From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Chile: The Development–Sustainability Dilemma

- Tommaso Chiamparino, Laura Piazza and Irene Venturello
- Chiles Pobladores movement: redefining a neoliberal housing policy from its margins , pp 567-584

- Daniel Meza Corvalán and Ernesto López-Morales
- China , pp 168-195

- Yan Xu
- China , pp 296-349

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- China , pp 44-87

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- China , pp 318-351

- Qiuyue Chen, Jie Li, ShouQing Wang and Yingying Wang
- China

- Yasheng Huang
- China

- Huijong Wang
- China and Hong Kong: an a-constitutional crisis , pp 115-146

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- China and India: competitors for future leadership in the global economy , pp 72-94

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- China and Taiwan

- Kit Boey Chow, Kah Mun Leo and Susanna Leong
- China and the BRI(C)S in Africa: making sense of the complexities of capabilities asymmetries , pp 86-98

- Obert Hodzi
- China and the Changing Nature of Globalisation

- Jeffrey Henderson
- China and the EU in Global Governance: Seeking Harmony in Identities

- Yiwei Wang
- China and the European Union in the World Trade Organization: Living Apart Together?

- Jan Wouters and Matthieu Burnay
- China and the Multinationals

- Robert Pearce
- China and the New Economy: A Case of Convergence?

- Max Boisot and John Child
- China bends the curve on high-speed rail , pp 166-190

- Ziming Liu and John D. Landis
- China in the world trading system , pp 422-449

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- China Marketing

- Ying Ho and Kam-hon Lee
- China Shakes the World: Challenges Arising from Shifts in the Global Balance of Power

- Jean-Christophe Defraigne
- China watching: towards reflection and dialogue , pp 147-160

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- China's Banking Industry during the Process of Institutional Transformation , pp 1-37

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- China's choices , pp 183-203

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- China's corporate governance development

- On Kit Tam and Celina Ping Yu
- China's Emerging Tax Regime: Local Tax Farming and Central Tax Bureaucracy , pp 145-174

- Ze Zhu and Barbara Krug
- China's exchange rate mechanism and the real effective exchange rate

- Lei Lei Song
- China's Hi-tech Industry Policy under Institutional Transformation , pp 1-33

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- China's High-Tech Drive , pp 301-334

- Erh-Cheng Hwa and Xielin Liu
- China's Manufacturing Core , pp 54-79

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- China's merger control , pp 437-461

- Cunzhen Huang and Yiming Sun
- China's metro explosion: lessons from Chinas big four cities , pp 191-235

- Zhong-Ren Peng, Kaifa Lu, Mengyi Jin, Xinghang Zhu and John D. Landis
- China's overseas development program , pp 248-262

- Axel Dreher and Bradley C. Parks
- China's path to development: Does law matter? , pp 268-287

- Vai Io Lo
- China's recent macroeconomic developments and policy with implications for trade , pp 123-144

- Charles Harvie
- China's Regions and Regional Disparities, 1953 to 2005 , pp 8-27

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- China's stock market: emergence, development and perspective , pp 56-89

- Shiguang Ma
- China's tariff reductions and WTO accession: A computable general equilibrium analysis , pp 211-235

- Mingtai Fan and Yuxin Zheng
- China's threat and opportunity for the Thai and Vietnamese motorcycle industries: a sectoral innovation system analysis

- Patarapong Intarakumnerf and Mai Fujita
- China's trade and investment after the Asia crisis: an overview , pp 1-3

- Van Tran
- China's trade and investment in the new millennium , pp 145-150

- Van Tran
- China's trade in a globalized economy: trends, patterns and future policy , pp 4-28

- Van Tran
- China's urban health insurance reform experiment in Zhenjiang: cost and utilization analyses , pp 143-158

- Gordon G. Liu, Renhua Cai, Schumarry Chao, Xianjun Xiong, Zhongyun Zhao and Eric Wu
- China's urbanization: history and facts , pp 3-14

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- China, East Asia and global rebalancing , pp 24-35

- Menzie Chinn
- China, the EU and Sustainable Energy: Cooperation, Competition or Conflict?

- Bram Buijs and Lucia van Geuns
- China, the US and Regional Institution Building in East Asia

- Richard Weixing Hu
- China, the World Trade Organization and regional economic cooperation , pp 35-55

- Hyun-Hoon Lee and Chung Mo Koo
- China: a command economy responding well to market signals for the time being , pp 223-254

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- China: aspects of trade and investment in a globalized economy

- Yanyun Zhao and Jingping Li
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