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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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A Survey of Industry , pp 17-35 Downloads
A Survey of Pollution Charge Systems and Key Issues in Policy Design , pp 29-45 Downloads
Jeffrey Vincent and Robert Farrow
A survey of sustainable development in economic growth theory: achievements and future directions , pp 128-153 Downloads
Yoshihiro Hamaguchi
A survey of the literature , pp 9-34 Downloads
A Survey of the Literature on Early Legal Access to the Birth Control Pill and its Influence on Young Women’s Fertility, Education, Career and Labor Supply Downloads
Melanie Guldi
A Survey of the Literature on Managing Capital Inflows Downloads
Masahiro Kawai and Shinji Takagi
A Survey of the Principles underlying the Draft Constitution (1793) , pp 190-227 Downloads
A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 1, The Classical Theory , pp 3-45 Downloads
A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 2, The Neo-Classical Theory , pp 46-121 Downloads
A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 3, The Modern Theory , pp 122-180 Downloads
A Survey of Tourism Demand Modelling Practice: Issues and Implications Downloads
Christine Lim
A Survival Analysis of Manufacturing Firms in Export Markets , pp 313-332 Downloads
Silviano Esteve-Pérez, Juan A. Mañez, María E. Rochina-Barrachina and Juan A. Sanchis-Llopis
A Sustainable Development for Nanotechnologies: An OECD Perspective Downloads
Rob Visser
A symbiotic relationship between academic freedom and liberal democracy: the case of higher education in Turkey , pp 71-89 Downloads
Ayla Göl
A synergetic cities view on the crisis of democracy in the age of cities , pp 108-135 Downloads
Juval Portugali and Hermann Haken
A Synthesis Downloads
A system innovation related to sports entrepreneurship , pp 36-56 Downloads
Ben Hattink and Aard Groen
A system under siege Downloads
A System-Evolutionary Approach for Innovation Policy Downloads
Ruud Smits, Stefan Kuhlmann and Morris Teubal
A systematic approach to modelling entrepreneurship , pp 147-179 Downloads
A systematic literature review of crisis management in and by small and medium-sized enterprises , pp 38-61 Downloads
Aidin Salamzadeh and Léo Paul Dana
A systematic literature review of reward-based crowdfunding , pp 146-181 Downloads
Wendy Chen
A tale of two carrots: the effectiveness of multiple reward stages in a common pool resource game , pp 291-318 Downloads
Jan T.R. Stoop, Daan van Soest and Jana Vyrastekova
A tale of two continents , pp 114-136 Downloads
A Tale of Two Countries: Innovation and Incentives Among Great Inventors in Britain and the United States, 1750–1930 Downloads
B. Zorina Khan and Kenneth L. Sokoloff
A tale of two surveys: reaching respondents using Web questionnaires , pp 71-78 Downloads
Mark N.K. Saunders
A taxing debate , pp 182-184 Downloads
A taxonomy of innovation 'profiles' for innovative and non-innovative firms: examples from the European Community Innovation Survey , pp 111-134 Downloads
Hugo Hollanders
A taxonomy of natural disasters , pp 13-28 Downloads
Mark Skidmore
A taxonomy of SME green growth and implications on strategy , pp 138-156 Downloads
Sanna Joensuu-Salo, Laura Könönen and Anmari Viljamaa
A taxonomy of war profiteers , pp 132-159 Downloads
A team of rivals: collaboration between United States Postal Service and UPS Downloads
Paul C. Smith and Paul E. Voigt
A Technical Approach to the Agile Port System Downloads
Klaus-Peter Franke
A technological revolution in ‘lawyering’? , pp 127-143 Downloads
A Template Matching Technique of Personality Classification for the Study of Consumer Behavior: Case Study of Lois the Compulsive Buyer Downloads
Paul J. Albanese
A tentative verdict and a question mark , pp 207-225 Downloads
A Test for Independence Based on the Correlation Dimension , pp 324-362 Downloads
W.A. Brock, W.D. Dechert, J.A. Scheinkman and B. LeBaron
A Test of the Schumpeterian Hypothesis in a Panel of European Electric Utilities Downloads
Evens Salies
A test of the science of what is possible by the poor , pp 83-105 Downloads
A testable model , pp 108-122 Downloads
A Thematic Evaluation of the Contribution of Structural Funds to Sustainable Development: Methods and Lessons Downloads
A Theoretical Analysis of the Relationship between Social Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts and Definitions Downloads
Lorenzo Sacconi and Giacomo Degli Antoni
A theoretical framework to address multi-level governance challenges of the water-energy-food nexus , pp 346-363 Downloads
Giacomo Melloni, Ana Paula Dias Turetta, Katharina Löhr, Michelle Bonatti and Stefan Sieber
A Theoretical Model , pp 53-66 Downloads
A theoretical model of shared service arrangements in local government , pp 69-80 Downloads
Antonio Palestrini and Paolo Polidori
A theoretical model of the determinants of waiting lists: an application to the Spanish national health system , pp 83-107 Downloads
Ana Rodríguez-à Lvarez and Maria J. Perez-Villadoniga
A theoretical perspective on Islamic banking and financial intermediation , pp 11-42 Downloads
Mervyn K. Lewis
A theory of causality for QCA , pp 34-45 Downloads
A theory of conversion to exclusive religious and political faiths , pp 345-360 Downloads
Mario Ferrero
A Theory of Entrepreneurial Rents in Endogenous Growth: Implications for Regional Innovation Policies Downloads
Zoltan Acs and Mark Sanders
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