From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The Confluence of the Postal Sector with the Internet Economy and Regulation

- John Hearn
- The connections among accessibility, self- selection and walking behaviour: a case study of Northern California residents , pp 73-95

- Xinyu Cao and Patricia Mokhtarian
- The conquering conservative: how white feminism has fueled conservative women’s rhetoric , pp 101-116

- Amanda Roberti and Catherine Wineinger
- The consequences of economic concentration: declining dynamics in the US economy , pp 88-134

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- The consequences of European Research Council allocations , pp 88-116

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- The consequences of increasing competition , pp 81-92

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- The consequences of the dualization of the French higher education system for graduates’ vertical mismatch in the labour market , pp 12-34

- Jean-François Giret and Janine Jongbloed
- The Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of Biodiversity: The Role of Biotechnology and Bioprospecting

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- The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) , pp 88-113

- Laura J. Damschroder, Caitlin M. Reardon and Julie C. Lowery
- The constitution , pp 139-155

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- The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties , pp 87-120

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- The Constitutional Impact of Class Actions in European Legal Systems

- Jörg Luther
- The constitutional point of view , pp 110-122

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- The construction and valuation effect of corporate governance indices , pp 314-340

- Manuel Ammann, David Oesch and Markus Schmid
- The construction of competition in public research funding systems , pp 172-184

- Stefan Arora-Jonsson, Nils Brunsson and Peter Edlund
- The construction of European patent law by legal intermediaries , pp 90-112

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- The construction of input–output coefficients , pp 133-174

- José Rueda-Cantuche
- The construction of national systems of innovation: a comparative analysis of Argentina and Canada , pp 349-379

- Jorge Niosi
- The Construction of New Indicators for Science and Innovation Policies: The Case of Project Funding Indicators

- Benedetto Lepori, Emanuela Reale and Stig Slipersaeter
- The Construction of the Single Market in Financial Services and the Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion

- Beat Weber
- The consumer goods distribution sector in Armenia , pp 54-74

- Karine Poladyan
- The contemporary landscape of performance measurement research: overview of Research Handbook content and reader navigation , pp 2-11

- Jennifer Grafton and Anne M. Lillis
- The contest for value capture: consumers as external claimants of value , pp 79-88

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- The contest for value capture: labor as a claimant of value , pp 66-78

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- The contest for value capture: manufacturers and global brands , pp 33-65

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- The contest for value capture: the apparel industry in perspective , pp 89-102

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- The Continental and Anglo-American Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education – Differences and Bridges

- Paula Kyrö
- The Continental tradition of ministerial advice: no institutional home for ministerial advisers? , pp 221-231

- Thurid Hustedt

- Masahiko Aoki
- The contingent relation between invalidity and unconstitutionality , pp 113-134

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- The Contingent Valuation Method , pp 77-96

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- The continuing challenge of the 1980 Hague Convention - a judicial perspective , pp 298-312

- The Honourable Mr Justice Alistair MacDonald
- The Continuing Urban Form Controversy: Towards Bridging the Divide

- H.S. Geyer
- The Contract State

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- The Contractual Nature of the Environment

- Terry L. Anderson and Robert McCormick
- The Contribution of Aboriginal Rock Paintings to Wilderness Recreation Values in North America

- Peter Boxall, Jeffrey Englin and Wiktor Adamowicz
- The contribution of community enterprise to British urban regeneration in a period of state retrenchment , pp 229-248

- Nick Bailey
- The Contribution of Community Institutions to Environmental Problem-Solving

- Elinor Ostrom
- The contribution of digital technologies to the achievement of SDGs: the state of the art , pp 173-192

- Antonello Cammarano, Vincenzo Varriale, Francesca Michelino and Mauro Caputo
- The Contribution of Edith Penrose to International Business Scholarship

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- The contribution of energy efficiency towards meeting CO2 targets , pp 175-223

- Joanne Evans, Massimo Filippini and Lester C. Hunt
- The Contribution of Environmental Assessment to Sustainable Development: Toward a Richer Conceptual Understanding

- Matthew Cashmore
- The contribution of equity to environmental peacebuilding , pp 42-61

- Virginie Barral
- The Contribution of Event-sequence Analysis to the Study of Organizational Routines

- Carlo Salvato
- The contribution of leadership to the effective integration of care , pp 132-148

- Robin Miller, Axel Kaehne and Jon Glasby
- The contribution of Modern Monetary Theory to heterodox economics , pp 48-70

- Philip Armstrong
- The contribution of multinational enterprises to the United Nations SDGs: a review of corporate governance and sustainability research , pp 164-188

- Mine Doyran
- The contribution of the UN Security Council to environmental peacebuilding , pp 183-199

- Dani'lla Dam- de Jong
- The contribution of universities to business innovation , pp 62-70

- Federica Rossi
- The Contributions of Economics to a Science of Science Policy

- Cristiano Antonelli, Chiara Franzoni and Aldo Geuna
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