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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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The Role of Donors and Recipient Responses Downloads
The role of econometrics in a radical methodology Downloads
Bill Gerrard
The Role of Economic Incentives in Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care Downloads
Susan L. Ettner, Michael Schoenbaum and Jessica A. Williams
The Role of Economic Incentives in Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care Downloads
Susan L. Ettner and Michael Schoenbaum
The role of economics in analysing ecological and environmental problems and in related policy decisions: an overview , pp 3-16 Downloads
The Role of Economics in Merger Review Downloads
John Fingleton
The role of education for social mobility , pp 357-370 Downloads
Moris Triventi and Giampiero Passaretta
The role of employee adaptability, goal striving and proactivity for sustainable careers , pp 190-204 Downloads
Karen Van Dam, Tanja Bipp and Joris Van Ruysseveldt
The role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in shaping internationalisation decisions and the entrepreneurial mindset , pp 188-210 Downloads
Hannes Velt, Anna Vuorio, Ewa Dobrzanska and Olli Kuivalainen
The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in the Entrepreneurial Process Downloads
Francisco Li-án
The role of entrepreneurship in economic development , pp iii-iii Downloads
The role of entropy and energy in natural resource economics , pp 326-351 Downloads
Gabriel A. Lozada
The role of equality law in addressing gender inequalities in work and employment relations: experiences from the European Union , pp 97-115 Downloads
Mia Rönnmar
The Role of Evaluation in Regional Sustainable Development Downloads
Joe Ravetz
The role of external crises in international SMEs' business models: an institution-based view , pp 137-153 Downloads
Susanne Durst, Lasse Torkkeli and Antti Ainamo
The Role of External Factors in the Localized Exploitation of Technological Knowledge: Localized Appropriability and Directed Technological Innovation Downloads
The Role of External Factors in the Localized Generation of Technological Knowledge Downloads
The role of external knowledge in the introduction of product and process innovations , pp 109-127 Downloads
Cristiano Antonelli and Claudio Fassio
The role of fair and equitable benefit-sharing in environmental peacebuilding , pp 62-88 Downloads
Elisa Morgera
The role of familial transfers in supporting the lifecycle defi cit in India Downloads
Laishram Ladusingh and M. R. Narayana
The Role of FDI in Eastern Europe and New Independent States: New Channels for the Spillover Effect Downloads
Irina Tytell and Ksenia Yudaeva
The role of FDI in restructuring and modernization: an overview of literature , pp 50-80 Downloads
Miklós Szanyi
The Role of FDI in the Regionalisation/Globalisation Debate with Masataka Fujita and Nevena Yakova Downloads
The Role of FDI in Transition Downloads
Josef Christl
The role of financial markets in economic performance: the EU and the USA Downloads
Stefano Manzocchi and Pier Carlo Padoan
The role of financial markets in promoting food security , pp 215-230 Downloads
Lee Hodgkinson
The role of financial markets in promoting sustainability – are view and research framework , pp 264-291 Downloads
Mohammed Amidu and Haruna Issahaku
The role of financial surveys for economic research and policy making in emerging markets , pp 676-686 Downloads
Sof'a Gallardo and Carlos Madeira
The role of foreign direct investment flows and a possible multilateral agreement , pp 403-420 Downloads
Yunling Zhang and Rongyan Wang
The Role of Foreign Workers in Taiwan's Economic Development , pp 182-210 Downloads
Joseph S. Lee
The role of funders in shaping the UK research landscape , pp 116-132 Downloads
Frédérique Bone and Beverley Sherbon
The Role of Geographical Proximity in FDI Productivity Spillovers in China Downloads
Sizhong Sun, Ligang Song and Peter Drysdale
The role of gold in the international monetary system Downloads
Enzo Grilli and Robert Pringle
The Role of Government in Fostering Intermodal Transport Innovations Perceived Lessons Obstacles in the United States Downloads
José Holguín-Veras, Robert Paaswell and Anthony Perl
The Role of Government in Fostering Sectoral SME Development: An Analysis of the Tourism Industry in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore , pp 395-416 Downloads
Michael T. Schaper, Jack Carlsen and Ruth Taylor
The role of government in industrial relations , pp 95-124 Downloads
Richard Hyman
The role of government in introducing automated freight transport systems , pp 295-320 Downloads
Karl Matthias Weber and Claus Seibt
The Role of Government in the Industrialisation of Taiwan and Korea , pp 1-49 Downloads
The role of governments in conserving and funding cultural institutions , pp 223-252 Downloads
Michael Getzner
The role of human capital in economic development , pp 47-76 Downloads
Brian Snowdon
The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: Evidence from Greek Regions Downloads
Nikos Benos and Stelios Karagiannis
The Role of Hydrogen in Our Energy Future Downloads
Giorgio Simbolotti
The Role of IDB in Islamic Capital Market Development Downloads
Salman Ali
The role of ideas in legitimating EU trade policy: from the Single Market Programme to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership , pp 243-262 Downloads
Ferdi De Ville and Gabriel Siles-Brügge
The role of identity, personal and social capital in community crime prevention , pp 515-525 Downloads
Ambrose Leung and Brandon Harrison
The Role of Incentives (and Culture) in Rebalancing the Economics Major Downloads
Bradley W. Bateman
The role of income distribution in long run endogenous growth , pp 40-57 Downloads
Amit Bhaduri
The role of index funds in retirement asset allocation Downloads
David Gallagher
The Role of Indigenous Firms in Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: The Developmental Implications of National Champion Firms’ Response to Underdeveloped National Innovation Systems Downloads
Helena Barnard, Tracy Bromfield and John Cantwell
The role of industrial relations for equitable socio-technical change in construction value chains: overview , pp 1-17 Downloads
Serena Rugiero and Daniele Di Nunzio
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