From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Complications in the model of a perfectly competitive firm and industry , pp 70-89

- Donald A. Walker
- Complicity , pp 188-203

- Anthony Ewing
- Complying with environmental regulations: experimental evidence , pp 69-92

- Timothy Cason, Lana Friesen and Lata Gangadharan
- Component and Temporal Value Reliability in Cultural Goods: The Case of Roman Imperial Remains Near Naples

- Patrizia Riganti and Kenneth G. Willis
- Components, functions and related disciplines , pp 31-45

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- Compounding Agricultural Poverty: How the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy is Strangling European Recovery

- Brian Ó Caithnia
- Compounding and Discounting Under Risk: Net Present Values and Real Option Values

- Greg Hertzler
- Comprehensive Description of the Innovation Paradigm and the Role of the Development Trajectory

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- Comprehensive red flag model for accounting fraud detection using qualitative and quantitative variables , pp 87-104

- Pilar Lloret-Millán, Núria Arimany-Serrat and Oriol Amat
- Comprehensive wealth accounting and sustainable development , pp 25-40

- Kirk Hamilton and Esther Naikal
- Compressed development , pp 452-465

- Timothy J. Sturgeon and D. Hugh Whittaker
- Compulsory Access as an Antitrust Remedy: When, Why and How is it Applied in EU and US Law?

- Donald I. Baker and Tony Woodgate
- Compulsory Licensing in the Real World: The Case of ARV Drugs in Brazil

- Cristina de Albuquerque Possas
- Compulsory Licensing of Patented Pharmaceutical Inventions: Evaluating the Options

- Jerome H. Reichman
- Compulsory licensing under the multilateral trading system , pp 80-100

- Kamal Saggi
- Computability , pp 21-26

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- Computable General Equilibrium Models for Environmental Economics and Policy Analysis

- K. Conrad
- Computable General Equilibrium Models for the Analysis of Energy and Climate Policies

- Ian Sue Wing
- Computable general equilibrium models in environmental and resource economics , pp 66-114

- Klaus Conrad
- Computation of the internal costs of transport in the model

- John Peirson and Roger Vickerman
- Computational and Dynamic Complexity in Economics

- J. Barkley Rosser
- Computational annotation and database developments for European works Councils and law , pp 141-160

- Rūta Liepiņa, Marcus Meyer-Erdmann, Pedro Hernández Serrano and Walter Simoncini
- Computational dynamic modelling of the global state space , pp 396-424

- Paul R. Williamson
- Computational Economics

- Paola Tubaro
- Computational social choice , pp 67-80

- Robi Ragan
- Computational structure for linking life cycle assessment and input–output modeling: a case study on urban recycling and remanufacturing , pp 355-370

- Joyce Cooper, Randall Jackson and Nancey Green Leigh
- Computer-aided text analysis in family business research: guidelines and considerations , pp 144-158

- Danuse Bement and Jeremy C. Short
- Computing Dual Time-scale Dynamic User Equilibria

- Terry L. Friesz, Tae Il Kim, Changhyun Kwon and Matthew A. Rigdon
- Computing in Economics

- K. Vela Velupillai and Stefano Zambelli
- Comrades in adversity: the role of action learning in healthcare leadership development , pp 169-187

- Helen Baxter and Simon Moralee
- Concept experiences and their diffusion: the example of the New Nordic Cuisine , pp 424-446

- Jon Sundbo, Donna Sundbo and Jan K. Jacobsen
- Concept of entrepreneurship education in the argumentation of the heads of local education , pp 135-156

- Leena Rättyä
- Concept, function and design of property rights , pp 486-506

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- Conceptions of materiality in sustainability reporting frameworks: commonalities, differences and possibilities , pp 44-66

- Stuart Cooper and Giovanna Michelon
- Conceptions of Probability

- Charles McCann
- Concepts and categories: how they influence where we look and what we see , pp 42-58

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- Concepts and Challenges in Measuring the Performance of Health Care Organizations

- Peter C. Smith and Andrew Street
- Concepts and Challenges in Measuring the Performance of Health Care Organizations

- Peter C. Smith and Andrew Street
- Concepts and measurement of vulnerability to poverty and other issues: a review of literature , pp 53-83

- Tomoki Fujii
- Concepts and measurements of economic inequality , pp 68-87

- Udaya Wagle
- Concepts and models of innovation , pp 33-55

- Patrick Cohendet and Laurent Simon
- Concepts of economic competition and performance in context , pp 20-47

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- Concepts of Economic Efficiency: Measurement and Limitations , pp 235-250

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- Concepts of Extended Preference , pp 46-62

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- Concepts of Rationality as Foundations of Economic Theory , pp 21-34

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- Concepts: radical humanism, post-growth, neosocialism? , pp 17-26

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- Conceptual analysis, fieldwork and the methodology of model building , pp 353-400

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- Conceptual and Empirical Challenges in the Study of Firm Growth

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- Conceptual and political foundations for examining the interaction between nature and economy , pp 34-55

- Malte Faber and Marc Frick
- Conceptual and Theoretical Reflections on Venture Capital Research

- Harry J. Sapienza and Jaume Villanueva
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