From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Not Being There: Why Local Innovation is Not (Always) Related to Local Factors

- Richard Shearmur
- Not Business as Usual: The Psychological Impact of Terrorism and Mass Casualty on Business and Organizational Behavior

- Kristen H. Walter, Brian J. Hall and Stevan F. Hobfoll
- Not Enough Room for Optimal Choices? The European Legal Framework for Green Taxes

- Mattias Derlén and Johan Lindholm
- Not Going Away? Microfoundations in the Making of a New Consensus in Macroeconomics

- Pedro Duarte
- Not Just Nokia: Finland

- Ville Kaitila and Markku Kotilainen
- Not only an Economist – Autobiographical Reflections of a Historian of Economic Thought

- Mark Blaug
- Not only an economist: autobiographical reflections of a historian of economic thought , pp 3-25

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- Not quite the patron saint of capitalists , pp 51-54

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- Not so Bleak House: business and entrepreneurship in Dickens , pp 97-111

- Sarah E. Skwire
- Not-for-profit financial statements: data sources by state , pp 422-427

- Tammy R. Waymire and Jeffrey D. Mechanick
- Not-So-Mega Events

- Dennis Coates
- Note on methodology , pp 138-138

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- Notes on a Complexity Theory of Economic Development

- Koen Frenken and Ron Boschma
- Notes on an alternative corporate law theory , pp 190-218

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- Notes on Hicks on Money and Monetary Theory , pp 177-192

- Edward J. Nell
- Notes on Institutions, Political Economy and Economics , pp 249-264

- Heinrich Bortis
- Notes on labour market flexibility: questions for the new economy*

- Stanley Siebert
- Notes on the Reformed SGP: Creating and Implementing Effective Macroeconomic Frameworks

- Robert Woods
- Notes on the theory of markets

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- Notes on the Transformational Growth of Demand

- Edward J. Nell
- Nothing learned from the crisis? Some remarks on the stability programmes 2011–2014 of the Euro area governments , pp 186-206

- Gregor Semieniuk, Till van Treeck and Achim Truger
- Nothing remains the same! Port competition revisited , pp 9-28

- Hilde Meersman, Eddy Van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander
- Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral is burning: lets turn to Twitter , pp 233-266

- Serge Nyawa, Dieudonné Tchuente and Samuel Fosso Wamba
- Novel Applications of Existing Econometric Instruments to Analyse Regional Innovation Systems: The Spanish Case

- Mikel Buesa, Mónica Martínez Pellitero, Thomas Baumart and Joost Heijs
- Novel facts

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- Novel methods for the estimation of cost–distance decay in potential accessibility models , pp 15-37

- John Östh, Aura Reggiani and Giacomo Galiazzo
- Now or Never , pp 161-194

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- Nowcasting recession risk , pp 156-186

- Francesco Furno and Domenico Giannone
- Nuclear Energy in the Enlarged European Union

- William J. Nuttell
- Nuclear Power and Deregulated Electricity Markets: Lessons from British Energy

- Simon Taylor
- Nuclear power: technology assessment and ethics of technology in interaction , pp 90-99

- Behnam Taebi, Vincent Lagendijk, Romy Dekker and Rinie van Est
- Nudge+: putting citizens at the heart of behavioural public policy , pp 227-241

- Sanchayan Banerjee and Peter John
- Nudgeability and beyond: affording people with opportunities to make the right choice , pp 17-33

- Denise de Ridder
- Nudges versus financial incentives , pp 189-208

- W Viscusi
- Nudging and RCTs in finance: A review of recent literature , pp 395-407

- Réka Heim and Jürgen Huber
- Nudging employees for corporate sustainability: a systematic evidence map , pp 152-173

- Leonie Decrinis and Lucia A. Reisch
- Nudging inclusive banking and micro finance towards self-sustainability , pp 74-105

- Katherine Hunt, Marco Lamandini and David Ramos Muñoz
- Nudging leverage points: influencing transformative policy change , pp 251-269

- Iain Black, Julia Leventon and Craig Anderson
- Nuisance

- Timothy Swanson and Andreas Kontoleon
- Number of initiatives, firm and plant characteristics , pp 145-160

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- Number of workers per family , pp 247-262

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- Number, weight and measure , pp 6-29

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- Numerical experiments with a decision support methodology for strategic traffic

- Torbjörn Larsson, Jan T. Lundgren, Michael Patriksson and Clas Rydergren
- Numerical methods for optimization-based model estimation and inference , pp 565-598

- David S. Bunch
- Numerical methods for optimization-based model estimation and inference , pp 594-629

- David S. Bunch
- Nursing Home Quality of Care

- David C. Grabowski and Edward Norton
- Nursing Home Quality of Care

- David C. Grabowski and Edward Norton
- Nurturing the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention , pp 403-429

- Marilyn Freeman and Nicola Taylor
- Nutrition measures and limits: the dominance of the USDA's Food Insecurity and Hunger Module and its adaptations , pp 84-97

- Sinéad Furey and Emma Beacom
- Nuts and bolts of the aid for TVET , pp 255-285

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