From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Cities lead , pp 183-198

- Erika Sauer
- Cities Mediating Technological Transitions: The Adaptability of Infrastructure and Infrastructures of Adaptability?

- M. Hodson and S. Marvin
- Cities under pressure: urban democracy and everyday life , pp 185-203

- Sabine Knierbein
- Cities, complexity and beyond , pp 13-27

- Juval Portugali
- Cities, health, and equity , pp 274-297

- Ashley Jowell, Erika Veidis, Ola Alani and Michele Barry
- Cities, networks, polycentrism: examining the place of polycentrism in spaces of flows , pp 493-510

- Kathy Pain and Shuai Shi
- Cities: Continuity, Transformation and Emergence

- Michael Batty, Joana Barros and Sinésio Alves Júnior
- Citius, Altius, Fortius: The Production of World Records in the Running and Technical Disciplines in Track and Field

- Bernd Frick, Joachim Prinz and Frank Tolsdorf
- Citizen aid , pp 275-287

- Allison Schnable
- Citizen engagement: reflections on the operationalization of a World Bank corporate commitment , pp 345-358

- Janelle Plummer
- Citizen opinion , pp 101-134

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- Citizen participation , pp 350-364

- İmge Akçakaya Waite
- Citizen participation in public management: activated, empowered, responsibilised, abandoned? , pp 99-111

- Catherine Durose, Beth Perry and Liz Richardson
- Citizen-Driven Collection of Waste Paper (1945–2010): A Government-Sustained Inverse Infrastructure

- Frida de Jong and Karel Mulder
- Citizens attitudes toward the EU budget: an overview , pp 60-72

- Karsten Mause
- Citizens Basic Income as social policy , pp 144-171

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- Citizenship After the Death of the Public Sphere

- Stefan Skrimshire
- Citizenship and Democracy in International Organizations

- Bruno Frey and Alois Stutzer
- Citizenship as enterprise: the transformation of Amsterdam community centres into community enterprises , pp 270-294

- Emiel Rijshouwer and Justus Uitermark
- Citizenship in modular tax systems , pp 105-126

- Ira K. Lindsay
- Citizenship, Globalisation and the Politics of the War on Terror

- Maurice Mullard
- Citizenship, migration and multiculturalism after 9/11: Towards new policies for naturalization , pp 203-215

- Dora Kostakopoulou
- Citizenship, Rights and Tony Blair’s Doctrine of International Community

- Colin Tyler
- City Distribution, a Key Element of the Urban Economy: Guidelines for Practitioners

- Laetitia Dablanc
- City Formation and Transport Costs

- Takatoshi Tabuchi
- City infrastructure provision and geographical inequalities in the UK’s centralised state , pp 103-163

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- City Logistics in Italy: Success Factors and Environmental Performance

- Carlo Vaghi and Marco Percoco
- City makers, federal interventions and territorial organization: the case of Mexico , pp 3-31

- Vincente Ugalde and Stéphanie Ronda
- City of Seattle Office of Planning and Community Developments Understanding of and Approach to Displacement , pp 211-230

- City of Seattle OPCD Staff - Brennon Staley, Nicolas Welch, David Goldberg, Patrice Thomas, Katie Sheehy, Dakota Murray, Rico Quirindongo and Lauren Flemister
- City systems and complexity , pp 48-63

- Michael Batty
- Civic and temple origins of Greek coinage , pp 22-34

- Michael Hudson
- Civil procedure reconsidered , pp 296-324

- Jeffrey S. Parker
- Civil protection orders when crossing jurisdictional lines: Gaps in the law and a call for reform to better protect victims of domestic abuse , pp 150-168

- Ana Speed and Lauren Clayton-Helm
- Civil service reform equals retrenchment? The experience of ‘right-sizing’ and retrenchment in Ghana, Uganda and the UK , pp 172-187

- Willy McCourt
- Civil Service Reform in Shenzhen: Expectations and Problems , pp 76-106

- Anthony B.L. Cheung
- Civil service reforms: limping into the twenty-first century , pp 155-171

- Moses N. Kiggundu
- Civil Society and Distributional Conflicts in Southeast Asia

- Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt
- Civil society and its role indevelopment

- Ron Clarke
- Civil society and social provision: the role of civic organizations , pp 228-245

- Mark Robinson and Gordon White
- Civil Society Participation in Trade Policy-making in Latin America: The Case of the Environmental Movement

- Peter Newell
- Civil society: multifunctional centers as facilitators of the use of social capital , pp 56-80

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- Civil society: the use of social capital in two local communities , pp 23-55

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- Civil War and Reconstruction , pp 84-117

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- Civilizing processes and the social question reprised , pp 107-124

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- Civilizing the corporation , pp 162-188

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- Claim the sky! , pp 279-284

- Robert Costanza
- Claims: An Overview of the US Tort of ‘Bad Faith’ – A Common Law Approach to Regulating Insurer Claims Handling and Settlements

- Suzanne Midlige, Robert Re and William Hoffman
- Clarification and application of necessity impeding liabilities: from the perspective of murder committed by female victims of domestic violence , pp 197-226

- Kui Jia
- Clark, John Maurice

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- Class

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