From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla ( Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The Role of Donors and Recipient Responses

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- The role of econometrics in a radical methodology

- Bill Gerrard
- The Role of Economic Incentives in Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care

- Susan L. Ettner, Michael Schoenbaum and Jessica A. Williams
- The Role of Economic Incentives in Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care

- Susan L. Ettner and Michael Schoenbaum
- The role of economics in analysing ecological and environmental problems and in related policy decisions: an overview , pp 3-16

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- The Role of Economics in Merger Review

- John Fingleton
- The role of education for social mobility , pp 357-370

- Moris Triventi and Giampiero Passaretta
- The role of employee adaptability, goal striving and proactivity for sustainable careers , pp 190-204

- Karen Van Dam, Tanja Bipp and Joris Van Ruysseveldt
- The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in shaping internationalisation decisions and the entrepreneurial mindset , pp 188-210

- Hannes Velt, Anna Vuorio, Ewa Dobrzanska and Olli Kuivalainen
- The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in the Entrepreneurial Process

- Francisco Li-án
- The role of entrepreneurship in economic development , pp iii-iii

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- The role of entropy and energy in natural resource economics , pp 326-351

- Gabriel A. Lozada
- The role of equality law in addressing gender inequalities in work and employment relations: experiences from the European Union , pp 97-115

- Mia Rönnmar
- The Role of Evaluation in Regional Sustainable Development

- Joe Ravetz
- The role of external crises in international SMEs' business models: an institution-based view , pp 137-153

- Susanne Durst, Lasse Torkkeli and Antti Ainamo
- The Role of External Factors in the Localized Exploitation of Technological Knowledge: Localized Appropriability and Directed Technological Innovation

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- The Role of External Factors in the Localized Generation of Technological Knowledge

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- The role of external knowledge in the introduction of product and process innovations , pp 109-127

- Cristiano Antonelli and Claudio Fassio
- The role of fair and equitable benefit-sharing in environmental peacebuilding , pp 62-88

- Elisa Morgera
- The role of familial transfers in supporting the lifecycle defi cit in India

- Laishram Ladusingh and M. R. Narayana
- The Role of FDI in Eastern Europe and New Independent States: New Channels for the Spillover Effect

- Irina Tytell and Ksenia Yudaeva
- The role of FDI in restructuring and modernization: an overview of literature , pp 50-80

- Miklós Szanyi
- The Role of FDI in the Regionalisation/Globalisation Debate with Masataka Fujita and Nevena Yakova

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- The Role of FDI in Transition

- Josef Christl
- The role of financial markets in economic performance: the EU and the USA

- Stefano Manzocchi and Pier Carlo Padoan
- The role of financial markets in promoting food security , pp 215-230

- Lee Hodgkinson
- The role of financial markets in promoting sustainability – are view and research framework , pp 264-291

- Mohammed Amidu and Haruna Issahaku
- The role of financial surveys for economic research and policy making in emerging markets , pp 676-686

- Sof'a Gallardo and Carlos Madeira
- The role of foreign direct investment flows and a possible multilateral agreement , pp 403-420

- Yunling Zhang and Rongyan Wang
- The Role of Foreign Workers in Taiwan's Economic Development , pp 182-210

- Joseph S. Lee
- The role of funders in shaping the UK research landscape , pp 116-132

- Frédérique Bone and Beverley Sherbon
- The Role of Geographical Proximity in FDI Productivity Spillovers in China

- Sizhong Sun, Ligang Song and Peter Drysdale
- The role of gold in the international monetary system

- Enzo Grilli and Robert Pringle
- The Role of Government in Fostering Intermodal Transport Innovations Perceived Lessons Obstacles in the United States

- José Holguín-Veras, Robert Paaswell and Anthony Perl
- The Role of Government in Fostering Sectoral SME Development: An Analysis of the Tourism Industry in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore , pp 395-416

- Michael T. Schaper, Jack Carlsen and Ruth Taylor
- The role of government in industrial relations , pp 95-124

- Richard Hyman
- The role of government in introducing automated freight transport systems , pp 295-320

- Karl Matthias Weber and Claus Seibt
- The Role of Government in the Industrialisation of Taiwan and Korea , pp 1-49

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- The role of governments in conserving and funding cultural institutions , pp 223-252

- Michael Getzner
- The role of human capital in economic development , pp 47-76

- Brian Snowdon
- The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: Evidence from Greek Regions

- Nikos Benos and Stelios Karagiannis
- The Role of Hydrogen in Our Energy Future

- Giorgio Simbolotti
- The Role of IDB in Islamic Capital Market Development

- Salman Ali
- The role of ideas in legitimating EU trade policy: from the Single Market Programme to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership , pp 243-262

- Ferdi De Ville and Gabriel Siles-Brügge
- The role of identity, personal and social capital in community crime prevention , pp 515-525

- Ambrose Leung and Brandon Harrison
- The Role of Incentives (and Culture) in Rebalancing the Economics Major

- Bradley W. Bateman
- The role of income distribution in long run endogenous growth , pp 40-57

- Amit Bhaduri
- The role of index funds in retirement asset allocation

- David Gallagher
- The Role of Indigenous Firms in Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: The Developmental Implications of National Champion Firms’ Response to Underdeveloped National Innovation Systems

- Helena Barnard, Tracy Bromfield and John Cantwell
- The role of industrial relations for equitable socio-technical change in construction value chains: overview , pp 1-17

- Serena Rugiero and Daniele Di Nunzio
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