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- Strategizing with data: data-based innovations and complementarities , pp 239-254

- Cristina Alaimo and Aleksi Aaltonen
- Strategy and Motivation for PRC Outward Direct Investments with Particular Reference to Enterprises from the Pearl River Delta , pp 140-161

- Choo-sin Tseng and Simon K.M. Mak
- Strategy and Transaction Costs

- Laura Poppo
- Strategy for Economic Growth in Brazil: A Post Keynesian Approach

- José Luís Oreiro and Luiz Fernando de Paula
- Strategy for economic recovery from the COVID-19 disaster: Japan aims to become a startup nation again , pp 269-291

- Shigeo Kagami
- Strategy in governance: communities and their futures reimagined and reconstructed , pp 200-222

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- Strategy in information intensive services , pp 2-22

- Uday M. Apte, Uday S. Karmarkar and Hiranya Nath
- Strategy Research in Asia

- Andrew Delios, Wei Wei Xu and Kulwant Singh
- Strategy to Join the Elite: Merger and the 2015 Agenda at the University of Manchester

- Luke Georghiou
- Strategy under woke capitalism , pp 186-205

- Nicolai Foss and Peter G. Klein
- Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An Evolutionary Learning Perspective , pp 181-208

- Carl Henning Reschke and Sascha Kraus
- Stratification and cumulative advantages in academia: gender and national differences , pp 342-355

- Jens Peter Andersen
- Stratified access to care and mental health implications for pregnant and postpartum immigrants in the USMexico border region , pp 101-114

- Victoria De Anda and Carina Heckert
- Stratified domestic demand: the “seedbed effect” on automobile firms observed from county-level sales data , pp 179-212

- Moriki Ohara
- Straw wars – a consequential saga: the life cycle climate change consequences of replacing plastic with paper , pp 410-424

- Simon Hoge and Miguel Brandão
- Street fights in the Anthropocene: a research agenda for aligning climate justice and urban transportation , pp 201-212

- Jason Henderson
- Street-side citizenships: claim-making and the reordering of streets in Indian cities , pp 296-310

- Yogi Joseph, Sreelakshmi Ramachandran and Govind Gopakumar
- Streeten, Paul Patrick (b. 1917)

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- Strengthening added value and sustainability orientation in the EU budget , pp 92-105

- Margit Schratzenstaller
- Strengthening capacity for teaching of health economics in sub-Saharan Africa , pp 222-236

- Thomas Wilkinson, Susan Cleary and Justice Nonvignon
- Strengthening Community Participation in Primary Health Care: Experiences from South Africa

- Andrew Gibbs and Catherine Campbell
- Strengthening economic convergence in Europe , pp 64-71

- Jeffrey D. Sachs
- Strengthening employment-based pensions

- Robert L. Clark and Olivia Mitchell
- Strengthening environmental governance in the food sector: learning from China’s progress in dairy safety , pp 178-198

- Jonathan Schwestka and Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira
- Strengthening health services with quality in a net zero transition , pp 271-282

- Yatindra Kumar Ramgolam, Kaviraj Bangarigadu, Tavish Hookoom and Chandrika Ramiah
- Strengthening institutions against corruption? Biofuel deals in Ghana , pp 117-130

- Festus Boamah and Aled Williams
- Strengthening local government finance: the case of Bulgaria , pp 94-116

- Svetlana Alexandrova
- Strengthening policy incentives , pp 165-174

- Colin G. Brown, Jeffrey Bennett, Qiao Guanghua, Lkhagvadorj Dorjburegdaa, Jane Addison, Udval Gombosuren, David Kemp and Li Ping
- Strengthening social infrastructure in long-term care for older people: coordinated action and local empowerment in Europe , pp 39-56

- Cassandra Simmons, Stefania Ilinca, Adelina Comas-Herrera, Claire Champeix, Lian Southard and Nick Zonnenveld
- Strengthening Systemic Financial Regulation

- Masahiro Kawai and Michael Pomerleano
- Strengthening the Academic Presidency: Recommendations for Presidents and Governing Boards

- Robert M. O’Neil
- Strengths and weaknesses of the British market model , pp 156-181

- David M Newbery
- Strengths and weaknesses of the Nordic market model , pp 287-307

- Chloé Le Coq and Sebastian Schwenen
- Strengths and weaknesses of the PJM market model , pp 182-204

- William W. Hogan
- Strengths and weaknesses of traditional arrangments for electricity supply , pp 13-35

- Richard Schmalensee
- Strengths-based engagement with student veterans: reframing possibilities and challenges for higher education institutions , pp 213-223

- Katie R. Sullivan and Kay Yoon
- Strengths-based service solutions: mapping a way forward in marketplace vulnerabilities , pp 251-280

- Janet Davey, Raechel Johns and Henna M. Leino
- Stress, shock and the sustainability of resource use in semi-arid environments , pp 142-176

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- Stretching the Boundaries of Multifunctionality? An Evolving Common Agricultural Policy within the World Trade Legal Order

- Michael Cardwell
- Strict Liability versus Negligence

- Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Frank Müller-Langer
- Strict liability when victims choose the value of the asset at risk , pp 87-111

- Florian Baumann and Tim Friehe
- Strike activity in Korea , pp 268-286

- Kyoung Won Park
- Strikes and decent work , pp 438-447

- Jörg Nowak
- Stripping resources and investing abroad: a path to sustainable development? , pp 189-202

- John Pezzey
- Striving despite disruption: young peoples occupational identity and economic opportunity during COVID-19 , pp 10-40

- Jaclyn Kelly and Anindya Kundu
- Striving Towards Sustainable Development in a Globalizing Economy: Universities and Civil Society Organizations in India

- Jamuna Ramakrishna
- Strong Blockholders and Corporate Governance Structures that Improve Minority Shareholders’ Protection: The Case of Telecom Italia

- Andrea Melis
- Strong Plots: Popular Culture in Management Practice and Theory

- Barbara Czarniawska and Carl Rhodes
- Strong sustainability and critical natural capital , pp 55-71

- Paul Ekins
- Strong Ties, Weak Ties, and Strangers: Do Women Owners Differ from Men in Their Use of Networking to Obtain Assistance? , pp 151-175

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