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- Housing share: opportunities and challenges for interdisciplinary research , pp 81-96

- Djordje Stojanovic
- Housing tenure , pp 196-212

- Kath Hulse and Margaret Reynolds
- Housing under occupation , pp 346-359

- Omar Ben Haman
- Housing urbanism: Collective representation and its impact in the city , pp 68-86

- Armando Tetsuya Hashimoto Hongo
- Housing Wealth, Debt and Stress Before, During and After the Celtic Tiger

- Michelle Norris and Nessa Winston
- Housing, place and design , pp 309-326

- Bruce Judd
- Houston’s land-use regime: a model for the nation , pp 174-198

- Randal O’Toole
- Hove Recreation by Aust-Agder , pp 147-153

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- How a Fee Per-Unit Garbage Affects Aggregate Recycling in a Model with Heterogeneous Households , pp 63-87

- Thomas C. Kinnaman and Don Fullerton
- How about sitting back and hypothesizing? , pp 135-162

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- How AI augments value creation: towards a model of human-AI cooperation in services research , pp 195-214

- Sami Rusthollkarhu, Malla Mattila, Leena Aarikka-Stenroos and Mika Yrjölä
- How AI is re-shaping the financial industry: lights, shades and perspectives , pp 205-214

- Paola Papanicolaou
- How and why does cost efficiency of universities differ across European countries? An explorative attempt using new microdata , pp iii-iii

- Zara Daghbashyan, Enrico Deiaco and Maureen McKelvey
- How are Rising Health Care Expenditures Explained?

- Alistair McGuire, Victoria Serra-Sastre and Maria Raikou
- How are we Doing?: An Analysis of Recent Attempts at Alternative Measures of Economic and Social Well-being , pp 144-156

- Charles M.A. Clark and Catherine Kavanagh
- How as an editor to manage global shifts in knowledge production and journal geopolitics , pp 158-168

- Elaine Stratford
- How Asia Can Benefit from the European Experience

- Barry Eichengreen
- How Australia Survived the Global Financial Crises

- Chris Bajada and Rowan Trayler
- How bank health affects the capital structure and performance of IPO firms: evidence from the Japanese financial crisis in the 1990s , pp 552-568

- Kazuo Yamada
- How big data analytics will transform the future of fashion retailing , pp 72-85

- Niloofar Ahmadzadeh Kandi
- How big is too big? On the social efficiency of the financial sector in the United States

- Gerald Epstein and James Crotty
- How blockchain technology can impact agriculture , pp 95-116

- Prithviraj Lakkakula and William W. Wilson
- How board structure affects social performance and stakeholder management: an example from classified boards , pp 86-111

- Jill A. Brown, Anne Anderson and Sami Ghaddar
- How Bonus-Driven “Rainmaker†Financial Firms Enrich Top Employees, Destroy Shareholder Value and Create Systemic Financial Instability , pp 151-172

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- How can climate justice and energy justice be reconciled? , pp 227-237

- Andrew Lawrence
- How can economic inequality influence health? , pp 38-47

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- How can Economics be an Institutional-Evolutionary Science? , pp 25-40

- Alan W. Dyer
- How can ethics of care theory expand and deepen our understanding of how gender is related to corruption in theory and policy praxis? , pp 39-46

- Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta
- How can finance be used to combat climate change? , pp 351-359

- Alain Grandjean
- How Can Regional Public Expenditure Stimulate FDI in the Mekong?

- Pritha Mitra
- How can the cost of debt crises be reduced?

- Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- How can the Korean workplace become conducive to workplace innovation? Learning from a case study of a manufacturing firm , pp 113-128

- Se Ri No and Kyetaik Oh
- How can we prepare for something we don't want to think about? Disaster readiness and negative capability , pp 10-26

- Shin Arita
- How Catalysts Ignite: The Economics of Platform-Based Start-Ups

- David Evans
- How China Managed the Impact of the Financial Crisis: Globalization and Public Policy Responses in an Emerging Economy

- Arjan de Haan and Sen Gong
- How Corruption Affects Service Delivery and What Can Be Done About It

- Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson
- How corruption enables wildlife trafficking , pp 154-162

- Tanya Wyatt
- How could we pay for a Basic Income? , pp 41-68

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- How crisis reshaped the monetary toolkit , pp 157-162

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- How cultural traits shape patent rights across countries , pp 221-228

- Ani Harutyunyan
- How did colonialism change our gender and our sexuality? The case of Indigenous Wixárika communities , pp 21-40

- Jennie Gamlin, Maria Teresa Fernández Acevez and Paulina Ultreras Villagrana
- How Did Korean Financial Markets Get Infected by the Global Financial Crisis?

- Hangyong Lee and Min-Kyu Song
- How did the asset markets change after the Global Financial Crisis? , pp 312-336

- Kuang-Liang Chang and Charles Leung
- How Did the Firms Diversify? , pp 185-216

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- How disruptive businesses trigger conflicts with incumbents: the case of ridesharing in Brussels , pp 226-236

- Michaël Distelmans and Llse Scheerlinck
- How do Australian Superannuation Fund Trustees Perceive their Role and Effectiveness?

- Vrinda Gupta, Henry Jin, Michael Orszag and John Piggott
- How do Central Banks and FX Traders Interact?

- Antonio Scalia
- How do creditor rights matter for debt finance? A review of empirical evidence , pp 3-25

- John Armour, Antonia Menezes, Mahesh Uttamchandani and Kristin van Zwieten
- How do digital entrepreneurial ecosystems impact on achieving the SDGs? A country-level analysis , pp 247-266

- Ana Joana C. Fernandes, João J. Ferreira and Luís Farinha
- How do economic crises affect electoral choices? Analysing voting behavior in the British general election of 2010 , pp 263-280

- Yuki Yanai
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