From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Commitment and control in regulation: the future of regulation in water

- Colin Mayer
- Commitment measures , pp iii-iii

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- Commitment, asymmetry and flexibility: making sense of Eurasian economic integration , pp 204-221

- Rilka Dragneva and Kataryna Wolczuk
- Committee procedure , pp 246-248

- Apostolos Anthimos
- Commodification and commodity fetishism , pp 66-71

- Robert Albritton
- Commodity

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- Commodity markets , pp i-ii

- Luigi Ventimiglia
- Commodity Money Equilibrium in a Convex Trading Post Economy

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- Commodity Prices and the Construction of Index Numbers , pp 57-72

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- Commodity Prices and the Dynamics of Inflation in Australia

- Harry Bloch and David Sapsford
- Commodity traders as agents of economic globalization , pp 41-59

- Wouter Jacobs
- Commodity Variation and the Evolution of Money: A Place for the State? , pp 17-32

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Common Law and Economic Efficiency

- Todd J. Zywicki and Edward Peter Stringham
- Common law responses to the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts , pp 178-192

- Paul MacMahon
- Common markets , pp 63-107

- Jacques Pelkmans
- Common ownership 1: communism , pp 49-66

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- Common ownership 2: some more modest forms , pp 67-76

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- Common property and fisheries management in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts national marine area , pp 140-146

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- Common provisions - Articles 27-35 , pp 343-394

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- Common themes for a PPP research agenda , pp 349-369

- Graeme A. Hodge and Carsten Greve
- Common themes in structural reform , pp 237-256

- Fabio Fiorillo and Barbara Ermini
- Commoning labour power , pp 149-160

- Dario Azzellini
- Commoning property in the city: the ongoing work of making and remaking , pp 283-291

- Anna Kruzynski
- Commoning roads: maintenance and the labour of infrastructure , pp 94-103

- Alexander Paulsson and Jens Alm
- Commonly agreed life cycle sustainability assessment principles: examples in construction, challenges and feasibility , pp 124-135

- Jana Backes, Marzia Traverso and Sonia Valdivia
- Commons and Anticommons

- Francesco Parisi and Ben Depoorter
- Commons, Anticommons, Semicommons

- Lee Anne Fennell
- Commons, Hurst, Macaulay, and the Wisconsin Legal Tradition

- D. Gordon Smith
- Commons, John R

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- Commons, John R

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- Communicating biodiversity loss and its link to economics , pp 414-425

- Georgina M. Mace
- Communicating climate change science to diverse audiences , pp 376-383

- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Communicating Radon Risks Effectively: The Maryland Experience , pp 220-230

- William H. Desvousges, V. Kerry Smith and Hillery H. Rink
- Communicating science beyond the ivory tower , pp 438-443

- David R. Montgomery
- Communicating the climate emergency: imagination, emotion, action , pp 401-408

- Genevieve Guenther
- Communicating the value of brand protection through a persuasive internal communications approach , pp 128-139

- Kami J. Silk, Brandon D.H. Thomas, Ashley Paintsil and Jeremy M. Wilson
- Communication , pp 37-66

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- Communication and Information: Unanticipated Consequences in France’s Underground Laboratory Siting Process , pp 155-178

- Yannick Barthe and Claire Mays
- Communication in the Economy: The Example of Innovation

- Stefan Kesting
- Communication infrastructure and networks , pp 583-596

- Seamus Simpson
- Communication rights and capabilities , pp 358-371

- Amit M. Schejter and Baruch Shomron
- Communication rights, liberalism and the good life , pp 343-357

- Andrew Calabrese
- Communication, publication and manual , pp 299-301

- Apostolos Anthimos
- Communication. The Optimal Cash Balance Proposition: Maurice Allais' Priority , pp 297-300

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- Communicative planning and the transformative potential of citizen-led participation , pp 134-148

- Crystal Legacy
- Communicative Planning: Experiences, Prospects and Predicaments

- V. Watson
- Communitarian globalism and disease: A normative orientation for global health , pp 14-28

- Obijiofor Aginam
- Communities emerging their potentials of faith and health , pp 396-412

- Daniel C. Taylor
- Communities of practice: how brewers advance sustainable capital across supply chains , pp 107-122

- Peter Ball and Jill MacBryde
- Community action in preventing epidemics: comparative lessons of Ebola virus disease, COVID-19 and smallpox in Sierra Leone , pp 59-74

- Paul Richards and Esther Yei Mokuwa
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