international business: the implications for theory , pp 145-165

- with Yutong Li
- Complexity in international trade and WTO laws legitimacy crisis , pp 2-15

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- Complexity in low-carbon finance markets , pp 340-355

- Nadia Ameli, Sumit Kothari, Francesca Larosa, Jamie Rickman and Carla Sciarra
- Complexity in taxation , pp 26-46

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- Complexity in the Theory of the Developing Firm

- Harry Bloch and Stan Metcalfe
- Complexity informed social research: from complexity concepts to creative applications , pp 74-94

- Dr Lesley Kuhn
- Complexity Needs Strategy First Rather than Simplification: Why I am a Satisficing and Unrepentant Simonian

- Jean-Louis Le Moigne
- Complexity of a System as a Key to its Optimization , pp 171-186

- Victor Korotkikh and Galina Korotkikh
- Complexity theory , pp 17-19

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- Complexity Thinking and Evolutionary Economic Geography

- Ronald Martin and Peter Sunley
- Complexity thinking as a coordinating theoretical framework for creative industries research , pp 39-57

- Roberta Comunian
- Complexity, Networks and Knowledge Flows

- Olav Sorenson, Jan W. Rivkin and Lee Fleming
- Complexity, output, and profit , pp 75-87

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- Complexity, the bridging science of emerging respiratory outbreak response , pp 327-356

- Dr Babak Pourbohloul, Dr Krista M. English and Dr Nathaniel Hupert
- Complexity: the evolution and planning of towns and cities , pp 86-107

- Peter M. Allen
- Compliance in Decentralized Environmental Governance

- Albert Breton and Pierre Salmon
- Compliance in the EU Enlargement Process: Institutional Reform and the Limits of Conditionality

- Bernard Steunenberg and Antoaneta Dimitrova
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