From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Industry, innovations and transition to the green and circular economy , pp 302-320

- Massimiliano Mazzanti and Emy Zecca
- Industry- versus nation-specific shocks in the EU: evidence from industry data , pp 123-132

- Bernd Kempa and Bernd Kempa
- Industry-level self- and co-regulation in media and communications , pp 245-259

- Florian Saurwein, Alena Birrer and Danya He
- Industry-of-origin approach to international comparisons , pp 21-34

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- Industry-specific competencies and industrial convergence , pp 46-65

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- Industry-Specific Cyber Security Investment Decisions , pp 111-129

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- Industry-wide Total Factor Productivity and Output Growth in Taiwan, 1981–1999

- Chi-Yuan Liang
- IndustryÂ…science relationships as enhancing regional knowledge economies: a comparative perspective from Japan and the UK

- Fumi Kitagawa
- Inefficient and Locally Stable Trade Equilibria Under Scale Economies: Comparative Advantage Revisited , pp 109-140

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- Inelastic Sports Pricing at the Gate? A Survey

- Rodney Fort
- Inequalities and the dynamics of capitalism: will democracy survive? Albion W. Smalls view , pp 30-42

- Guillaume Vallet
- Inequalities and the impact of labour market institutions on migrant workers , pp 340-360

- Christiane Kuptsch
- Inequalities Before and After the Crisis: What Lessons for Social Europe?

- Danie Vaughan-Whitehead
- Inequalities in Health: Why Do We Care? How Do We Care? What Can We Do About Them?

- Cristina Hernández-Quevedo and Joan Costa-Font
- Inequalities in the United Kingdom: the Progressive Era, 1890s–1920s , pp 114-128

- Patricia Thane
- Inequalities, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction

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- Inequality , pp 215-243

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- Inequality

- Serge-Christophe Kolm
- Inequality after Piketty , pp 190-205

- John E. King
- Inequality and aggregate demand , pp 33-42

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- Inequality and education: education as a cure for disadvantage , pp 98-119

- Kristof De Witte and Florian Tomini
- Inequality and Stagnation by Policy Design: Mainstream Denialism and Its Dangerous Political Consequences , pp 294-310

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- Inequality and the financial instability hypothesis , pp 115-128

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- Inequality and the process of development , pp 1-39

- Oded Galor
- Inequality at Work Emerging in the Current Crisis in Bulgaria

- Vasil Tzanov
- Inequality in Access to and Finance of Tertiary Education , pp 91-121

- Rita Asplund, Oussama Ben Abdelkarim and Ali Skalli
- Inequality in regional and state per capita incomes in the United States: how much convergence has taken place?

- Andrew M. Sum and Walter N. Fogg
- Inequality in the Distribution ofIncome and Wealth: Trends, Drivers and Impacts , pp 83-130

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- Inequality Measurement

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- Inequality of the Distribution of Personal Wealth in Germany, 1973–98

- Richard Hauser and Holger Stein
- Inequality Over a Long Period , pp 121-154

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- Inequality regimes in food processing industries , pp 350-367

- Lia Bryant
- Inequality rising: the gendered impacts of precarious labor and financialization , pp 179-193

- Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar and Aleena Shafique
- Inequality, emissions, and human well-being , pp 308-324

- Jennifer E. Givens, Orla M. Kelly and Andrew K. Jorgenson
- Inequality, institution and differential paths of growth among New World economies

- Stanley L. Engerman, Stephen H. Haber and Kenneth L. Sokoloff
- Inequality, welfare and the cultivation of character , pp 57-71

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- Inequality-Preserving Changes , pp 75-90

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- Inequality: The Argentine Experience

- Daniel Chudnovsky, Andrés López and Eugenia Orlicki
- Infant Mortality and External Openness in Chinese Provinces

- Martine Audibert, Jacky Mathonnat and Nigshan Chen
- Infectious Diseases: Responses to the Security Threat Without Borders

- Mark Gersovitz
- Inferences from stated preference surveys when some respondents do not compare costs and benefits , pp 224-251

- Edward Leamer and Josh Lustig
- Inflation

- Steven Horwitz
- Inflation

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- Inflation and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Non-Linear Analysis

- Robert Pollin and Andong Zhu
- Inflation and economic performance

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- Inflation and Expectations in Experimental Markets , pp 465-485

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- Inflation and fixed capital accumulation , pp 160-188

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- Inflation and Macroeconomic Policies in Post-convertibility Argentina

- Daniel Heymann, Adrián Ramos and Horacio Aguirre
- Inflation and money stock targets: is there really a difference? , pp 13-47

- Georg Rich
- Inflation and reform in the USSR

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