From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- An end to economic regulation? , pp 162-186

- Robert W. Crandall
- An Endogenous Technical Change Model: FEEM-RICE

- Valentina Bosetti, Carlo Carraro and Marzio Galeotti
- An engagement theory of governance: the dynamics of governance structures in high-growth, high-potential firms , pp 271-308

- Teresa Nelson and Huseyin Leblebici
- An Enlarged EU, Institutional Challenges and European Competitiveness

- John H. Dunning and Jeremy Clegg
- An enterprise model , pp 114-140

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- An Entrepreneurial Perspective of Institutional Change , pp 115-127

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- An environmental take on Australia’s traffic congestion ‘crisis’: using road pricing to achieve sustainable transport , pp 139-153

- Vanessa Johnston
- An Equilibrium Approach to Financial Stability Analysis: The Colombian Case , pp 252-282

- Agustín Saade Ospina, Daniel Osorio and Dairo Estrada
- An Essay on Fiscal Federalism , pp 384-414

- Wallace E. Oates and Wallace E. Oates
- An Essay on Government and Governance , pp 1-38

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- An essay on late structuralism

- William Gibson
- An Essay on Paretian Fraud, Constitutions and Revolution , pp 183-190

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- An Essay on the Application of Probability Theory to Plurality Decision-Making (1785) (extract: Preliminary Discussion. Analysis of Part Five. Third Example: Elections) , pp 131-138

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- An Essay on the Application of Probability Theory to Plurality Decision-Making (1785) (extract: Preliminary Discussion. Analysis of Part One. Fourth Example: An Election between Three Candidates) , pp 120-130

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- An Essay on the Unmagic of Norms and Rules and of Markets , pp 95-102

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- An Evaluation Framework for Sustainable Development in Multi-level Government

- Thiemo W. Eser
- An Evaluation Framework of Quality Management of Projects for Regional Sustainable Development

- Alain Thierstein and Manfred Walser
- An evaluation of fiscal sustainability in Korea , pp 13-34

- SeongTae Kim
- An evaluation of the Tobin transactions tax

- Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
- An Evolutionary Approach to Localized Learning and Spatial Clustering

- Anders Malmberg and Peter Maskell
- An evolutionary approach to the constitutional theory of the firm , pp 141-163

- Jukka Kaisla
- An evolutionary approach to the theory of entrepreneurship

- Thomas Grebel, Andreas Pyka and Horst Hanusch
- An Evolutionary Approach to Why Growth Rates Differ , pp 272-296

- Bart Verspagen
- An Evolutionary Model of Firms’ Location with Technological Externalities

- Giulio Bottazzi and Pietro Dindo
- An evolutionary overview of the ownership, governance and strategy of Mediobanca: from the kingmaker of Italian capitalism to a large financial conglomerate , pp 7-34

- Alessandro Zattoni and Francesca Cuomo
- An evolutionary theory of central banking and central banking in China , pp 128-154

- Xiangmin Liu
- An Evolutionary View of Post-socialist Restructuring: From Science and Technology Systems to Innovation Systems , pp 13-36

- Jürgen Bitzer
- An Evolutionary View on Persistence in Innovation: An Empirical Application of Duration Models

- C. Le Bas, Alexandre Cabagnols and C. Gay
- An ex ante Evaluation of an Urban Project through Property Value Increases: A Hedonic Price Approach

- Roberto Camagni and Roberta Capello
- An Exchange 25 Years Later between Professor Stephen Nickell and Tim Congdon

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- An Expected Proficiencies Approach to the Economics Major

- W. Lee Hansen
- An Experimental Examination of Two Exchange Institutions , pp 129-149

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- An Expert Stakeholder’s View on European Integration Challenges

- Amelie Constant, Martin Kahanec and Klaus Zimmermann
- An explanatory analysis of the (unequal) distribution of the Internet backbone networks , pp 157-179

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- An exploration in migration theory

- Geyer H.s
- An exploration into Black and Asian healthcare workers in the United Kingdom's National Health Service being disproportionally affected by Covid-19 , pp 308-320

- Beverley Brathwaite
- An exploration of developing approaches to water accounting , pp 279-299

- Matthew Egan and Gloria Agyemang
- An Exploration of the Sensitivity of the Three-Region Results , pp 86-106

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- An Exploration of Various Corporate Tax Structures in Georgia: Some Effects of Moving from Three-Factor Apportionment of Corporate Income to a Gross Receipts Tax

- Jonathan Rork and Laura Wheeler
- An exploration of Vietnamese entrepreneurs , pp 266-285

- Hang T.T. Nyugen and Hanh Song Thi Pham
- An Exploratory Approach to Model Determinants of Endogenous Regional Growth Performance

- Robert Stimson and Roger Stough
- An Extension of the Rational Voter Model

- Richard Cebula and Gordon Tullock
- An extensive involvement: the Treasury Portfolio and the OECD , pp 188-212

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- An historic turning point , pp 1-20

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- An Historical Perspective on Sustainable Diversity: Market and Nation as Catalysts of Diversity in Modern Europe (1800–1950)

- Francesco Chiapparino and Roberto Giulianelli
- An image library: The potential of imagery in (quantitative) social sciences , pp 528-543

- Daniel Arribas-Bel, Francisco Rowe, Meixu Chen and Sam Comber
- An impermanent subsidy: Cheap industrial food and the urban margins , pp 62-78

- Tony Weiss, Marylynn Steckley and Bruce Frayne
- An Implementation Perspective on Sources of Incompatibility and Standards' Dynamics , pp 28-44

- Tineke M. Egyedi
- An improved in-class bargaining demonstration , pp 41-45

- Calvin Blackwell
- An Improved Property Tax , pp 177-184

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