From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Reviving convergence: making EU member states fit for joining the euro area , pp 214-224

- Lucio Vinhas de Souza, Oliver Dreute, Vladimir Isaila and Jan-Martin Frie
- Revolutionizing teaching economics online with AI: leveraging LLMs for enhanced communication, creativity, and efficiency in education , pp 32-47

- Simon D. Halliday and James E. Tierney
- Reward Structures and Faculty Behavior Under Responsibility Center Management , pp 185-204

- William Becker and Neil D. Theobald
- Rhetoric

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- Rhetoric

- Arjo Klamer
- Rhetoric and Postmodernism in Economics

- Robert F. Garnett
- Rhetoric as the art of persuasion in the Greek and Roman worlds , pp 23-35

- Sara Rubinelli
- Rhetoric in the spirit of Keynes: metaphors to persuade economists, students and the public about fiscal policy , pp 117-133

- Bruce Littleboy
- Rhetorical history: giving meaning to the past in past and present , pp 35-45

- Christina Lubinski
- Riba and Interest in Islamic Banking: An Historical Review

- Raquib Zaman
- Riba in Islamic economics and finance , pp iii-iii

- Monzer Kahf
- Riba, time value of money and discounting , pp iii-iii

- Shamim A. Siddiqui
- Ricardian Socialists

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- Ricardo's misunderstood value theory and the readability of the Principles , pp 333-344

- William Baumol
- Ricardo, David

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- Ricardo, David

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- Rice Market Reform and Poverty in the Philippines

- Caesar B. Cororaton
- Richard A. Posner

- Steven Medema
- Richard Abel Musgrave (1910–2007)

- Richard Sturn
- Richard Cantillon (c. 1680/90–1734)

- Antoin E. Murphy
- Richard Cantillon: An Essay on Economic Theory (1730) , pp 217-243

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- Richard E. Quandt (b. 1930) , pp 207-220

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- Richard Ferdinand Kahn (1905–1989)

- Geoffrey Harcourt
- Richard G. Lipsey (b. 1928) , pp 109-146

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- Richard Hofstadter, modernization theory and the birth of a global populism debate , pp 118-130

- Anton Jäger
- Richardson, George B

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- Riding the wave: resilient Polish migrant entrepreneurs navigating Brexit and COVID-19 in the UK , pp 220-245

- Alexandra David, Judith Terstriep and Przemys_aw Zbierowski
- Riesman on Veblcn and Modern Universities , pp 144-162

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- Right to a reasoned decision , pp 140-161

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- Right to an effective remedy , pp 183-205

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- Right to be heard and other participation rights , pp 162-182

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- Right to information , pp 261-281

- Aruna Roy and Suchi Pande
- Right to remedy , pp 74-86

- Lisa J. Laplante
- Rightful resistance and activism through EIAs in Chile , pp 270-284

- Rajiv Maher and Diego Gálvez Pino
- Rights

- Stephen D. Parsons
- Rights and disasters , pp 50-67

- Kristian Cedervall Lauta
- Rights and obligations in the context of internships and traineeships: A German perspective , pp 113-129

- Bernd Waas
- Rights mobilization: A view from Southeast Asia , pp 20-37

- Lynette J. Chua
- Rights of Indigenous Peoples , pp 295-313

- Kendyl Salcito
- Rights to do, rights to prevent, and an intersected approach? Lessons from intellectual property, information control and oil and gas , pp 105-127

- Abbe E.L. Brown
- Rigidities in governance and transition: dependencies , pp 123-151

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- Riots, protest and globalization , pp 133-146

- Matt Clement
- Rise of East Asian economies and the computerisation of the world economy , pp 142-158

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- Rise of humanoid robots in hospitality services , pp 331-345

- Lina Zhong and Rohit Verma
- Rise of inflation and the gender pension gap: what role for monetary policy? , pp 38-59

- Marcella Corsi and Giulia Porino
- Rise of the modern electric vehicle , pp 1-33

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- Rising awareness and falling achievement , pp 32-47

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- Rising car user costs: comparing aggregated and geo-spatial impacts on travel demand and air pollutant emissions , pp 180-207

- Benjamin Kickhöfer, Friederike Hülsmann, Regine Gerike and Kai Nagel
- Rising imbalances in credit flows , pp 132-136

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- Rising longevity and health care systems: the need for a new approach in social and health policies and research , pp 167-181

- Peter Lloyd-Sherlock and Poliana Fialho de Carvalho
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