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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Knowledge and Beliefs in Economics: The Case of the Austrian Tradition Downloads
Richard Arena and Agnès Festré
Knowledge and Capabilities in Subcontractor’s Evolution: The Italian Case Downloads
Roberto Grandinetti, Andrea Furlan and Arnaldo Camuffo
Knowledge and clusters Downloads
Nick Henry and Steven Pinch
Knowledge and economic growth: General introduction and outline , pp 3-26 Downloads
Knowledge and economic policy: a plea for political experimentalism , pp 67-95 Downloads
Stefan Okruch and Stefan Okruch
Knowledge and incentive problems in regulatory studies: an Austrian perspective , pp 69-88 Downloads
Diana W. Thomas and Michael D. Thomas
Knowledge and Innovation: Power and Counterpower Downloads
Andrée Kartchevsky and Muriel Maillefert
Knowledge and its Economic Characteristics: A Conceptual Clarification Downloads
Ulrich Witt, Tom Broekel and Thomas Brenner
Knowledge and knowing in case study research: towards a relational epistemology , pp 31-50 Downloads
Peter Rule and Bedrettin Yazan
Knowledge and Location , pp 8-29 Downloads
Knowledge and skill for infrastructure technology and economic growth , pp 139-159 Downloads
Seiki Ochi, Takayuki Ueda and Muneta Yokomatsu
Knowledge and the Competitiveness of Places Downloads
Ed Malecki and Gert-Jan Hospers
Knowledge as Global Public Good: Production Conditions and Preconditions Downloads
Claude Henry
Knowledge base, firm performance and innovation networks , pp 291-301 Downloads
Pier Paolo Saviotti
Knowledge bases, innovation and multi-scalar relationships: which kind of territorial boundedness of industrial clusters? , pp 163-188 Downloads
Franz Tödtling and Alexander Auer
Knowledge brokerage and creativity in a collaborative online innovation network of fashion makers , pp 101-118 Downloads
Jessica D. Giusti and Fernando G. Alberti
Knowledge collaboration in hybrid virtual communities , pp 537-555 Downloads
Gernot Grabher and Oliver Ibert
Knowledge commercialization and valorization in regional economic development: new perspectives and challenges , pp 3-20 Downloads
Tüzin Baycan
Knowledge creation and the research and development process , pp 65-80 Downloads
Knowledge Creation in a Japanese Convenience Store Chain: The Case of Seven-Eleven Japan Downloads
Ikujiro Nonaka, Vesa Peltokorpi and Dai Senoo
Knowledge creation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: a historical review , pp 71-107 Downloads
Bo Carlsson, Zoltan Acs, David B. Audretsch and Pontus Braunerhjelm
Knowledge Distribution and Coordination in Organisations , pp 227-246 Downloads
Luigi Marengo
Knowledge Dynamics in the Evolution of Italian Industrial Districts Downloads
Fiorenzo Belussi
Knowledge economy , pp 180-186 Downloads
Heesang Jeon
Knowledge Exchange in Trans-national City Networks: Evolutionary Mechanisms in Cross-local Learning Among European Cities Downloads
Martin de Jong and Jurian Edelenbos
Knowledge Exploitation Strategies and the Direction of Technological Change Downloads
Knowledge Externalities and Growth in Peripheral Regions Downloads
Fabiana Santos, Marco Crocco and Frederico Jayme Jr
Knowledge Externalities and Networks of Cities in the Creative Metropolis Downloads
Joan Trullén and Rafael Boix
Knowledge externalities and the financing of innovation , pp 302-309 Downloads
Mehmet Ugur
Knowledge Generation and Vertical Dynamic Interdependence Within Industrial Filieres: Econometric Evidence on Total Factor Productivity Growth Downloads
Knowledge governance, pecuniary knowledge externalities and total factor productivity growth , pp 127-140 Downloads
Knowledge governance: intellectual property management for development and the public interest , pp 689-702 Downloads
Leonardo Burlamaqui
Knowledge governance: meaning, origins and implications Downloads
Nicolai J. Foss
Knowledge in Finance: Objective Value versus Convention Downloads
André Orléan
Knowledge in Marshall Downloads
Brian Loasby
Knowledge Intensification in Taiwan's IT Industry , pp 228-255 Downloads
Shin-Horng Chen
Knowledge Intensive Business Services and regional development: consultancy in city regions in Norway Downloads
Heidi Wiig
Knowledge Intensive Business Services as Gazelles: Implications of Size on Innovation Downloads
Johanna Nählinder
Knowledge lacuna and consequences , pp 1-28 Downloads
Knowledge life cycles inside local economic systems Downloads
Lucio Poma and Silvia Sacchetti
Knowledge Management Systems in Maritime Logistics Downloads
Eon-Seong Lee and Dong-Wook Song
Knowledge matters in the World Bank: the KNETworking foundations of development policy , pp 309-320 Downloads
Diane Stone
Knowledge networks as institutions for technology management , pp 373-395 Downloads
Michael Steiner
Knowledge Networks: Integration Mechanisms and Performance Assessment Downloads
Matilde Luna and José Luis Velasco
Knowledge Phases, Cognitive and Relational Distance in ICT Alliance Networks Downloads
Olivier Brossard and Jérôme Vicente
Knowledge policies for inclusive development: lessons from Uruguay , pp 199-220 Downloads
Santiago Alzugaray, Maria Go-i, Leticia Mederos and Sofia Robaina
Knowledge policy and the future of war, defence and peace , pp 237-251 Downloads
Emma N. Kennedy da Silva and Rod B. Lyon
Knowledge Processes and Networks in the Automotive Sector Downloads
Ulrich Jürgens, Antje Blöcker and Stewart MacNeill
Knowledge production and human rights enhancement: the role and potentialities of emancipatory disability research , pp 17-32 Downloads
Mario Biggeri, Federico Ciani, Giampiero Griffo and Sunil Deepak
Knowledge production functions , pp 78-87 Downloads
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