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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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International trade: barriers to trade Downloads
Michael Trebilcock and Michael Fishbein
International trade: dispute settlement Downloads
Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis
International trade: regionalism Downloads
Joel P. Trachtman
International trade: trade in services Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Aaditya Mattoo
International trade: trade remedies Downloads
Alan O. Sykes
International Transfers , pp 51-88 Downloads
International transport and the environment: an assessment of trends and driving forces Downloads
Daniëlle B. van Veen-Groot and Peter Nijkamp
International Treaties Downloads
Vincy Fon
International trends in corporate philanthropy and the influence of institutional context , pp 92-107 Downloads
Lynnette Purda
International Virtual Industry Clusters and SMEs: Early Process Policy Recommendations Downloads
Meir Russ and Jeannette K. Jones
International women’s soccer and gender inequality: revisited , pp 345-364 Downloads
Joshua Congdon-Hohman and Victor Matheson
International, Supra-national and National Shipping Policies , pp 39-60 Downloads
International, supranational and national shipping policies , pp 46-73 Downloads
Internationalisation , pp 25-36 Downloads
Internationalisation as at end 2013 , pp 255-280 Downloads
Internationalisation for technological capability building: from production to innovation in a case study of Goldwind Technology , pp 112-128 Downloads
Ju Liu
Internationalisation of Innovation, Interdependence and Innovation Policy for Sustainable Development , pp 86-110 Downloads
Stefan Kuhlmann and Frieder Meyer-Krahmer
Internationalisation of R&D: A Brief Survey of the Literature , pp 1-3 Downloads
Bernhard Dachs
Internationalisation Theory Downloads
Mark Casson and Nigel Wadeson
Internationalism: in the beginning Downloads
Internationalization and globalization of the American economy Downloads
Frederic L. Pryor
Internationalization and Integration of Financial and Capital Markets Downloads
Christopher Adam
Internationalization of Australian SMEs: Challenges and Opportunities Downloads
Quamrul Alam and John Pacher
Internationalization of the Business Firm Downloads
Internationalization of Vietnamese garment manufacturers from an innovation perspective: toward a U-shaped internationalization path , pp 46-83 Downloads
Olav Jull Sørensen and Nguyen Bich Ngoc
Internationalization, Institutions and Economic Growth: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of the New EU Member States Downloads
Matthew M.C. Allen and Maria L. Aldred
Internationalizing the Scholarly Experience of Faculty Downloads
Diana Bartelli Carlin
Internet Addressing Standards: A Case Study in Standards Dynamics Driven by Bottom-Up Adoption , pp 68-81 Downloads
Jos Vrancken, Marnix Kaart and Michel Soares
Internet Advertising and Direct Mail: Trends and Analysis for the UK Downloads
Soterios Soteri, Frédérique Fève, Jean-Pierre Florens and Frank Rodriguez
Internet and Telecommunications Outlook in Latin America Downloads
Andrew B. Whinston and Soon-Yong Choi
Internet architecture and innovation in applications , pp 288-322 Downloads
Barbara van Schewick
Internet backbone and aviation networks: a comparative study , pp 134-156 Downloads
Internet business strategies , pp 365-384 Downloads
Johann J. Kranz and Arnold Picot
Internet Creativity, Communicative Freedom and a Constitutional Rights Theory Response to ‘Code is Law’ Downloads
Christoph B. Graber
Internet Economics: a New Form of Cooperation? , pp 55-69 Downloads
Godefroy Dang-Nguyen and Thierry Pénard
Internet infrastructure and regional economic development: a causality analysis , pp 180-194 Downloads
Internet Networks of World Cities: Agglomeration and Dispersion Downloads
Edward J. Malecki
Internet of Things/Internet of Services economies: generating social and economic value with interactive environments , pp 191-235 Downloads
Paul Manwaring and Dré Kampfraath
Internet piracy: the estimated impact on sales , pp 262-273 Downloads
Stan Liebowitz
Internet Regulation Downloads
Andrew D. Murray
Internet reporting and digital governance: evidence from multiple Italian municipalities , pp 283-301 Downloads
Silvana Filomena Secinaro, Valerio Brescia and Davide Calandra
Internet Upstream Connectivity and Competition Policy: Western Europe and Southern Africa Downloads
Emanuele Giovannetti
Internet-based technologies, accounting processes, and management control systems , pp 265-287 Downloads
Vikash Kumar Sinha, David Derichs and Teemu Malmi
Internet: culture Downloads
Joëlle Farchy
Internet: economics Downloads
Fabrice Rochelandet
Internships and apprenticeships in Sweden, collective bargaining and social partner involvement , pp 145-162 Downloads
Jenny Julén Votinius and Mia Rönnmar
Internships: A policy and regulatory challenge , pp 2-16 Downloads
Andrew Stewart, Rosemary Owens, Niall O’Higgins and Anne Hewitt
Interorganizational Coordination: The Role of Information Technology Downloads
Mariëlle den Hengst
Interorganizational trust in Flemish public administration: comparing trusted and distrusted interactions between public regulatees and public regulators , pp 80-114 Downloads
Peter Oomsels and Geert Bouckaert
Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility , pp 85-98 Downloads
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