From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- A theory of entrepreneurship and peacebuilding , pp 57-71

- Harry Van Buren and Jay Joseph
- A theory of organizational readiness for change , pp 215-232

- Bryan J. Weiner
- A theory of resilient flow–fund linkages , pp 229-256

- Roberto Scazzieri
- A Theory of the Democratic Fiscal Constitution

- Francesco Forte and Domenico D’Amico
- A Theory of the Supply of Money

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- A Three-Factor Yield Curve Model: Non-Affine Structure, Systematic Risk Sources and Generalized Duration

- Francis Diebold, Lei Ji and Canlin Li
- A Time Series Analysis of Financial Fragility in the UK Banking System , pp 231-251

- Pojanart Sunirand
- A trajectory of legal tricks (hiyal) , pp 337-401

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- A Trans-Keynesian Manifesto (Thoughts About an Asset-based Macroeconomics) , pp 93-108

- William Vickrey
- A Transatlantic Assessment of the Evolving Use of Behavioural Merger Remedies

- Neil Campbell, Casey Halladay and Omar Wakil
- A transformative post-developmental state? State institutions as change-makers in the Anthropocene , pp 83-99

- Benedicte Bull
- A transition phase: reconfiguration , pp 22-27

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- A transitions theory perspective on transport innovation , pp 14-34

- Bonno Pel
- A Transnational Policy Space: Structure , pp 162-183

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- A Transnational Policy Space: The Actors , pp 140-161

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- A triangle is not a crown , pp 19-39

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- A Triumph for Institutional Incentives and Flexible Design? The Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol on Ozone Layer Depletion , pp 125-164

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- A Trump effect on European Union climate ambitions? The European Council and Council of the EUs responses to US climate contestation , pp 213-228

- Katja Biedenkopf and Franziska Petri
- A tunnel beneath Seattle: the megaproject to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct , pp 275-305

- Molly Riddle and Jan Whittington
- A Two-Hub Trading Bloc in East Asia? , pp 200-218

- Lurong Chen
- A two-sector model , pp 218-235

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- A Type of supply-side control: control via the ‘counterparts’ , pp 39-43

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- A typical Tory boom , pp 129-153

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- A typology of declining clusters in thin regions: socioeconomic challenges and policy responses , pp 17-33

- Mads Bruun Ingstrup, Arnault Morisson and Heike Mayer
- A typology of interventionist dynamics , pp 64-86

- Robert L. Bradley
- A typology of localized spaces of collaborative innovation , pp 80-97

- Ignasi Capdevila
- A typology of policy measures , pp iii-iii

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- A typology of trans-local knowledge circulation between entrepreneurial ecosystems , pp 279-293

- Susann Schäfer and Andreas Kuebart
- A UIP framework with regressive expectations , pp 148-171

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- A UK example of the relationship between ATech research and ATech policy , pp 135-146

- Robert McLaren, Shamima Akhtar and Clive Gilbert
- A unified spatial model of American political institutions , pp 182-200

- Thomas H. Hammond
- A Unified Theory of Social Enterprise

- Dennis R. Young
- A Unilateral Future for the CDM? , pp 110-146

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- A Univariate Estimation of the Stated WTP Responses , pp 123-134

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- A University Enters into its Regional Economy: Models for Integrated Action with Refugee and Immigrant Communities

- Linda Silka
- A US Analysis of Terrorism

- Jack N. Kondrasuk and Elizabeth Arwood
- A user guide to centralized, adaptive and decentralized ecosystems , pp 159-176

- Andrew Shipilov, Nathan Furr and Francesco Burelli
- A Utility’s Perspective on Assisting BOP Communities: The AES Corporation’s Experience

- Scarlett Álvarez and Francisco Morandi
- A value tree approach to integrate policy and legislation into spatial decision support tools for siting offshore renewables , pp 78-99

- Inne Withouck, Paul Tett, John Doran, Beth Mouat and Rachel Shucksmith
- A value-theoretic critique of the Okishio theorem , pp 206-224

- Andrew Kliman
- A variable price level, supply shocks and rational expectations , pp 56-76

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- A VAT in the UAE: Distributional Consequences and Social Sectors

- Ehtisham Ahmad and Giorgio Brosio
- A very brief history of economic globalization since Columbus , pp 17-42

- Peer Vries
- A view from the EFTA Court , pp 414-435

- Ólafur Jóhannes Einarsson
- A view from the European Court of Human Rights , pp 400-413

- Arnfinn Bårdsen
- A View from the Midway

- Walter Oi
- A virtuous cycle: how green companies grow green employees (and vice versa) , pp 210-228

- Thomas A. Norton, Stacey L. Parker, Matthew C. Davis, Sally V. Russell and Neal M. Ashkanasy
- A vision for the EU gas target model: MECO-S , pp 114-195

- Jean-Michel Glachant
- A wasted crisis? , pp 167-190

- Harri Kalimo and Max S. Jansson
- A water-sensitive circular economy and the nexus concept , pp 113-131

- Christos Makropoulos, Sandra Casas Garriga, Anne Kleyböcker, Charles-Xavier Sockeel, Clara Plata Rios, Heather Smith and Jos Frijns
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