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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Globalization and regionalization of East Asian economies , pp iii-iii Downloads
Globalization and state„local government finances Downloads
James Alm, Jill Ann Holman and Rebecca Neumann
Globalization and sustainable development , pp 96-107 Downloads
Joyeeta Gupta
Globalization and the Challenges of Inclusion and Climate Change Downloads
Graeme Wheeler
Globalization and the desire for authoritarianism , pp 27-40 Downloads
Globalization and the desire for authoritarianism , pp 29-44 Downloads
Globalization and the Development of Competing Standards for Corporate Conduct Downloads
Petra Christmann and Glen Taylor
Globalization and the Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Society Downloads
David Audretsch
Globalization and the Environment: Convergence or Divergence? Downloads
James K. Boyce
Globalization and the incremental impact on the security and defense sector , pp 318-328 Downloads
Soul Park
Globalization and the Japanese Subcontractor System Downloads
Ulrike Schaede
Globalization and the Natural Limits of Competition Downloads
Stephen Martin
Globalization and the natural limits of competition , pp 4-56 Downloads
Stephen Martin
Globalization and the persistence of forced labor and child labor , pp 36-63 Downloads
Eric V. Edmonds
Globalization and the political economy of international trade policy Downloads
Arye L. Hillman
Globalization and the question of scale , pp 43-61 Downloads
Kevin R. Cox
Globalization and the taxation of the rich , pp 65-80 Downloads
Globalization and the Terms of Trade: The Glass Ceiling Hypothesis Downloads
David Sapsford and Vudayagiri Balasubramanyam
Globalization and the Transition to Egalitarian Development Downloads
Robert Pollin
Globalization and trade in health services , pp 37-44 Downloads
Johanna Hanefeld and Richard Smith
Globalization in crisis: Sino-American rivalry and Asian regional integration , pp 5-18 Downloads
Robert Taylor
Globalization in cultural and media geographies , pp 120-134 Downloads
Soyoon Choo and Elizabeth Currid-Halkett
Globalization in the Netherlands Downloads
Annelies Hogenbirk, John Hagedoorn and Hans van Kranenburg
Globalization in the Periphery as a Morganthau Plan: The Underdevelopment of Mongolia in the 1990s Downloads
Erik Reinert
Globalization in the USA: The Case of California Downloads
William G. Tierney
Globalization of capital markets: Some analytical and policy issues Downloads
Mihir K. Rakshit
Globalization of R&D and Local Scientific Systems: Regional Patterns and Local Integration , pp 52-76 Downloads
Bernadette Madeuf and Gilliane Lefebvre
Globalization of TBED: challenges and policy responses , pp 236-255 Downloads
Globalization of the employment relationship , pp 47-79 Downloads
Globalization of the employment relationship: evidence for continuning divergence Downloads
Ferrie Pot
Globalization of Trade and Foreign Investment: Its Implication for Factor Rewards and Economic Development Downloads
John-ren Chen and Herbert Stocker
Globalization of Venture Capital: A Vernon-Dunning Synthesis with Deal-by-Deal Data on Information Technology Downloads
Catherine Mann
Globalization versus Internationalization, and Four Reasons Why Internationalization is Better Downloads
Globalization, a Knowledge-based Regime and Higher Education: Where do Mexican Universities Stand? Downloads
Alma Maldonado-Maldonado
Globalization, agglomeration and FDI location: the case of French firms in Europe Downloads
Jean-Louis Muchielli and Florence Puech
Globalization, disruption and resilience , pp 18-39 Downloads
Torben Pedersen and Peter D. Ørberg Jensen
Globalization, distributional conflict and inflation: the case of the US economy during the 1990s , pp 60-79 Downloads
Mark Setterfield
Globalization, foreign direct investment, and China’s urbanization , pp 170-187 Downloads
Globalization, Foreign Direct Investments and Growth in European Regions: An Empirical Assessment Downloads
Laura Casi and Laura Resmini
Globalization, Geography and Regional Policy , pp 51-67 Downloads
John Weiss
Globalization, Higher Education and Inequalities: Problems and Prospects Downloads
Vincent Carpentier and Elaine Unterhalter
Globalization, identity, and television networks: community mediation and global responses in multicultural India Downloads
Anshu Chatterjee
Globalization, Industrial Districts and Value Chains Downloads
Roberta Rabellotti
Globalization, Intellectual Property Rights, and Pharmaceuticals: Meeting the Challenges to Addressing Health Gaps in the New International Environment Downloads
Kenneth C. Shadlen, Samira Guennif, Alenka Guzmán and N. Lalitha
Globalization, Internationalization and the World-class University Movement: The China Experience Downloads
Mei Li and Qiongqiong Chen
Globalization, North-South uneven development and international institutions Downloads
Amitava Dutt
Globalization, Private Standards and Poverty: Evidence from Senegal Downloads
Liesbeth Colen, Miet Maertens and Johan Swinnen
Globalization, regionalism and state capacity in developing countries: a note , pp 266-274 Downloads
George DeMartino and Ilene Grabel
Globalization, social capital and inequality: an introduction Downloads
Charlie Dannreuther and Wilfred Dolfsma
Globalization, Social Movement, and the Labor Market: A Transatlantic Perspective Downloads
Welf Werner
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