From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The role of technology in achieving the future we want , pp 45-60

- Stewart Wallis, Lindsay Barbieri, Alice Damiano and Matthew Burke
- The role of the Asian Development Bank in fostering regional integration through cross-border transport connectivity , pp 101-115

- Jayant Menon
- The Role of the Balance of Payments in Economic Growth

- John McCombie and Mark Roberts
- The role of the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision in the regulation of international banking , pp 184-201

- Andrew Cornford
- The Role of the Benelux in the European Integration Process: Implications for East Asia

- Amy Verdun
- The role of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) in Brazilian development policy , pp 101-115

- Adriana Nunes Ferreira and Everton Sotto Tibiriçá Rosa
- The role of the BRICS in international law in a multipolar world , pp 288-307

- Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah
- The role of the central bank in dual banking Malaysia , pp 129-138

- Shamsher Mohamad and Veelaiporn Promwichit
- The Role of the Central Bank in Financial Supervision: The Case of Italy

- Alessio De Vincenzo and Paolo Marullo Reedtz
- The Role of the Entrepreneur in Economic Growth

- Daniel Spulber
- The role of the EU in making 'sustainable' labour linkages in contemporary trade: is being 'assertive' also 'good'? , pp 124-140

- Tonia Novitz
- The role of the European Union in fostering convergence , pp 8-26

- Benoît Cœuré
- The role of the Eurosystem in prudential supervision

- Wim Duisenberg
- The role of the farmer and their cooperative in supply chain governance: a Latin American small producer perspective , pp 172-184

- Stephen Pitts
- The role of the farmer and their cooperative in supply chain governance: a US perspective , pp 185-192

- Michael Boland and William Secor
- The role of the farmer and their cooperative in supply chain governance: an Irish perspective , pp 193-207

- Bridget Carroll, Olive McCarthy, Noreen Byrne, Michael Boland and Michael Ward
- The Role of the Government in a Knowledge-based Economy , pp 45-81

- P.K. Chiang
- The role of the government in work–family conflict in the US , pp 307-322

- Heather Boushey
- The role of the history of economic thought in modern macroeconomics

- David Laidler
- The Role of the History of Economic Thought in Modern Macroeconomics , pp 410-428

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- The Role of the History of Economic Thought in the Development of Economic Theory and Policy

- Steven Kates
- The Role of the Internet in Explaining Innovation Performance , pp 190-205

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- The Role of the Japanese Company in Compensating Income Loss after Retirement , pp 195-219

- Yoko Kimura
- The role of the legal adviser in an inclusive, networked multilateralism , pp 32-50

- Miguel de Serpa Soares
- The role of the legal adviser in the OSCE , pp 372-390

- Lisa Tabassi and Stephen Walsh
- The role of the legal adviser in the United Nations: A testimony , pp 51-77

- Hans Corell
- The role of the legal adviser in UNESCO , pp 118-144

- Maria Vicien Milburn and Chantal Claxton-Proust
- The role of the marketing year and its implications for business strategy and finance , pp 230-235

- Michael Boland
- The Role of the MNE Headquarters in Subsidiary Innovation: An Institutional Perspective

- Kieran M. Conroy and David G. Collings
- The role of the Permanent Bureau in the operation of the HCCH 1980 Child Abduction Convention , pp 79-95

- Gérardine Goh Escolar
- The role of the private sector in cultural heritage , pp i-i

- Bruce A. Seaman
- The Role of the Public Interest in Corporate Law

- Ian B. Lee
- The role of the public interest in shaping corporate reporting: challenges for accounting research , pp 233-250

- Begoña Giner and Araceli Mora
- The role of the public sector , pp 1-12

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- The Role of the Public Sector in the Thought of Hyman Minsky

- Giuseppe Mastromatteo
- The Role of the Stability Pact in Financial Sector Reform in South-East Europe , pp 47-78

- Fabrizio Saccomanni
- The role of the state , pp 80-99

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- The Role of the State and Markets in Development

- Louis Putterman
- The Role of the State in Managing and Forestalling Systemic Financial Crises: Some Issues and Perspectives

- Charles Adams
- The role of the state in promoting gender equality in public transport employment: evidence from the Global South , pp 50-63

- Tessa Wright
- The role of the transport infrastructure in the First Logistical Revolution , pp 174-187

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- The Role of the University in the Genesis and Evolution of Research-based Clusters

- Donald Patton and Martin Kenney
- The role of the World Intellectual Property Organization in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Agenda , pp 481-498

- Faith O. Majekolagbe
- The Role of the World Trade Organization in Nanotechnology Regulation

- Geert van Calster
- The role of the yen in East Asia

- Takatoshi Ito
- The role of time in international business: an historical perspective , pp 298-329

- with Teresa da Silva Lopes
- The role of trait emotional intelligence in healthcare leadership , pp 188-203

- Stephanie Russ, Matheus França Perazzo and Konstantinos V. Petrides
- The role of transnational city networks in the creation and enforcement of international law , pp 132-150

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- The role of transnational corporations in the globalisation process , pp 155-164

- Grazia Ietto-Gillies
- The Role of Transnational Corporations in the Globalisation Process

- Grazia Ietto-Gillies
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