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- The role of transnational first-tier suppliers in GVC governance , pp 354-369

- Gale Raj-Reichert
- The Role of Transnational Institutions in Framing Accounting in the Global South

- Cameron Graham and Marcia Annisette
- The Role of Trust and Power in the Institutional Regulation of Territorial Business Systems , pp 58-81

- Reinhard Bachmann
- The role of trust in the informal investor's investment decision: an exploratory analysis

- Mark Dibben, Richard Harrison and Colin Mason
- The role of trust in the regulation of complex and high-risk industries: the case of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s voluntary disclosure programs , pp 37-59

- Russell W. Mills and Dorit Rubinstein Reiss
- The Role of Turkey: Secular Statehood and Islam

- Gülistan Gürbey
- The role of UK government hybrid venture capital funds in addressing the finance gap facing innovative SMEs in the post-2007 financial crisis era , pp 125-146

- Robert Baldock and David North
- The role of Unidroit and the development of legal structures to support contract farming , pp 219-230

- A. Endres and Jessica Guarino
- The Role of Universities in Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: Developmental University Systems – Empirical, Analytical and Normative Perspectives

- Claes Brundenius, Bengt-Åke Lundvall and Judith Sutz
- The role of Universities of Applied Sciences in technology transfer: the case of Germany , pp 159-175

- Alexander Starnecker and Katharine Wirsching
- The role of university in a time of crisis: learn from the past to shape the future , pp 176-194

- Henry Etzkowitz, Chunyan Zhou and Rosa Caiazza
- The role of urban and regional planning in the provision of social infrastructure , pp 364-393

- Jan Whittington, Dian Prasetyawati and Chin-Wei Chen
- The role of users in sustainable innovation , pp 238-251

- Geert Verbong, Bram Verhees and Anna Wieczorek
- The role of values in corporate governance , pp 192-209

- Marne Arthaud-Day
- The role of values in EU external relations: a legal assessment of the EU as a 'good' global actor , pp 92-106

- Ramses A. Wessel and Yuliya Kaspiarovich
- The Role of Venture Capitalists in the Acquisition of Private Companies

- Paul Gompers and Yuhai Xuan
- The role of visualisation within sustainability evaluation processes , pp 281-300

- Harald Wilfing and Ulrike Bechtold
- The Role of Wage-Setting in a Growth Strategy for Europe

- Andrew Watt
- The role of waqf in sustainable economic development , pp 14-34

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- The role of work-family initiatives in fostering technology transfer: research opportunities on family and non-family SMEs , pp 103-121

- Katerina Vasilevska, Mara Brumana and Tommaso Minola
- The role of worker collectives among app-based food delivery couriers in France, Germany and Norway: All the same or different? , pp 258-273

- Kristin Jesnes, Denis Neumann, Vera Trappmann and Pauline de Becdelièvre
- The roles of entrepreneurship in economic growth: toward a theory of total factor productivity , pp 46-77

- Jack High
- The roles of the state in global value chains , pp 555-569

- Rory Horner and Matthew Alford
- The Romanian Electronic Archive of Security Interests in Personal Property

- Diana Lupulescu
- The Roots of the Present are in the Past: The Relation of Postwar Developments in Macroeconomics to Interwar Business Cycle and Monetary Theory

- Robert Dimand
- The ruin of the ivory tower: the emergence of the stakeholder , pp 417-428

- Maarja Beerkens
- The Rule of Law and Capitalism: An Overview

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- The Rule of Law and the Capture and Use of Government in a World of Inequality , pp 61-80

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- The rule of law crisis in Poland and the challenge to the principle of the primacy of EU law , pp 159-176

- Adam Bodnar and Jarosław Bełdowski
- The Rules of Decisionmaking in EU Institutions

- George Tsebelis
- The rules of the game: negotiation, enforcement, contestation , pp 93-120

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- The Rumblings of a Paradigm Shift: Concluding Comments

- Manuel Trajtenberg
- The rural challenge , pp 99-108

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- The rural development attributes of tourism , pp i-ii

- David Marcouiller
- The Rural–Urban Divide and the Evaluation of Political Economy in China

- John Knight, Li Shi and Lina Song
- The Rush to Privatise , pp 227-252

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- The Russian Banking Sector One Year After the Crisis Began

- Nataliya Orlova
- The Russian dacha and the myth of the urban peasant , pp 113-177

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- The Russian financial sector: opportunities in an unstable environment and sanctions , pp 763-792

- Vasily Tkachev, Vadim Grishchenko and Karl Summanen
- The Russian Gas Reserves - A New Perspective , pp 207-220

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- The Russian network society

- Elena Vartanova
- The Russian oligarchs: not your typical robber barons

- Marshall I. Goldman, Edmund Amann and Diane P. Koenker
- The Russian populism of the Narodniki: contexts, affinities and legacies , pp 61-71

- Yiannis Mylonas and Simona Guerra
- The SADC EPA: a driver of development? , pp 231-267

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- The Saint Louis University model for curricular and co-curricular entrepreneurship programming , pp 305-312

- Lewis Sheats, Alex Brinkmeier and Hayley Johnston
- The salutogenic framework for well-being: implications for public policy , pp 68-97

- Monica Eriksson and Bengt Lindström
- The Sample of M&A: Descriptive Statistics

- Massimo G. Colombo and Paola Garrone
- The Sarbanes–Oxley Act at a Crossroads

- Roberta Romano
- The savers' dilemma , pp 127-128

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- The saving-investment nexus in the debate on pension reforms , pp 222-246

- Sergio Cesaratto
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