From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Past, Present and Future Economic Growth in Latin America , pp 268-289

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- Past, present and future of urbanization in Finland

- E. Heikkilä and T. Järvinen
- Pastor response in post-Katrina New Orleans: navigating the cultural economic landscape , pp 269-294

- Emily Chamlee-Wright
- Pastoral livelihoods in Africa , pp 359-374

- Edna Wangui
- Patent analysis , pp 350-365

- Rosalie Ruegg and Patrick Thomas
- Patent citations , pp 364-371

- Adam Jaffe
- Patent Exploitation Strategies and Value Creation

- Maria Isabella Leone and Keld Laursen
- Patent fees , pp 372-380

- Lena Kalukuta Mahina and Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie
- Patent generation in US metropolitan areas , pp 81-101

- Gordon F. Mulligan
- Patent information and corporate credit ratings: an empirical study of patent valuation by credit rating agencies , pp 72-97

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- Patent landscape analysis of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine technology: examining the role of biotech companies, public research and universities , pp 417-439

- Fabio Montobbio, Gabriele Pellegrino and Valerio Sterzi
- Patent Licensing Contracts

- Massimiliano Granieri, Maria Isabella Leone and Raffaele Oriani
- Patent licensing strategies for the research and development of pharmaceuticals in developing countries , pp 142-184

- Gail E. Evans
- Patent Litigation, Licensing, Nonobviousness, and Antitrust

- Michael J. Meurer
- Patent policy and innovation , pp 381-388

- Ruchi Sharma
- Patent policy changes in India and their implications , pp 454-468

- Ruchi Sharma and Madan Dhanora
- Patent Portfolio Management

- Martin A. Bader and Oliver Gassmann
- Patent systems , pp 389-397

- Elise Petit and Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie
- Patent title insurance , pp 163-175

- Charles Duan
- Patent Valuations and Real Options

- Robert Pitkethly
- Patent-backed Finance

- Federico Munari, Maria Cristina Odasso and Laura Toschi
- Patenting and spin-offs at universities , pp 92-109

- Werner Mäntele
- Patenting Genes

- Trevor Cook
- Patents and Innovation Counts as Measures of Regional Production of New Knowledge , pp 135-151

- Zoltan Acs, Luc Anselin and Attila Varga
- Patents and intellectual property: a general framework , pp 55-106

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- Patents and open innovation , pp 182-194

- Julien Pénin
- Patents versus utility models in a dynamic change of an economy: Korea , pp 90-119

- Keun Lee and Yee Kyoung Kim
- Patents, knowledge spillovers, and entrepreneurship , pp 195-212

- Zoltan Acs and Mark Sanders
- Paternalism, Taylorism, socialism: the Battle for Production in the Chilean textile industry, 1930–1973 , pp 211-228

- Adam Fishwick
- Path Dependence and Diversification in Corporate Technological Histories

- John Cantwell
- Path Dependence and Institutional Evolution - The Case of the Nationalisation of Private Railroads in Interwar Sweden , pp 186-196

- Jan Ottosson
- Path Dependence and Path Plasticity: The Co-evolution of Institutions and Innovation – the German Customized Business Software Industry

- Simone Strambach
- Path Dependence and Public Policy: Lessons from Economics

- Stephen E. Margolis
- Path Dependence and Social Models

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- Path Dependence in Economic Geography

- Magnus Lagerholm and Anders Malmberg
- Path dependence in scientific evolution , pp 205-224

- Albert Jolink and Jack J. Vromen
- Path Dependence of Knowledge: Implications for the Theory of the Firm , pp 57-78

- Bart Nooteboom
- Path Dependence versus Path-breaking Crises: An Alternative View

- Bo Stråth
- Path dependence, its critics and the quest for 'historical economics'

- George Akerlof
- Path dependence, its critics, and the quest for 'historical economics' , pp 15-40

- Paul David
- Path Dependence, its Critics, and the Quest for ‘Historical Economics’

- Paul David
- Path Dependence, Localised Technological Change and the Quest for Dynamic Efficiency

- Cristiano Antonelli
- Path Dependence: A Foundational Concept for Historical Social Science

- Paul David
- Path dependency, entrepreneurship, and economic resilience in resource-driven economies: lessons from the Newfoundland offshore oil industry, Canada , pp 89-108

- Cédric Brunelle and Ben Spigel
- Path-dependent National Systems or European Convergence? The Case of European Electricity Markets

- Atle Midttun, Augusto Rupérez Micola and Terje Omland
- Pathogens and probabilities , pp 54-83

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- Pathology in the Economics Discipline , pp 178-188

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- Paths in Time and Space - Path Dependence in Industrial Networks , pp 119-137

- Håkan Håkansson and Anders Lundgren
- Pathways from compact city to subjective well-being: evidence from Oslo, Norway , pp 165-181

- Kostas Mouratidis
- Pathways to a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific: problems and prospects , pp 3-29

- Peter C.Y. Chow
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