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The role of transnational first-tier suppliers in GVC governance , pp 354-369 Downloads
Gale Raj-Reichert
The Role of Transnational Institutions in Framing Accounting in the Global South Downloads
Cameron Graham and Marcia Annisette
The Role of Trust and Power in the Institutional Regulation of Territorial Business Systems , pp 58-81 Downloads
Reinhard Bachmann
The role of trust in the informal investor's investment decision: an exploratory analysis Downloads
Mark Dibben, Richard Harrison and Colin Mason
The role of trust in the regulation of complex and high-risk industries: the case of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s voluntary disclosure programs , pp 37-59 Downloads
Russell W. Mills and Dorit Rubinstein Reiss
The Role of Turkey: Secular Statehood and Islam Downloads
Gülistan Gürbey
The role of UK government hybrid venture capital funds in addressing the finance gap facing innovative SMEs in the post-2007 financial crisis era , pp 125-146 Downloads
Robert Baldock and David North
The role of Unidroit and the development of legal structures to support contract farming , pp 219-230 Downloads
A. Endres and Jessica Guarino
The Role of Universities in Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: Developmental University Systems – Empirical, Analytical and Normative Perspectives Downloads
Claes Brundenius, Bengt-Åke Lundvall and Judith Sutz
The role of Universities of Applied Sciences in technology transfer: the case of Germany , pp 159-175 Downloads
Alexander Starnecker and Katharine Wirsching
The role of university in a time of crisis: learn from the past to shape the future , pp 176-194 Downloads
Henry Etzkowitz, Chunyan Zhou and Rosa Caiazza
The role of urban and regional planning in the provision of social infrastructure , pp 364-393 Downloads
Jan Whittington, Dian Prasetyawati and Chin-Wei Chen
The role of users in sustainable innovation , pp 238-251 Downloads
Geert Verbong, Bram Verhees and Anna Wieczorek
The role of values in corporate governance , pp 192-209 Downloads
Marne Arthaud-Day
The role of values in EU external relations: a legal assessment of the EU as a 'good' global actor , pp 92-106 Downloads
Ramses A. Wessel and Yuliya Kaspiarovich
The Role of Venture Capitalists in the Acquisition of Private Companies Downloads
Paul Gompers and Yuhai Xuan
The role of visualisation within sustainability evaluation processes , pp 281-300 Downloads
Harald Wilfing and Ulrike Bechtold
The Role of Wage-Setting in a Growth Strategy for Europe Downloads
Andrew Watt
The role of waqf in sustainable economic development , pp 14-34 Downloads
The role of work-family initiatives in fostering technology transfer: research opportunities on family and non-family SMEs , pp 103-121 Downloads
Katerina Vasilevska, Mara Brumana and Tommaso Minola
The role of worker collectives among app-based food delivery couriers in France, Germany and Norway: All the same or different? , pp 258-273 Downloads
Kristin Jesnes, Denis Neumann, Vera Trappmann and Pauline de Becdelièvre
The roles of entrepreneurship in economic growth: toward a theory of total factor productivity , pp 46-77 Downloads
Jack High
The roles of the state in global value chains , pp 555-569 Downloads
Rory Horner and Matthew Alford
The Romanian Electronic Archive of Security Interests in Personal Property Downloads
Diana Lupulescu
The Roots of the Present are in the Past: The Relation of Postwar Developments in Macroeconomics to Interwar Business Cycle and Monetary Theory Downloads
Robert Dimand
The ruin of the ivory tower: the emergence of the stakeholder , pp 417-428 Downloads
Maarja Beerkens
The Rule of Law and Capitalism: An Overview Downloads
The Rule of Law and the Capture and Use of Government in a World of Inequality , pp 61-80 Downloads
The rule of law crisis in Poland and the challenge to the principle of the primacy of EU law , pp 159-176 Downloads
Adam Bodnar and Jarosław Bełdowski
The Rules of Decisionmaking in EU Institutions Downloads
George Tsebelis
The rules of the game: negotiation, enforcement, contestation , pp 93-120 Downloads
The Rumblings of a Paradigm Shift: Concluding Comments Downloads
Manuel Trajtenberg
The rural challenge , pp 99-108 Downloads
The rural development attributes of tourism , pp i-ii Downloads
David Marcouiller
The Rural–Urban Divide and the Evaluation of Political Economy in China Downloads
John Knight, Li Shi and Lina Song
The Rush to Privatise , pp 227-252 Downloads
The Russian Banking Sector One Year After the Crisis Began Downloads
Nataliya Orlova
The Russian dacha and the myth of the urban peasant , pp 113-177 Downloads
The Russian financial sector: opportunities in an unstable environment and sanctions , pp 763-792 Downloads
Vasily Tkachev, Vadim Grishchenko and Karl Summanen
The Russian Gas Reserves - A New Perspective , pp 207-220 Downloads
The Russian network society Downloads
Elena Vartanova
The Russian oligarchs: not your typical robber barons Downloads
Marshall I. Goldman, Edmund Amann and Diane P. Koenker
The Russian populism of the Narodniki: contexts, affinities and legacies , pp 61-71 Downloads
Yiannis Mylonas and Simona Guerra
The SADC EPA: a driver of development? , pp 231-267 Downloads
The Saint Louis University model for curricular and co-curricular entrepreneurship programming , pp 305-312 Downloads
Lewis Sheats, Alex Brinkmeier and Hayley Johnston
The salutogenic framework for well-being: implications for public policy , pp 68-97 Downloads
Monica Eriksson and Bengt Lindström
The Sample of M&A: Descriptive Statistics Downloads
Massimo G. Colombo and Paola Garrone
The Sarbanes–Oxley Act at a Crossroads Downloads
Roberta Romano
The savers' dilemma , pp 127-128 Downloads
The saving-investment nexus in the debate on pension reforms , pp 222-246 Downloads
Sergio Cesaratto
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