From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Reforming the Reform in the Electricity Industry: Lessons from the British Experience

- Carine Staropoli
- Reforming the System of International Migration

- Slobodan Djaji
- Reforming the Traditional Structure of a Central Bank to Cope with the Asian Financial Crisis: Lessons from the Bank of Thailand

- Andrew W. Mullineux, Victor Murinde and Adisorn Pinijkulviwat
- Reforming trade-distorting state trading enterprises

- Steve McCorriston and Donald MacLaren
- Reforming Trading Arrangements , pp 130-153

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- Reforming U.S. Federal Fiscal Arrangements , pp 353-388

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- Reforming vertical programmes: the case of South African local government , pp 323-344

- David Savage
- Reforms and decentralization: friends or foes? , pp 68-89

- Pierre Salmon
- Reforms and Practices in Local Regulatory Governance: The Case of the Philippines

- Perla E. Legaspi
- Reforms in Russian Corporate Governance and Evaluation of Russian Boards of Directors

- Dilek Demirbas, Andrey Yukhanaev and Roman Stepanov
- Reforms in the EU: the interface of national and Community levels , pp 191-199

- László Csaba
- Reforms instituted under the Banking Act 1987

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- Reforms of Metropolitan Development in Guangzhou Municipal City , pp 281-305

- Roger C.K. Chan and Chaolin Gu
- Reforms of the Labour Market and Industrial Relations

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- Reframing data-driven decision framing as academic experts , pp 189-200

- Kate Lowe
- Reframing rights and responsibilities to prioritize nature , pp 70-96

- Catherine Iorns Magallanes and Linda Sheehan
- Reframing structural transformation towards sustainable and inclusive prosperity , pp 25-48

- Antonio Andreoni
- Reframing study of research(er) funding towards configurations and trails , pp 242-260

- Duncan A. Thomas and Irene Ramos-Vielba
- Reframing the freedom to teach , pp 147-159

- Bruce Macfarlane
- Reframing the Issue of Responsibility in Labour Market Activation Policies

- Jean-Michel Bonvin
- Reframing the moment of first contact: lessons from the cinematic genre of science fiction , pp 226-236

- Daniel Conway
- Refuge in silos: how three of the largest MENA hosts address Syrian mass displacement in the absence of coordinated efforts and responses , pp 124-145

- Jasmin Lilian Diab
- Refugee and asylum migration , pp 453-469

- Timothy J. Hatton
- Refugee governance in the Middle East: insights from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan , pp 159-175

- Zeynep Şahin-Mencütek and Fatma Yılmaz-Elmas
- Refugee mental health: differential trauma exposure and gendered expectations as explanatory mechanisms for disparities , pp 82-100

- Jessica R. Goodkind, Julia Meredith Hess, Ryeora Choe, Yuka Doherty, Meredith A. Blackwell, David T. Lardier and Deborah I. Bybee
- Refugee policy in Latin America: structural pillars and good practices , pp 53-75

- Liliana Lyra Jubilut, Melissa Martins Casagrande and Marina Cardoso Farias
- Refugees

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- Refugees and displacement - A critical look at unaccompanied refugee minors' experiences in organised sport and recreation activities in Norway , pp 334-345

- Kabanda Mwansa and Florian Kiuppis
- Refugee’s resistance: analysing survival strategies through the prism of intersectionality , pp 221-237

- Glenda Santana de Andrade
- Refurbishing the ‘circular economy’ concept in Russia: from industrial policy towards innovation by co-creation , pp 293-306

- Darya Gerasimenko, Ekaterina Markelova and Raisa Momot
- Refusal to accept a document , pp 105-119

- Gilles Cuniberti
- Refusing, connecting, and playing off conflicting institutional demands: a longitudinal study on the organizational handling of the end of nuclear power, climate protection, and the energy turnaround in Germany , pp 162-193

- Stephan Bohn and Peter Walgenbach
- Refuting gender essentialism about women in sport coaching , pp 192-205

- Nicole M. LaVoi and Anna Goorevich
- Regaining the Trust in Higher Education

- Benjamin F. Quillian
- Regard , pp 285-294

- Avner Offer
- Regenerative finance: a crypto-based approach for a sustainable future , pp 313-326

- Eva Meyer, Isabell Welpe, Philipp Sandner and Mathias Ponte
- Regime shifts in social-ecological systems , pp 274-295

- Kristi Maciejewski, Reinette Biggs and Juan C. Rocha
- Regime, power, state capacity, and the use of violence in gray zone international crises , pp 110-142

- Egle E. Murauskaite, David Quinn, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Allison Astorino-Courtois and Corinne S. DeFrancisci
- Regimes of knowledge production in comparative and global legal history: past, present and future? , pp 15-37

- Thomas Duve
- Region-specific productivity competitiveness and the universityindustry interface , pp 184-208

- Vadim Grinevich
- Regional Adjustment and Convergence in Euro-land , pp 9-22

- Filip Abraham
- Regional Agglomeration and Growth: The Classical Approach

- Eirik Vatne
- Regional agglomeration and industrial clusters , pp 85-95

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- Regional and federal interests in transport and environment policy-making: the case of Belgium , pp 221-244

- Bruno De Borger, Sara Ochelen, Stef Proost and Didier Swysen
- Regional and Sub-Global Climate Blocs: A Cost–Benefit Analysis of Bottom-up Climate Regimes

- Barbara Buchner and Carlo Carraro
- Regional Answers to the Global Crisis? Asia-Pacific Multilateral Organisations and the Economic Downturn

- Jörn Dosch
- Regional Appropriation of University-Based Knowledge and Technology for Economic Development , pp 136-142

- David Audretsch, Dennis Leyden and Albert Link
- Regional Asymmetries in the Impact of Monetary Policy on Prices: Evidence from Africa

- David Fielding
- Regional Capabilities and Industrial Regeneration , pp 11-28

- Nick von Tunzelmann
- Regional Carbon Dioxide Permit Trading in the United States: Coalition Choices for Pennsylvania , pp 457-484

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