From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Oskar Morgenstern and the Origin of the Game-Theoretic Approach to Institutional Economics , pp 169-196

- Nicola Giocoli
- Oskar Ryszard Lange (1904–1965)

- Michaël Assous
- Other approaches to a hazardous endeavour , pp 101-118

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- Other effects: agriculture, materials and visibility , pp 163-187

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- Other existing challenges , pp 27-33

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- Other kinds of writing , pp 208-220

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- Other participants in judicial proceedings (amicus curiae and other forms of participation) , pp 448-472

- Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida
- Other problems with urbanization , pp 80-87

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- Other voices , pp 96-114

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- Ottawa: the fragmented city , pp 73-99

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- Otto Bauer 1904–14 , pp 40-58

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- Otto Bauer 1917–38 , pp 79-95

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- Otto von Gierke (1841–1921)

- Jürgen G. Backhaus
- Out of an Institutional Quagmire? International Business to the Rescue

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- Out of sync: innovation policy and theory in unequal societies , pp 87-118

- Britta Rennkamp
- Out of the Euro trap , pp 82-95

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- Out-of-the-box conference: an epilogue

- Bert Waisanen
- Out-of-the-Box Thoughts about the International Financial Architecture

- Barry Eichengreen
- Outcome uncertainty fluctuation and match demand: a plea for a competitive intensity metrics , pp 44-56

- Wladimir Andreff and Nicolas Scelles
- Outcome uncertainty, home-win preference, and econometric identification of the game uncertainty–attendance relationship , pp 162-172

- Dennis Coates and Brad Humphreys
- Outcomes , pp 276-290

- Enola K. Proctor
- Outcomes and medical tourism , pp 461-472

- Neil Lunt and Daniel Horsfall
- Outline for the French Constitution (1793) , pp 228-234

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- Outline of the state of the innovation theory , pp 48-96

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- Outlines of an innovation economy , pp 451-466

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- Outlining commitment and resistance to dominant accounting paradigms , pp 172-184

- Wayne van Zijl and Warren Maroun
- Outlook , pp 291-304

- David Mayes and Martti Randveer
- Outlook, Progress and Challenges of Stadium Evaluation

- Gabriel Ahlfeldt and Georgios Kavetsos
- Outlook: Connecting Positive Constitutional Economics with the Theory of Economic Policy , pp 209-218

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- Outlook: Future Research Questions and Policy Issues

- André Martinuzzi, Uwe Schubert and Eckhard Störmer
- Output, tariffs, the optimum tariff and flexible exchange rates: a critical exegesis and extension of the Mundellian analysis , pp 8-32

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- Output-based allocation and output-based rebates: a survey , pp 94-107

- Philippe Quirion
- Outsourcing and Offshoring of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Implication for Innovation

- Silvia Massini and Marcela Miozzo
- Outsourcing and Skill Upgrading in Japanese Manufacturing: Destination Effects Evidenced from the International Input-Output Tables , pp 97-130

- Iwao Tanaka and Eiichi Nakazawa
- Outsourcing of Tasks and Outsourcing of Assets: Evidence from Automotive Supplier Parks in Brazil

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- Outsourcing: a Story of Metamorphosis , pp 105-124

- Sownodip Sarkar
- Outward FDI and the Economic Performance of Emerging Markets

- Steven Globerman and Daniel M. Shapiro
- Outward FDI from Developing Countries MNEs as a Channel for Technological Catch-up

- Alessia Amighini, Roberta Rabellotti and Marco Sanfilippo
- Outward FDI from New European Union Member States

- Marjan Svetlicic and Andreja Jaklič
- Outward Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Markets: Annotated Bibliography

- Zenaida Hernández
- Over-embeddedness and Under-exploration Issues in Cohesive Networks: An Application to Territorial Clusters

- Francesc Xavier Molina-Morales and María Teresa Martínez-Fernández
- Overall discussion and implementation , pp 172-178

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- Overall estimates and assumptions , pp 103-110

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- Overall Food Supply and Self - sufficiency: Some Observations , pp 57-73

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- Overall public sector efficiency , pp 103-128

- Antonis Adam and Sofia Tsarsitalidou
- Overall Summary, Future Research and Policy Considerations , pp 324-330

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- Overcapitalization , pp i-ii

- Jan Toporowski
- Overcoming 'administrative man'? Redoing gender in Australian public services , pp 94-107

- Sue Williamson and Linda Colley
- Overcoming asymmetric information: A data-driven approach , pp 135-153

- Giuseppe Pernagallo
- Overcoming barriers to greater scientific understanding of critical infrastructure resilience , pp 66-88

- David L. Alderson
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