From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Price setting and competition in fixed odds betting markets , pp 38-51

- XiaoGang Che, Arne Feddersen and Brad Humphreys
- Price stabilization policies , pp 435-444

- Alberto Zanni
- Price stabilization, the banking crisis and financial reform in Brazil

- Robert Luis Troster
- Price, value and profit - a continuous, general, treatment , pp 225-279

- Alan Freeman
- Price-based versus Standards-based Approaches to Reducing Car Addiction and Other Environmentally Destructive Activities

- Peter Earl and Tim Wakeley
- Price-cap Postal Regulation: The French Experience

- Bénédicte Bouin, Nicolas Curien and Guillaume Lacroix
- Price-cap Regulation in the Postal Sector: Single versus Multiple Baskets

- Claire Borsenberger, Sébastien Bréville, Helmuth Cremer, Denis Joram and Philippe De Donder
- Price: The Ultimate Heuristic

- Stephen C. Miller
- Priceless behaviours: behavioural implications, unintended consequences and spillover effects of pricing policies , pp 209-225

- Mario Mazzocchi and Beatrice Biondi
- Prices

- Paul Downward
- Prices and knowledge

- Esteban F. Thomsen
- Prices and Pricing in the Post-Keynesian and Kaleckian Traditions in the Short Run and in the Long Run , pp 22-36

- Malcolm C. Sawyer
- Prices, income and energy demand , pp 22-40

- Brantley Liddle and Hillard Huntington
- Prices, Inflation, Unemployment, and Okun's Law , pp 114-132

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- Prices, Taxes and Welfare Changes , pp 31-57

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- Pricing , pp 87-115

- Hendrik Sonnabend
- Pricing and Investment Decisions , pp 64-91

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- Pricing and other instruments for climate change mitigation in private transport , pp 59-72

- Henrik Andersson, Davide Cerruti and Cristian Huse
- Pricing and Property: The Chinese Puzzle , pp 268-274

- James A. Dorn
- Pricing Defined Benefit Pension Insurance

- David McCarthy and Anthony Neuberger
- Pricing for Postal Access and Worksharing

- Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer
- Pricing in Competitive Two-Sided Mail Markets

- Christian Jaag and Urs Trinkner
- Pricing in freight transport , pp 229-251

- Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Michele Simoni and Ila Maltese
- Pricing information goods in the presence of copying , pp 26-54

- Paul Belleflamme
- Pricing nature , pp 76-94

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- Pricing of Complements and Network Effects

- Nicholas Economides and V. Viard
- Pricing of delivery services in the e-commerce sector , pp 75-92

- Claire Borsenberger, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram and Sébastien Lécou
- Pricing Principles for Natural and Cultural Attractions in Tourism

- John Loomis and Kreg Lindberg
- Pricing Strategies

- Bruce A. Seaman
- Pricing the Arts

- Michael Rushton
- Pricing urban transport in Latin America , pp 417-435

- Andrés G—mez-Lobo and Tomas Serebrisky
- Pricing, Investment and the Financing of Production within the Framework of the Monetary Circuit: Some Preliminary Evidence , pp 173-197

- Mario Seccareccia
- Pricing, Welfare and Organisational Constraints for Postal Operators

- Philippe De Donder, Helmuth Cremer and Paul Dudley
- Prigogine, Ilya

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- Prime Minister Kishida’s “New Capitalism” for Japan , pp 59-68

- Jana-Larissa Grzeszkowiak
- Primitive accumulation , pp 156-168

- Sebastiano Taccola
- Principal investigators and boundary spanning entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: a conceptual framework , pp 55-73

- James A. Cunningham
- Principal investigators and knowledge management: a micro-foundational conceptual framework , pp 57-74

- James A. Cunningham, Manlio Del Giudice, Melita Nicotra, Conor O'Kane and Marco Romano
- Principal-agent analysis

- Michele Trimarchi
- Principal-Agent Problems and Structural Change in the Advertising Industry , pp 130-153

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- Principal–Agent Analysis

- Michele Trimarchi
- Principles and Challenges , pp 1-17

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- Principles and methods for increasing efficiency in public law , pp 103-122

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- Principles and standards for benefit–cost analysis of public health preparedness and pandemic mitigation programs , pp 110-152

- Joseph H. Cook
- Principles and standards for the benefit–cost analysis of crime , pp 153-171

- John R. Lott
- Principles for macroprudential regulation , pp 1-9

- Anil K. Kashyap and Dimitrios Tsomocos
- Principles for the provision of public goods from agriculture: modelling moorland conservation in Scotland , pp 154-169

- Nick Hanley, Hilary Kirkpatrick, David Oglethorpe and Ian Simpson
- Principles of Economics: genesis, structure and evolution , pp 66-72

- John K. Whitaker
- Principles of generational justice

- Christoph Lumer
- Principles of good governance , pp 20-30

- Ralf Müller
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