From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Fair remuneration for copyright holders and the Shapley value , pp 118-128

- Richard Watt
- Fair Strategies for Siting Hazardous Waste Facilities , pp 36-62

- Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer
- Fair trade , pp 144-152

- Leonardo Becchetti
- Fair trade consumers and knowledge about fair trade , pp 287-310

- Elizabeth A. Bennett
- Fair Trade, Gender and the Environment In Africa

- Laura T. Raynolds and Jennifer A. Keahey
- Fair trade: market-based ethical encounters and the messy entanglements of living well , pp 246-253

- Lindsay Naylor
- Fairness

- Tom De Herdt and Ben D’Exelle
- Fairness and justice in the governance of projects , pp 343-353

- Christine Unterhitzenberger and Kate Lawrence
- Fairness failure , pp 94-109

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- Fairness in the workplace: organizational justice and the employment relationship , pp 295-310

- Melinda Laundon, Paula McDonald and Abby Cathcart
- Fairness institutions for frugal innovation , pp 154-162

- Haye Hazenberg and Saradindu Bhaduri
- Faith-based health justice: what are the options? , pp 264-278

- Ville Päivänsalo
- Faith-based Macroeconomics: A Critique of Recent Developments in NAIRU Estimation

- Dany Lang and Mark Setterfield
- Faith-based organizations and the provision of care for older people , pp 445-462

- Lori Carter-Edwards, James H. Johnson, Allan M. Parnell and Harold G. Koenig
- Fallibilism

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- Falling behind and in between the United States and China: can the European Union drive its digital transformation away from industrial path dependency? , pp 332-381

- Patricia Nouveau
- Falling Rate of Profit

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- Falling through the cracks? Skilling, reskilling and upskilling for job transitions , pp 205-234

- Hae Kyeung Chun
- Falsificationism

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- Fame and its Exploitation: The Legal Protection of Celebrity in the United Kingdom

- Jennifer Davis
- Families and food in hard times (FFP) , pp 126-136

- Rebecca O'Connell and Julia Brannen
- Families, older persons and care in contexts of poverty: the case of South Africa , pp 256-270

- Jaco Hoffman
- Family

- Margaret Brinig
- Family allowances, technical change, inequality and social policy , pp 90-105

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- Family and gender: questions for the New Institutional Economics , pp 189-195

- Raquel Fernández
- Family background and children's education , pp 205-211

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- Family business succession: fertile environments for conflict? A bibliometric and content analysis , pp 264-279

- Aleksander Surdej, Matteo Renghini and Noemi Giampaoli
- Family business, owner-managers, ethnicity and conflict in Malaysia , pp 280-290

- Sujana Adapa and Subba Reddy Yarram
- Family influences on intergenerational inequality: Family dynamics and birth order , pp 235-248

- Juho Härkönen and Marco Santacroce
- Family law, uncertainty, and the coordination of human capital , pp 398-420

- Steven Horwitz
- Family loans and family firms , pp 152-179

- Charilaos Mertzanis
- Family Matters: Gender, Networks, and Entrepreneurial Outcomes , pp 413-436

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- Family members and nursing home care: lessons from Ontario and Sweden during Covid-19 , pp 99-116

- Ruth Lowndes, Jacqueline Choiniere and Petra Ulmanen
- Family migration in the US , pp 487-503

- Nina Banks
- Family policy in Europe in the era of austerity and populism , pp 294-311

- Mikael Nygård and Mikko Kuisma
- Family policy research in Europe , pp 34-49

- Wim Van Lancker and Hannah Zagel
- Family size for a living wage , pp 231-244

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- Family structure and child support: what matters for youth delinquency rates?

- William S. Comanor and Llad Phillips
- Family Takaful (Islamic life insurance) , pp 233-255

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- Family, Class and Gender ‘Strategies’ in Mothers’ Employment and Childcare

- Rosemary Crompton and Clare Lyonette
- Family, vanity and consumption puzzles , pp 226-232

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- Family-based Firms: Evidence from the Portuguese Furniture and Events Organisation Industries

- Vitor Braga and Bernadette Andreosso-O’Callaghan
- Famine - failed food security , pp 14-25

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- Famine as a Social Phenomenon

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- Fan response to the analytics revolution in hockey: possession metrics and NHL attendance , pp 108-125

- Rodney Paul
- Fandom and well-being , pp 143-157

- Yuhei Inoue
- Fantasizing authoritarian capitalism: a brief history , pp 14-28

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- Fantasizing authoritarian capitalism: a brief history , pp 13-26

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- Far away ties, never so close: the geographical spread of social support resources for mobile individuals , pp 427-447

- Romina Cachia and Isidro Maya-Jariego
- Faraid as Islamic inheritance laws: socio-economic impact on investments , pp 281-310

- Adelina Zuleikha and Shamsher Mohamad
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