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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Galbraith: Ideas and Events Downloads
Galbraith’s Views on Firm and Market: Between Neo-Institutionalism and Evolutionism Downloads
Bernadette Madeuf
Galiani, Ferdinando Downloads
Game Theory Downloads
Ken Binmore
Game Theory Downloads
Game theory , pp 222-235 Downloads
Robert Leonard
Game Theory and Group Behaviour , pp 181-204 Downloads
Game Theory and Institutions Downloads
Game Theory and Players' Beliefs on the Play Downloads
Christian Schmidt
Game Theory in a Liberal Arts Education Downloads
Joseph E. Harrington
Game Theory in Environmental Policy Analysis Downloads
Henk Folmer and Aart de Zeeuw
Game theory: problems of working together , pp 28-51 Downloads
Game uncertainty and the demand for quality seating: a pilot case study , pp 89-107 Downloads
Georgios Nalbantis and Tim Pawlowski
Game, set, match and loss aversion in tennis , pp 51-62 Downloads
Mikala Lowrance, Jacob Miller and Joshua Price
Games and entertainment software , pp 416-428 Downloads
John Banks and Stuart Cunningham
Games of public power: what economics teaches us about constitutions , pp 123-143 Downloads
Games within Fragmentation: The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions Downloads
Hélène Ruiz Fabri
Gamification for sustainable consumption: ethical issues and future promises , pp 366-381 Downloads
Agnessa Spanellis
Gangs and organized crime , pp 305-319 Downloads
Ben Lessing and Maria Micaela Sviatschi
Garbage and Recycling with Endogenous Local Policy , pp 120-143 Downloads
Thomas C. Kinnaman and Don Fullerton
Garbage, Recycling, and Illicit Burning or Dumping , pp 49-62 Downloads
Don Fullerton and Thomas C. Kinnaman
Gardiner Means and the dissent of administered prices , pp 199-210 Downloads
Frederic Lee
Gary Becker's contributions to law and economics , pp 145-174 Downloads
John F. Pfaff
Gary Becker, vanity economics and modern population theory , pp 126-135 Downloads
Gary S. Becker Downloads
Pedro Teixeira
Gas demand: the role of gas-fired power plants , pp 21-53 Downloads
Michelle Hallack
Gas markets: past, present and future , pp 64-85 Downloads
Paul Stevens
Gas Sector Restructuring - A Political Economy Approach , pp 195-206 Downloads
Gas supply: the role of liquefied natural gas , pp 54-72 Downloads
Sophia Ruester
Gas Utility , pp 65-74 Downloads
Gas, electricity and the energy review Downloads
Colin Robinson
Gas: regulatory response to social needs Downloads
Catherine Waddams Price
GASTECH, a French born-again global firm , pp 24-39 Downloads
Pierre-Louis Meuric, Véronique Favre-Bonté and Charles Aymard
Gateways and corridors , pp 164-206 Downloads
GATS 2000: the issues at stake, an EC perspective Downloads
Sergio Balibrea
GATS and public health care: reflecting on an uneasy relationship , pp 363-389 Downloads
Panagiotis Delimatsis
GATT Tariff Concessions and the Exports of Developing Countries - United States Concessions at the Dillon Round , pp 3-12 Downloads
Joseph Finger
GATT/WTO Law and International Standards: An Example of Soft Law Instruments Hardening Up? Downloads
Melaku Geboye Desta
GATT/WTO Membership and its Effect on Trade: Where Do We Stand? Downloads
Andrew Rose
Gaussian process classification for psychophysical detection tasks in multiple populations (wide big data) using transfer learning , pp 128-147 Downloads
Hossana Twinomurinzi and Herman C. Myburgh
Gazprom and the evolution of the European gas market , pp 57-79 Downloads
GDP growth from the perspective of demographic change: will aging Korea become another Japan? , pp 56-78 Downloads
Kyooho Kwon
GDP per Capita Gaps, the Situation for European Regions , pp 117-148 Downloads
GEMSU - Switching from Socialism to Capitalism , pp 1-28 Downloads
Gender Downloads
Maila Stivens
Gender Downloads
Maila Stivens
Gender - Sport, development and gender: expanding the vision of what we can be and do , pp 95-109 Downloads
Sarah Zipp, Lombe Mwambwa and Anna Goorevich
Gender and caring , pp 62-76 Downloads
Julie A. Nelson
Gender and corporate social responsibility: beyond compliance in global value chains , pp 408-424 Downloads
Stephanie Barrientos
Gender and corruption in China: negotiating female officials’ place in a gendered dual-track system , pp 292-304 Downloads
Wenyan Tu and Xinhui Jiang
Page updated 2025-03-28
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