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- Clearing and settlement , pp 510-535

- Nadia Linciano
- Clearing the Regulatory Clutter , pp 215-230

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- Clearing up the picture: overcoming common misperceptions , pp 81-101

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- Cleomenes III's Politico-Economic Reforms in Sparta (235-222 BC) and Cercidas' Economic Thought

- Christos P. Baloglou
- Clientelism, corruption, and gender , pp 102-115

- Mariela Daby and Mason W. Moseley
- Climate adaptation in the Indu-Gangetic Basin , pp 143-161

- Upali A. Amarasinghe, Alok Sikka and Lagudu Surinaidu
- Climate adjusted productivity on Australian cropping farms , pp 173-194

- Neal Hughes and Kenton Lawson
- Climate alarmists, climate skeptics and the politics and economics of global warming , pp 28-46

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- Climate and cultivation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river delta , pp 73-97

- Jeffrey Chow, Alder Keleman-Saxena, Alark Saxena and Emma Jia Bi
- Climate change , pp 119-136

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- Climate change - the changing geography of food security , pp 151-158

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- Climate change adaptation and transport: a review , pp 29-48

- Piet Rietveld
- Climate change adaptation: a risk-management approach , pp 463-475

- Gary Yohe
- Climate change and Africa , pp 494-512

- Camilla Toulmin, Florence Crick and Binyam Gebreyes
- Climate Change and Agriculture: Effects on Developing Countries , pp 239-296

- Paul Winters, Rinku Murgai, Alain de Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet and George Frisvold
- Climate change and British Columbia’s staple seafood supply and prices , pp 162-178

- U. Rashid Sumaila and Vicky W.Y. Lam
- Climate change and Chinese green bonds , pp 290-303

- Jeanne Le Galcher Baron, Enrico Dalla Riva and Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira
- Climate change and crop yield distribution in Taiwan , pp 187-204

- Ching-Cheng Chang and Chi-Chung Chen
- Climate change and energy law , pp 162-195

- Jiang Xiaoyi
- Climate change and energy transitions , pp 84-102

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- Climate Change and Freshwater Resources of Bangladesh

- Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad
- Climate change and gender in Colombia: Exploring female led struggle in the flower industry , pp 188-212

- Helena Alviar Garc'a and Mar'a Carolina Olarte-Olarte
- Climate change and gender-based violence: international legal obligations and proactive strategies for protection , pp 141-159

- Brendan Gogarty, Alexandra Robinson and Meghna Ranganathan
- Climate change and historical changes in rice yield in Thailand , pp 118-142

- Thanyaporn Chankrajang and Khemarat Talerngsri-Teerasuwannajak
- Climate Change and Human Security Issues in the Asia–Pacific Region

- Malcolm McIntosh and Tapan Sarker
- Climate change and its effect on welfare states , pp 84-97

- Ian Greener
- Climate Change and its Impact on the Insurance Industry , pp 74-90

- Thomas Loster and Martin Payer
- Climate change and mental health , pp 283-294

- Marie-Emmanuelle Mars-Kallee, Koobhiraj Kallee, Manta Devi Nowbuth, Sambala Devi Chemen, Masengo Ilunga and Lusiwe Maduna
- Climate change and refugees: a challenge to legal frameworks , pp 320-336

- Simon Behrman and Avidan Kent
- Climate change and risk to real estate , pp 139-164

- Georgia Warren-Myers and Anna Hurlimann
- Climate change and settlement level impacts , pp Gu_rún-Pétursd—ttir

- Deanne Bird, Robert McLeman, Guðrún Gísladóttir, Ilan Kelman, Marius Warg Næss and Guðrún Jóhannesdóttir
- Climate change and the energy transition: what role for Article 101(3) TFEU? , pp 159-181

- Julian Nowag and Wolf Sauter
- Climate change and the future of regions , pp 137-148

- Carlos Azzoni and Eduardo Amaral Haddad
- Climate change and the future of the liberalised electricity markets , pp 198-212

- Guido Cervigni
- Climate Change and the Precautionary Principle

- Jeroen van der Sluijs and Wim Turkenburg
- Climate Change and US Policy

- Vicki Arroyo
- Climate change and vulnerability to poverty: an empirical investigation in rural Indonesia , pp 118-146

- Tomoki Fujii
- Climate change challenges and policies for the MENA countries , pp 141-178

- Ali H. Bayar and Hoda Youssef
- Climate change claim on behalf of New Zealands indigenous Mori peoples , pp 179-185

- Michael Sharp, Nicole Smith and Tania Te Whenua
- Climate change denial in Europe , pp 250-267

- Christiane Lübke
- Climate Change from the Investor's Perspective , pp 295-324

- Adam Seitchik
- Climate change governance, environment, and inequality in Latin America , pp 450-463

- Ruth E. McKie
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Bangladesh

- M.H. Rahman, M.A. Noor and A. Ahmed
- Climate change knowledge, meta-knowledge and beliefs , pp 116-132

- Helen Fischer and Karlijn van den Broek
- Climate change legislation and policy in China, the European Union and the United States , pp 37-58

- Isabella Neuweg and Alina Averchenkova
- Climate change legislation in the least developing countries , pp 59-82

- Michal Nachmany, Achala Abeysinghe and Subhi Barakat
- Climate Change Meets Trade in Promoting Green Growth: Potential Conflicts and Synergies

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- Climate Change Mitigation in the Alps by Means of Renewable Energy Use: The Austrian Province of Carinthia as an Illustration , pp 187-219

- Reinhard Madlener, Anna Kleissner and Norbert Wohlgemuth
- Climate Change Policies and New Technologies

- Pablo Del Río
- Climate Change Policies for Agriculture and WTO Agreements

- David Blandford
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