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- Approaches to Urban Policymaking: A Framework

- B. J. L. Berry
- Approaches towards addressing the misclassification of employment , pp 142-160

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- Approaches, actors and models of vertical collaborative governance arrangements in combating poverty – five European cities compared , pp 159-180

- Max Koch and Alexandru Panican
- Approaching the ethics of sustainability in an area of deprivation , pp 174-189

- Helen Traill, Deirdre Shaw, Stephanie Anderson, Andrew Cumbers and Robert McMaster
- Approaching the Political Economy of Pension Reform , pp 37-59

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- Appropriate discounting for benefit–cost analysis , pp 247-263

- David Burgess and Richard O. Zerbe
- Appropriate housing in rural and mountain areas? Current structures and practices of access for immigrants - the case of Alpine regions in Austria and Germany , pp 27-43

- Stefan Kordel, Tobias Weidinger, Ingrid Machold and Marika Gruber
- Appropriate institutions and sustainable growth: China’s development and its worldwide significance , pp 190-206

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- Appropriation of innovation rents in a science-driven market , pp 324-371

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- Appropriation of the Legal System by Economic Concepts: Should Conflicting Goals be Considered?

- Anne Perrot
- Apriorism

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- Aquaculture and sustainable development: allowing for environmental externalities and common-pool resources , pp 277-300

- Clement Tisdell
- Aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: a Blue Growth perspective , pp 93-123

- Fabio Massa, Laura Onofri and Davide Fezzardi
- Arabic Middle Ages , pp 210-220

- Mohamad Ghossein
- Arbitraging information using windows of opportunity , pp 106-112

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- Arbitration in the classroom: a classroom experiment to model MLBs salary arbitration , pp 208-219

- Amber Brown
- Archetypes of Pedagogical Innovation for Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: Model and Illustrations

- Jean-Pierre Béchard and Denis Grégoire
- Architecture of the Kyoto Protocol and Prospects for Public Climate Policy

- Frank Wijen and Kees Zoeteman
- Archival methods , pp 32-46

- Chris Forde
- Archival Research

- Dallen J. Timothy
- Archival research in the digital era , pp 156-172

- Adam Nix, Stephanie Decker, David A. Kirsch and Santhilata Kuppili Venkata
- Arctic urbanization: resilience in a condition of permanent instability – the case of Russian Arctic cities , pp 136-153

- Nadezhda Zamyatina and Ruslan Goncharov
- Are 'Western' Constitutions Relevant to Anything Other than the Countries They Serve? , pp 165-198

- Peter Ordeshook
- Are All Emerging Market Crises Alike?

- Marcos Chamon, Atish Ghosh and Jun Il Kim
- Are all industries now green? , pp 64-80

- Grete Rusten
- Are ASEAN FTAs Used for Exporting?

- Ganeshan Wignaraja
- Are Bunker Adjustment Factors Aimed at Revenue-making or Cost Recovery? Empirical Evidence on the Pricing Strategies of Shipping Lines

- Theo Nooteboom and Pierre Cariou
- Are Chinese Intellectual Property Laws Consistent with the TRIPs Agreement?

- Guo Shoukang and Zuo Xiaodong
- Are Clusters the Solution?

- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Fabrice Comptour
- Are copyright collecting societies efficient organisations? An evaluation of collective administration of copyright in Europe , pp 176-198

- Fabrice Rochelandet
- Are Culturally Diverse Countries More Fiscally Decentralized?

- Harry F. Campbell
- Are current air transport policies consistent with a sustainable environment?

- Kenneth Button
- Are Emerging-Market TNCs Sensitive to Corporate Responsibility Issues?

- Carrie Hall
- Are entrepreneurial ecosystems measurable? What the literature says about moving forward , pp 520-555

- Ana Joana C. Fernandes, João J. Ferreira and Lawrence Dooley
- Are estimates of labour demand functions mere statistical artefacts? , pp 284-310

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- Are estimates of the volume of money laundering either feasible or useful? , pp 224-231

- Peter Reuter
- Are food embargoes a real threat to China?

- Yongzheng Yang
- Are Global Imbalances a Problem?

- John Williamson
- Are household borrowing constraints bad for the environment? Theory and cross-country evidence , pp 184-214

- Dana Andersen
- Are innovation and regulation opposites? , pp 92-120

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- Are Kaleckian models relevant for the long run? , pp 288-307

- Pasquale Commendatore
- Are Keynesian Uncertainty and Macrotheory Compatible? Conventional Decision Making, Institutional Structures and Conditional Stability in Keynesian Macromodels , pp 39-71

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- Are Market Values Fair?

- Jon Exley
- Are market wages fair? , pp 98-102

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- Are Markets Everywhere? Understanding Contemporary Processes of Commodification

- Luís Francisco Carvalho and João Rodrigues
- Are people paid according to their merit? , pp 48-82

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- Are policies supporting cluster development? A comparative firmlevel analysis , pp 203-221

- Alexander Auer and Franz Tödtling
- Are Property Rights Relevant for Development Economics? On the Dangers of Western Constructivism

- Enrico Colombatto
- Are safer, welcoming care homes possible? Considering physical environments , pp 82-98

- Susan Braedley and Pat Armstrong
- Are senior entrepreneurs less innovative than younger ones? , pp 110-142

- Rolf Sternberg
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